Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rachel Zoe Is Nine Months Pregnant - Counting Down Days To Starving Herself Again

The past nine months have been very hard on Rachel Zoe. She has been forced to eat more than once a week. As a result she is counting down the days until her baby is delivered and she can go back to being a skeleton full-time. Over the weekend she said that she felt like she was getting ready to explode. She probably shudders at the thought of a scale showing she is in triple digits. Can you imagine if she had a girl? Would she ever let the child eat? Remember back in the day when all her clients all weighed next to nothing and that is how she thinks all women should look. I think that is what happened to Donatella Versace's daughter. She probably got tired of all the looks whenever she picked up a celery stick so put it down and starved and then the mom is shocked that her daughter could be anorexic or bulimic.


  1. Shark week in Entyland?

    1. @Seven- The enties must rotate because every week is shark week here!

  2. I'm just relieved that her and Nicole Ritchie ate while pregnant and put their babies first.

  3. Seems like Rachel would notice that she looks 10 years younger when she's pregnant. Being gaunt skinny in your late 30's only makes u look older & tired.

  4. What did I just say about this version of enty policing women's bodies and looks. ugh.

  5. This Enty is awful. I feel like I'm skippin over alternating posts because I can't stand to read what they have to say anymore.

  6. Hasn't it always been rumored that she lies about her age by like a decade? Does this put her in contention for the Guinness World Record for Oldest Woman to Give Birth?

  7. In this Enty's world, only people who have no illnesses (including anorexia, bulimia, etc.) should be allowed to have children even if they do their best to fight those diseases long enough to give birth to healthy babies.

    I have asthma, Enty! Should I not have kids since I'll need my inhaler to run after them? Maybe since I have trouble breathing I won't let my kids take full breaths, either. COME ON. Rachel Zoe's son looks very healthy and loved. Give her some credit.

  8. It's called snark. That's what the Enties do. A lot.

    1. Now that she's eating for one, no longer halving the morning grape, it was bound to show, at some point.

      See, this is snark, as well. No one is body shaming, just noting that Rachel is ridiculous and ripe, (ha ha), for it.

  9. This is the "out of the loop" Enty, because it was in the DM yesterday that she's having another boy

  10. She doesn't just have an "illness" (I'm putting it in quotes not because I don't think anorexia is a legit illness-- I do, but because I suspect she starves herself because it's "the look" rather than due to the psychological conditions that drive anorexia) she tried to convince a generation of people, through her famous clients that you could never be too thin (skinny) if you wanted to be beautiful, rich, famous and loved. I suspect you can probably point to Rachael as a contributing factor in at least some number of body image problems in women of a certain age, even if it's indirectly.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Lola : I've worked as senior clinician in an in-house E.D treatment facility. They're in the DSM IV & V.
      Most CERTAINLY an illness. Insidious, sad, destructive and in need of professional Tx. Not just "she could do with burger"

  11. I keep coming across this Rachel Zoe person and I still don't know who she is. Google says she is a fashion lady to the stars. Why would anyone give a fuck about a fashion consultant?

    1. We care because she's bananasssss

  12. The thing about 'snark' is that it has balance to the meanness. Snark has humor. these posts are just mean, angry and bitter as of late.

  13. Anorexia is very much an illness. a mental illness.

  14. I don teven know who she is!!!!!!!

  15. Lola, like Derek Harvey said, anorexia is a mental illness. I don't think that any of us can assume that someone who stays as thin as she does when not pregnant does it solely because of physical appearance and isn't disordered. I think that many eating disorders start out that way--wanting to be thinner and then developing an obsession with it.

    Do you know how hard it is to go against human nature and *not* eat? Or to burn more calories than you consume on a day because you feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world if you let your hungry body "win" over your mind? If not, you're lucky.

    Since the media has given us a distorted view of what a woman should look/be/dress/eat like for decades, I don't think she is any worse than the rest of them.

    1. You still haven't explained why it's ok for an anorexic person to have kids. Because it's not. You should have that together and somewhat managed before you bring another life into this world. So what if the rest of them are doing it? Doesn't make it right! I have issues and I have to get that shit together before I have kids- I owe them the most healthy, normal life I can give.

  16. She looks great here. Very classy, unlike recent pregnant kows.

    1. I would agree with this statement, except your use of the word 'kows' is a tad bit over the top. She does look great. Period. Full stop.

  17. I think she is pretty neurotic, but her little boy is beautiful and seems very happy.

    I hope she gets a girl this time so poor Skylar gets to start dressing like a boy and she has a girl to be all foo foo with.

    She seems like a pretty decent mother for all the crazy she has going on in her life.

  18. @Derek & @Karen...I specifically said I believe it is an illness.

    I am saying I'm not sure I buy Rachael having anorexia so much as what I cited above. Most (not all, but most) people with anorexia can't turn it on and off, even for pregnancy.

    And I do think she's worse than most. She took a virtually unobtainable ideal and made it all but absolutely unobtainable. I rank her with the fashion designers who heralded the return of "heroin chic" and its unhealthy ideal and the fashion model as beautiful concentration camp victim where visible backbone and protruding ribs/hipbones are beautiful.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It' oficial!
    Not only Enty is a liar who wrote many made up blind items( when you write it after the release of pics on DM and i think that one of Enty is a paparazzi also) BUT above all he's a jerk .The clue is this post .
    Sorry! But i'm going to leave this blog .Maybe i will comeback .i can't

  20. Rachel looks a lot better pregnant.

  21. Kels the scary thing is someone with an eating disorder that is not under control or even treated, assuming they got the proper nutrients in their bodies during pregnancy, are likely is going to pass that disorder to her children and particular female children - growing children have nutritional needs that need to met during pregnancy and thereafter, to state the obvious or they will suffer various deficits, some worse than others. Though indeed to be fair there is a big issue the other way, overweight mothers raising overweight children and also not getting the proper nutrition.

    I hope that someone with food issues can see that their obsession is harmful to those children never mind self esteem issues if you don't want to comply with mom's regime or expectations of how you should look. Though most of these rich skinny women have other people prepping the food I imagine.

    I think some addicts can turn it off for a pregnancy, whether alcohol or cocaine etc or maybe the effect of hormones can override even an anorexic. Think about it if you starve yourself your hormones are out of wack and pregnancy throws you into a whole new wackdom which might produce an appetite that they just can't fight.

    Lola totally agree, can we bring back the days of Christie Brinkley and Cindy Crawford, women with curves, women with healthy athletic bodies. They are still unattainable ideals but they projected health.

  22. It won't happen though because to my utter shock someone on a fashion program admitted that part of the trend to Size 0 and 2 for the runway was to save money - couture fabric is very very expensive. Size 0 and 2 is cheaper to make than Size 4 and 6 which was the old standard in day of Crawford et al. Helena Christensen was my favourite model back in that day and she said that she, at that time, and Cindy Crawford, would have been considered too big for runway if they were starting out now. Something very very wrong with that.

    Most women would rather look like those women and most men would rather their women looked like those women.

  23. She seemed to have an easy pregnancy the first time. I don't care what you say Enty, I love her.

  24. @Rach...yes. I specifically said (three times now) that I personally believe it to be a legit illness (in opposition to the many people who do not believe it to be an "illness"- all you have to do is eat, after all) and am well aware it is an Axis I classification in the DSM. I am also well aware of the diagnostic criteria for anorexia (at least for the DSM-IV-TR, I'm not up to date with the V...presumably they've loosened the criteria since that was a major criticism).

    I still stand by the fact that I believe Rachael Zoe is "fashionably" skinny rather than pathologically skinny. Not everyone will agree with me, which is fine. I also think, ill or not, that Rachael's influence on fashion in the 21st century has only worsened the atmosphere for vulnerable and impressionable young girls.

  25. @Lola, couldn't agree more. There is a striking difference between those who have anorexia as a clinical illness, and those who are fashionably thin for their craft/brand. Rachel made her "brand" stand apart from the rest when she had her clients model themselves after her "pin thin" physique with the over-sized bangles, etc. No one would know who she was if she didn't receive the press she did for creating the "pin thin craze." I compare it to being "gay for pay" in porn, if there is enough money on the line, you can refrain from shoving food in your mouth on the regular.

  26. I agree with Lola. I think Zoe is stick thin because she "thinks" it's the proper way to look for fashion. I thought she was having a girl.

  27. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Anorexia, thanks to popular media (particularly since heroin chic) is fashionable. But it's still a condition. No offence meant Lola.
