Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Five - Catching Fire London Premiere

Jennifer Lawrence shows off her freshly waxed underarms.
Elizabeth Banks
Jena Malone
Jennifer Lawrence at the after party with
Elizabeth Banks
Sam Claflin spends some time kissing his wife.
Ellie Goulding was there basically wearing the same thing she wore to the EMA's.
Josh Hutcherson
Donald Sutherland


  1. Apparently Elizabeth Banks might be a cheating slut. That disappoints me a little.

    JLaw might have a solo sex video that Hoult has in his possession and has been showing to his buddies. Still think she is gay though. Actually, convinced of it.

  2. Ha, I love that the three seem to genuinely have fun together.

  3. Hutch is so teeny tiny though. He's a cutie, but no sexual energy there.
    I like Ellie Goulding. She sometimes praises me after a run on my Nike+ ap.

  4. I wish J-Law was showing some other freshly waxed parts.

  5. I LOVE Donald Sutherland!

  6. @Renoblondee lols at the Nike+ ap comments. me too.

  7. I was reading all the threads detailing personal encounters w celebs on Reddit this weekend, and nobody had anything good to say about Josh Hutcherson.

    1. I mean threads like "did you know any celebs before they were famous," or "did you grow up with/go to school with any celebs."

    2. @Prada - What did they say?

  8. @Leisa I love my Nike+. I usually use my running band and chip, but love the comments on the ap when I don't have them with me. :)

  9. Ugh, it looks like JLaw is slowly "going Hollywood", and losing weight. Don't become the next Emma Stone dammit!

  10. All of a sudden everyone has a modified Kate Gosselin hairdo.

  11. Here is the reddit thread Prada is talking about if anyone is interested. The Christian Bale one is pretty hilarious, here for those too lazy to follow the link :p
    "Served Christian Bale a latte at work, he went and stood facing the wall, like a child's punishment until his coffee was ready. People were more bemused by his behaviour, thus giving him slightly more attention"

    1. He must have learned that from Tom Hanks, he did the same thing at a Baskin-Robbins that I worked at in the 80's,

  12. OMG this Alan Rickman one is great also, who knew Snape was such a badass? Okay, well we all knew but not until the end...
    "I met Alan Rickman as he was going into the stage door of the theater for the broadway show Seminar. He was walking past me and I quickly blurted out, "I think you're awesome!" He stopped, turned slowly towards me, extended a hand to shake mine, raised one eyebrow, and said, "Likewise." It was awesome."

    Sorry for being obnoxiously posting but I am having wayy too much fun on this reddit thread. I will stop if y'all want me too...or continue to post hilarious celeb encounters.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      JSierra: that's just fucking awesome

  13. It must have been very rainy where Sam Claflin and his wife were- the hem of her dress is filthy and you can see the water line.

    1. At least Sam's pants fit him. JLaw's white dress is the worst thing she has ever worn. I think she has lost weight due to stress and overwork. Poor JHutch looks spent and deadeyed. Hope it is just jetlag but I believe his attempt to round up female escort stand-ins was a FAIL. Poor kid. He is cute, might be talented, but is severely height AND charisma challenged. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Big mistake with him AND Liam the tube of soggy cardboard. Why not give the hottest young actress in the world some REAL lightning to work with? Those two plus the disgusting BCoop are just. SACRILEGE!! Feeling sorry for her. Hope she pulls off American Hustle, but methinks Amy Adams just walked away with that movie 100,000%. Yikes.

  14. Thanks @JSierra. I had great fun reading those!

  15. Okay one more, this time we have Bill Cosby...
    "As a child, I remember that Bill Cosby and Dianna Ross both came to host some corporate event at a large tourist hotel in my beautiful small town.
    Dianna ross evidently got pretty drunk, and didn't make the event, and it was cancelled. It was big news the afternoon it went down, and some of my friends and I were hanging out at the skate park down the street from the hotel.
    A Rolls pulls up, the back window rolls down, and Bill Cosby sticks his head out.
    "HEY! Have you kids seen Dianna Ross?"
    "She's missing."
    "How are you kids doing, then?"
    "Ok. Have a good day, watch out for Dianna Ross."
    drives off"

  16. @J - LOVE that Bill Cosby story!

    Re Liam H - Oh my goodness, 25 years ago, I would have PARTIED with that dude. He might be dumb as a box of rocks, but damn!

  17. I might be one of the few but I have a huge crush on j hutch. Dat jawline.

  18. JennaM did not fulfill her promising early beauty. Either that or the styling is just so wrong on her hair and dress.

    Elizabeth Banks is killing it in that gown but I sure do wish it was quite as poisonous a yellow. Just slightly softer and I would be cheering her from the rafters. Even so, she is pulling the focus from JLaw. Now THAT, folks, is how you steal the spotlight and turn yourself into a Stah!

    1. AND, I REALLY LOVE the grey dress EBanks is wearing for the afterparty. Simple, elegant, gorgeous, and oh so stylish. DIFFERENT without being in yo' face.

  19. Is Elizabeth's Big Bird colored dress made of leather?

  20. It might be a bad angle but I dont like Jennifer's hair. Everybody and their mama wants to be miley now. That haircut doesn't work for everyo ne.

  21. Liam looks so happy in all the photos I've seen of him since the Miley split
