Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Every day I hope this is the day I run into Charlize Theron and rub bacon grease all over each other.
Anna Trebunskaya won't say who her baby daddy is which means he is probably married or was. She seems happy though.
Long time no see in the photos for Elisabetta Canalis.
Has anyone started any Alyson Hannigan pregnancy rumors?
Heidi Klum and 99 Luft Balloons.
Hilary Swank in a rare pap shot.
Good news. Hey you, the designer who made this shirt. You sold one and you sold it to Jack Black. Don't worry. Some drunk guy surfing Amazon late at night will probably buy one too.
Jennifer Garner and her annual Washington DC visit to play with kids in schools.
Congratulations to Jennifer Hudson who won a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame in record time.


  1. I like Jennifer Hudson. She seems like a positive person with dignity.

  2. I like J Hudson too, but she needs some hair. I am not liking this look on her.

  3. Regarding Charlize-get in line!

    Wtf is Anna Treble and why would anyone even care who her baby daddy is?

    Elisebetta looks like she's about to be beamed up by aliens.

  4. Who is Anna Trebunskaya?

  5. No offense to Jennifer, but getting on the walk of fame is no big whoop, seems like the only person who can't is the skank from the Krap family.

  6. Technically, Enty, that's Heidi Klum holding 3 (maybe 4) luft and quite a few other coloured balloons. Yay for pedancy!

    I like Jennifer Hudson as well.

    1. If you want to show of you your pedancy, do you homework. Luft does not mean red. Luft = Air, Luftballon = (air)balloon.

    2. Show off - English is not my first language ;)

    3. Well la di dah! So far my Pop Up Video degree is doing me NO good whatsoever!

  7. Even Jhud has the "Miley". I am sooo NOT cutting my hair that short in order to follow the trend.

  8. jhud wack ass husband was there too

  9. So, I'm not the only one giving Alyson the side-eye. Hope so, she and Alexis make adorable kids.

  10. Anna is a Pro dance on DWTS.

  11. Theron absolutely does not do it for me. Don't get the appeal at all. Plus she's a pap caller.

    Jack Black has always been husky but here he is looking plain ol' fat.

    Garner in the pics. This might be her 1st time!

    The Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars aren't won, they're bought. The puchase has to be approved by the folks that oversee the Walk of Fame. They have stated that the KTurds won't be approved. We'll see.

  12. isnt she married to the dancer in the show?

  13. Garner is of no interest to me, but anyone who can kneel on the floor in stockings and sky high heels gets madrespect from me. I think she really likes kids best. That is the way my mom has always been. After age 12, you juust don't exist. We shall see how this chick handles her brood as they exceed the sell by date for baby obsessed mommas...

  14. I like J-Hud but who decides who gets stars? She has not been around that long. Doesn't JLo have one also? She doesn't deserve.

    Who is the pregnant lady? Never heard of her.

  15. Add "one" to the JLo comment.

  16. One buys their star on the Hollywood Walk. It isn't an honor, dumbass

  17. Hudson has one a Grammy an Oscar and a Golden Globe among many many other awards. She has also been nominated for an Emmy.

  18. Isn't Anna married to one of the pros? The one with the toupee.

  19. Anna is divorced from him I think since last year.

  20. Yeah I'm curious to know who the baby daddy is too. Who was her last dance partner? Yes they are divorced.

  21. That reminds me, I loved this Reddit anecdote about Jennifer (and Ben):

    "My mom once encountered Ben Affleck in an airport, and he acted like an entitled jackass while Jennifer Garner made faces about him behind his back to excuse his behavior."

  22. I love jen hudson too but not liking this no hair look for her and I think she did something to her face.

  23. Does anyone else notice that Jack Black's belly makes that shirt look 3D - like the dog actually has a nose?

    Just me? ok then. ;P


  25. Count, you dirty, dirty boy ;)

    i bet you like how dark the nipples get.

    Also, if you have ever been in a relationship with a pregnant woman, the hormones ramp you up to want to have sex so often for most of the pregnancy. That was the case for me...i wanted sex with my man every day if possible.

  26. I loved the Horny Trimester. My ex had all sorts of wild sex dreams and even sketched a few for me.

  27. As much as i love sex now and throughout my life, there was def an increased urge of getting up on you when i was preg.

    I NEEDED it. He couldn't keep up, but I applied daily pressure and received what i needed. Wish this was part of sex-ed so guys understand.

  28. I think JHud looks fantastic with the short hair cut as she has the face and bones for it, and unless Miley Cyrus is the first woman in the history of the world to wear a short cut, or make it famous or popular, I think there are many other women ala Halle Berry, Toni Braxton, hell even Charlize Theron for JHud to take inspiration from. Sorry, but Miley doesn't get to have a haircut!
