Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Off Topic

If you a bought a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving you should probably start letting it thaw today.


  1. Okay....

    If you own a blow dryer, you probably shouldn't use it while in the shower.

  2. I got rid of my class ring AND my ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex boyfriend's pinkie ring.

    I'm sad. What do I do with my eco-friendly hemp bag now?!

  3. Put it in the dryer on the day of.

  4. Si je parlerais mieux le Français, j'habiterais à Paris

    1. Si je pouvais parler l'italien, je voudrais passer à l'Italie!

    2. Montrez-moi quelques images frontaux pleine grandeur

    3. @Johnny Mais ce n'est pas Vendredi!

    4. Mais c'est le jour bosse

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My grandma was in charge of making pumpkin pies one year but never stirred all the ingredients together. She just threw all the stuff in the pie crust and baked it. It did not turn out well.

      Grandma never drank. Nor was she asked to bake again.

    2. Your grandmother was smart to get out of holiday cooking like that.

  6. Omg, they did that on New Girl and it was hilarious!

  7. Once my grandma bought one of those sort of premade turkeys where you cook it for about 3 hours vs the 15 hours or so it takes to actually cook one.

    Well my aunt was given the other frozen turkey grams had in the freezer. On Thanksgiving Grandma cooked the turkey the three hours and served it..Except..

    Yeah you know what happened. My aunt was astounded when a little timer popped up out of hers to indicate it was done in 3 short hours and she hadn't even started the rest of her dinner.

    Meanwhile the folks at grandma's were served raw turkey. Grandma liked to drink a little.

  8. I like pie. This is the only time I get to eat it.

  9. Sorry I moved my comment Reno. I had to correct some errors.

  10. You're joking, right?

    Please don't start thawing it today. That means raw poultry will be sitting in your fridge/cooler for three weeks. Not smart.

    If you're brining, you may want to start it a little earlier.

  11. Je ne mange pas de dinde

    1. Quelle domage. I love it, but feel immense guilt as there is a family of wild turkeys living in my backyard.

    2. I seriously once had a 40-plus-year-old quebecois man chase my just-turned 17 bum around a room for an entire new years eve asking if I veux manger le dinde? While doing the chicken dance. I still shudder sometimes during the holidays.

  12. Turkeys are evil. One bit me when I was 4. Evil, I tell you.

    1. I feel you, I got chased to my car by one and the damn thing wouldn't let me out once. Every time I tried to open my car door the bastard charged me. It all worked out though when it found out that a Corolla went a lot faster than it could. Hahahahaha!!

    2. A duck bit me when I was trying to feed it bread...I'm still in repressed false memory therapy over the whole thing

  13. Actually it is really smart to buy your turkey and eggs early. Having a husband that works in the food industry he says most grocery stores over stock their freezers so every time he's back there he sees turkeys and eggs just sitting out for days. So all those times you got sick thinking it was probably too rich food, it was really food poisoning....All the vendors also say Costco has the best freezers and refrigerators and they never see problems like that. Safeway has the most problems.

    1. YES! A family member had to take a food prep class recently and they learned that if you get sick after eating, its usually not because of food (if its fried, spicy, dairy etc) but actually food poisoning from improper handling and cooking.

  14. If you can, check out a local farm for your turkey. It'll be a little more expensive ($20 if you're lucky, $50+ if not) but it's so worth it!

    Also, I highly recommend brining your turkey. I do a dry brine (fancy words for basically salting the bird and wrapping it in plastic wrap) and it makes the juiciest, tenderest turkey ever, and doesn't taste the least bit salty.

    This PSA brought to you by the President, CFO, CEO, A++ B lister of FoodHorz, Seven of Eleven™.

  15. My mom once dressed as a giant stork for her younger sisters baby shower, and then jumped out to scare her. My aunt damn near had her baby on our front porch.

  16. I'm only allowed to do the deviled eggs and mix cocktails at Thanksgiving...sads

  17. Canadian geese are even more evil than turkeys. Evil, I tell you! I had about a million of them chase me across the parking lot of my apartment building. It was like The Birds but they honked. Still traumatized 13 years later.

  18. Deviled eggs are evil, I tell you! Evil.


  19. I ran out of room in my freezer one year, so I hung my turkey and ham outside from my xmas light hooks. I had no idea how long it would take to defrost from -35 (I live in Ak). Needless to say, it wasn't ready until the day after.

  20. Sherry: I also almost always think of The Accidental Tourist when cooking turkeys, over night es no bueno is what that book taught me

  21. Talks, lol I member too. And what about gorp? Weird book actually. This year I decided to cook everything the day before, and reheat in oven on Thankgiving day. I'll let ya know how that works, lol

  22. what about a turkey pot pie?

  23. The World According To Garp taught me to not carry open straight razors in my pockets ever and to not give beejs in driveways.

  24. Birds scare the hell out of me and yet I have a feeder and bird bath in my yard. They come at me like I'm Tippi Hedren.

  25. No, I really don't like turkey. Why cook turkey, when one can choose anything else. (It is permitted). If someone else made the turkey, lovely dressing and gravy, I would eat it. Well, I guess I am contradicting myself based on my allergy to the kitchen. I would choose a nice restaurant or a sandwich or anything else if it were up to me. If not. Why not? But I will not anytime soon buy, thaw and cook a turkey on my own. No.

  26. I'm Canadian. I had turkey a month ago already. DH and I cook a GREAT turkey dinner!

  27. Thankfully there are mom on both sides who still cook. Im off the hook,for now. Turkeys arent that fing hard,just take a while.

  28. Anonymous11:00 AM

    No thanksgiving here. You guys are so lucky - you get much more public hols than we do. Can't complain though, had Tuesday off due to a stupid horse race.
