Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Off Topic

No matter what you say or how many times you say it vegan desserts don't taste as good as non vegan desserts.


  1. I agree with Jax.

  2. Oh I love my meat cupcakes.

    1. Lol texas rose! made me think of Sweeney Todd...

  3. Off off topic...all these old blinds remind me how good the writing used to be on this site. Good times, good times.

  4. As I nom on Red Velvet cake for breakfast...

    1. My favorite :-)

      My mom ALWAYS made that on my birthday since I'm a Valentine's Day Babe.

    2. Meanie I prefer chocolate cake myself. Oh wait that's dinner after you break up with an asshole. Carry on.

  5. Sooooo not true.

    One of my oldest & dearest friends owns an amazing Vegan restaurant in NJ. The food & dessert are delightfully tasty.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      AJ : not only are vegan delights an orgasm for the palate, but RAW vegan goodies too!

  6. Don't I know it, a few years ago a vegan friend was in charge of buying the cake for another friends birthday….VEAGAN, so sweet it was gross

  7. Oh Reesie! That sounds delish. I didn't even know about vegan desserts. If have to try one first to see if it passes the test.

  8. Earth Cafe was featured on Cooking Channel yesterday and next time I feel like it I'm ordering their "cheese" cake! It looks delish

  9. there are some really good vegan desserts, you just have to know where to get them. blossom vegan bakery in nyc has desserts that taste just like regular. Earth cafe cheesecake is so good! expensive as hell, but delish.

  10. what's the difference between this new 'off topic' space and the 'your turn' space?

    1. @Hollywood Apparently none #EntyFail

  11. @Hollywood dime- not sure but I'll take it over those lame YouTube videos anytime!

  12. Culture Shock Alert: 49 and rain at breakfast. 34 degree wind chill now. West Texas. Not.Going.Out.Again. 79 yesterday this same time.
    /weather rant

  13. I'm right here with you in NC. @_-_=_

  14. There is a vegan baker in Fairfeild, Ia, working out of their home. Her pies are a dream for a sweet-tooth. I have no idea how she does it, but there is zero sugar in them. They don't have a chemical sugar taste either.

  15. @Rach Around:

    I've heard that but RAW stuff scares me with my Crohns.
    I have to be so careful what I eat so as to not set me off.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      @AJ: you need to be careful! It's all good if your health permits.

  16. I am not a vegan by any stretch of the imagination, but some of the best desserts I have had were baked in a vegan deli.

  17. OT: Another reason I lurve RDJ... He got his wife food trucks and a BACON cake for her birthday! Lol

  18. Vegan is that the people who won't do diary, man life ain't worth living without chocolate, yogurt, cheese and cheesecake. Tofu ain't going to ever cut it.

    Oh there are vegan pies, mmmmm. Well fruit gives you a range of options. Is almond milk considered diary.

  19. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Enty! Doomie's in Hollywood. Try their southern fried "chicken", and any of the dozens of desserts.

  20. @VIP I want to go to there...

  21. Found a recipe for vegan chocolate mousse (avocado base) that our guests could not tell the difference. Add frozen black cherries and coconut shreds, and you got yourself a trip to HEAVEN. VITAMIX IS YOUR FRIEND. Enty, since you are a donut fan, there are vegan donuts I used to get in Berkeley that were moist, sweet, and sophisticatedly delish. My palate is so damned acute that I should make a living with it. When _I_ say it is awesome, believe you me, it means sumthin'. So. Stop stoking the fires with baseless accusations. Vegan cuisine has made huge progress. Raw in 10 Minutes is a great place to start for the hesitant amongst you. Easy, yummy, filling, and best of all, worth eating.

  22. Google Kamina's chocolate mousse tart. It's a non-dairy winner.
