Friday, November 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian at LAX. He kind of threw her under the bus the other night but I guess she doesn't care.
Emily Mortimer with a mini-Jolie leg thrust.
Padma Lakshmi goes for the staid look.
Long time no see in the photos for Tom Selleck.
Evan Rachel Wood with another solo red carpet appearance.
Anne Hathaway at Rashida Jones' jewelry line launch.
Hunger Games - Rome
January Jones and her weekly hair washing.
I'm sure Jada Pinkett Smith has a great reason for her new hair style but I don't care enough to even look it up.


  1. I love Tom Selleck.

    I hate Jada Pinkett Smith.

  2. How did Eddie throw LeAnn under the bus?
    Jada is probably trying out for the Predator remake.

  3. How did Eddie throw LeAnn under the bus?

  4. I think Selleck is a terrible actor! He always sighs at the end of his lines, it's amusing when I glimpse him while the SO watches his show.

  5. Hey "Enty," you think maybe Jamie Bell might be... oh, I don't know... STAYING HOME WITH THE BABY?

    I don't know if you're keen to the revolution occurring for the last 40 some-odd years of women being independent and leaving the house without their husbands and the husbands being active fathers and staying home with the kids? Radical thought process, I know. Yeesh.

    1. Anonymous11:47 PM

      High five Discoflux!

  6. Speaking of Tom, I think he might be the actor in the early stages of Alzheimer's. He was on First Take earlier in the week and it was pretty clear the team was having trouble getting him to provide commentary. Sad.

  7. Wow, January Jones has such great bone structure

    1. @TTM

      "That's what SHE said!"

      Ba-dum, chi! Thankyouverymuch.

  8. I think Eddie Cibrian's looks are slipping. What's up with the dirty shoes?

  9. V -he's still doing well on Blue Bloods, in lots of scenes. I hope it's not him.

  10. There are some other photos of AnnE that make me think she's pregnant.

  11. JLaw looks like she's telling Josh it's OK, he can get it with Liam!

  12. I also love Tom Selleck.

  13. V --- that makes me very sad. Hope it's not true. A good friend of mine had Tom Selleck hold a door open for her years ago. When she looked up to thank the strange man, he winked at her & she saw it was Tom Fricken Selleck! She still swoons when she tells the story.

  14. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Watch EC's interview on Jimmy Kimmel to see how he threw LeAnn under the bus. You can probably find it on You Tube.

  15. all these asshole celebrities need to fukn stop w/ the Skrillex hair.

  16. I still remember seeing Tom for the first time. He got into Elaine Nardo's cab on Taxi, she looked into the rear view mirror, and she and I had the same reaction...the most handsome man we had ever seen!

  17. kelli_girl and msgirl, I hope it is not the case, but he seemed so off and was struggling. I hope it was just crowd noise, but I definitely thought of the blind when watching him.

  18. Why oh why do celebrities think we need yet ANOTHER jewelry line? Or perfume?

  19. AnnE H.: "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!! Legitimately nice and generous person Rashida Jones is in a photo with MEEEE. I MUST BE NICE, SEE? Why else would she hang with me? LOVE ME."

  20. Evan Rachel Wood looks even prettier since becoming a mother.

    Anne definitely looks pregnant.

    Tom Selleck is awesome.

  21. Jada went out to do a short tour of dates with her metal band, hence the new hairdo/shave.

  22. Rashida Jones is the nicest person in show business. She has dethroned Tom Hanks. The king is dead. Long live the queen.
