Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Bella Thorne and her sisters still haven't figured out a way out of their Halloween costumes.
Cher shows off her love for seaweed masks.
Ciara was the biggest name the People's Choice Awards could get to read their nominations. I hope Ciara got paid a lot.
Gwen Stefani shows off her baby bump.
Jennifer Aniston and photos from We're The Millers going viral so
she cut her hair so she could look like
the guy from Goo Goo Dolls.
Jennifer Garner is in Tokyo looking fabulous while
Katy Perry is in Tokyo looking like Katy Perry.


  1. Gwen looks so soft and pretty lately!
    Sweet Katy. :P

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      +100 : gwen = beautiful (different looking altogether)

  2. Why would you leave the house wearing a facial mask?

    I hate to repeat myself (I don't), but wearing a shirt while pregnant does not constitute showing off a baby bump. NOT wearing a shirt while pregnant, that's showing off a baby bump.

    Aniston. I.... no words.

  3. Gwen looks BEAUTIFUL.

    You know, people bitched about Aniston having the same "boring" hair forever- now she cut it, and you still rag? STFU.

  4. I love this more natural look on Gwen, nothing against red lipstick but I am glad she has decided to move on. For now. That Bella girl annoys the hell out of me though and the only place I see her is on this site.

    Isn't Jen Garner rumored to be preggers again?

    1. The way her nose is spreading there doesn't seem to be much doubt!

  5. Isn't Johnny the musician turning into a woman?

  6. Gwen is looking so lovely these days!

    Jennifer Aniston: lady looks like a dude! (fwiw: I liked her 'boring' hairdo. Not the Rachel.)

  7. It's not my intent to rag on Jen or her hair, be it long or short. However, this is a lousy cut, length and style on her. I'd be pissed at Chris McMillan. Seriously, these people pay major ducats to look good and this is what he came up with?! WTH. She must be riding a bummer.

  8. And off topic but does anyone remember the poster on this site whose husband allegedly killed her son? Does she still post here. I wanted to see how she was doing and what happened to the husband.

  9. I remember a few months ago "Enty" had a post saying J. Garner was overheard at an awards show telling people she was pregnant and not feeling well. She would be showig by I guess it was just a rumor that was repeated?

  10. All I will say about Jennifet Aniston is that if she were a stripper, she'd be an extremely broke one.

    Ciara has such a beautiful face! Squee Johnny Reznik!

    So. Over. Katy. Perry

    1. Lol. Girl, never spent too much time in the clubs, have ya? There's tragedy that occurs. Tragedy.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      TTM: you're throwing shade on Jen's body in that pic?
      Have you ever visited strip joints, and how do you pull up in a two piece?

    3. You're prolly right, di

  11. Jennifer Garner looks....dare I say it?....HOT!

  12. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Johnny Reznik- Bflo born!!

  13. Love Cher... jeez her lips look sooo much bigger than years ago, not so sure a good thing.

  14. Love the goo goo dols. Saw them this summer with matchbox 20 and loved every minute of it.

  15. Matchbox Twenty! I love Matchbox Twenty! I bet that was an awesome show, my 20's is very jealous.

  16. Bella too young, so I'd have to throw her back, but it is nice the other 2 have bound their legs and feet. Hopefully those outfits have trap doors in them.

  17. gwen has been looking FABULOUSSS!!
    hope its her girl

  18. @Violet: I completely forgot about that. Wow I hope she's okay too. Just an awful thing to have happen.

  19. yea im over katy too

    glad she cut her hair it was time for a lil change

    jennifer lawrence just cut her hair
    LOVE IT!
    its real short in back

  20. I am sorry but I don't see anything attractive about Jennifer Aniston.

    Jennifer Garner I have never thought of her attractive either.

    Both Jennifer's are simple plain women nothing to brag about.

  21. @Sylvia: Nothing attractive about Aniston? Then you must have never seen her butt SFW. and again SFW

    She gots hungry butt, too. It always seems to be eating her bikini bottoms.

    1. Again, disgusting.

    2. Nothing disgusting about a broad with a hungry butt.

    3. Bwawhaha for whatever reason that conjured up Cookie Monster noises, except C was not for cookies

  22. Jennifers Aniston, Garner, and Biel are all a little boring.

    I'm all for changing up a look, but Jen A. looks like she got the $12.95 special Master Cuts.

  23. Gwen looks more fabulous than usual that is for sure.

  24. Anniston had a bad reaction to a Brazilian treatment to straighten her hair and had to cut it all off. I'm sure she's hating life right now.

  25. I thought Garner had strongly implied in an interview recently that Ben got snipped and there will be no more pregnancies (unless Victor Garber knocks her up again *snicker*).

  26. Katy Perry - please go away.

    And your Roar song su-u-u-ucks. I change it every time it comes on the radio.

    I shudder to think of what it sounds like without smoothing out by auto-tune...the caterwauling in that song is bad enough with the "clean up" they most likely did.

  27. Let that be a lesson ladies. Keep the Brazilian treatments contained to your nether regions.

  28. Back off Johnny, Poser Entry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Cher needs to lay off those lip injections because I thought she was Pete Burns

  30. Sorry to be a contrary, mean old b*tch--sometimes CDAN Mark II (or III?) makes me cranky.

    I like Aniston's new cut; the accident was serendipitous IMHO. It's time for her to transition.

    Am against knocking the appearance of a woman or child, & not my intention here. Aniston is attractive, but the still pics depict a tragic case of poor casting. Jen A lacks the form, carriage, or even costume of a strip-dancer (must have been hard to find such an unsexy bra, bikini, &c). And those pix; wow--was playing a stripper suffering from terminally sore feet in this film?

    The pic of Jennifer Garner just makes me sad: so much slap on her lovely, unique face; she's almost unrecognizable. Fervently hope it's only makeup...

  31. Jennifer Aniston will probably add extensions soon. Towards the end of Friends she cut her hair off, and a few weeks later it was hanging down her back again.

  32. what happened to Johnny? All his hotness has been sucked away.

    1. what do you mean? I'm still really hot

  33. Daaaaaaaamn Jennifer Anniston
    Jealous, yes I am

  34. Wonder how come more isn't made of the stuff Bella Thorne gets up to, more? I'm genuinely worried about this kid.

  35. Maniston has grown herself a big ole ass.

  36. Love love love John Rzeznick!

  37. Jennifer Garner looks like she is: a pregnant woman after a continental flight who needed a lot of slap to look good for a social engagement.
    She s looking tired, she must have felt awful and she s showing.
