Monday, November 11, 2013

Miley Cyrus Smokes A Joint At MTV- EMA's

Trying to think of something more shocking than her stateside MTV VMA performance Miley Cyrus took the opportunity to puff away on a joint at the end of the show when she received the top award at the end of the night. You might say it was all spontaneous because who would know about wins in advance but this is MTV remember. You know you are going to win something before you fly over to Europe and perform on the show. I'm sure Chanel loves being in the photo with Miley smoking who has stated repeatedly just how much she loves pot.

I think it is great she is having success with a record that was recently released but as many artists will tell you there is no guarantee of future success and I don't think she should have burned that Hannah Montana bridge which she has done forever. Twenty years from now when she is contemplating another year of a reality show which is following her fourth marriage and three kids as she comes out of rehab for the fourth time it might have been nice instead to have the Disney career option as a fallback. Plus there is a limit to the shocking and she does not have that much further she can push the envelope. I suppose she could start having sex live during her shows or something like that.


  1. I'm getting tired of this trick and her antics. She thinks she is being shocking, but I'm finding her boring. Her repeated attempts to show she is not a child anymore just fail to attract my attention. Perhaps if she didn't get so much coverage everytime she did one of these stunts she would back off of them. I just wish she would take her slimy tongue and go away. Tire of seeing her daily. The more she does this stuff, the more it detracts for any talent she has.

  2. The show was in Amsterdam, after all. Lighting up a joint there is just local color.

  3. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

    1. +ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM


    I love celebs that give me something to look forward to. What will she do next. She filled a void left by Courtney Love, Madonna and a number of other fascinating showbiz types.

    If u have the peoples attention, why not put on a show?

  5. She did it In Amsterdam, not that big a deal, if she had done it in another country that would have been a different story...

  6. If she wants to to look like a badass, she should whip out a crack pipe, not a joint.

    If she wants to light up, go ahead, I'm fine with that. It's the fact that this reeks of someone desperate for attention. I respect musicians more for their body of work, and not their nonstop, attention grabbing antics.

    Also, that outfit is major fug. She has a great body, but my god, don't show it off in something like that! Certain styles have not come back from the 80's for a reason.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Yeah whipping out a crack pipe would b pretty BADASS.

  7. Miley simply did this for the attention and here we are giving it to her (her new release isn't all that great btw).

  8. Lol. She knows exactly what she's doing.

  9. @Fancy, I mean c'mon, it's just pot! If she wants to look like a badass she needs to choose something else to adore, besides weed.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      @pip...yeah she's a watered down version of a BADASS. I don't think she realizes it though. Lol

  10. She has to do this stuff all her good songs are already singles the rest of the album is just filler

    1. Jennabean I might argue that a lot of CD's are just one or two good songs and the rest are filler. Seriously I was glad when the option of just buying what you wanted off the artists latest release.

    2. Actually, no. Adore you, FU and SMS will get play.Possibly even Drive and 4x4. Anyway, I know being on the Miley Hate Wagon is super cool, so whatever.

  11. proof her 15 minutes are up.

  12. Just her same antics shouting for attention. And her music is autotuned pop tripe.

  13. @Pip, think of the pearls! :( No one thinks of the poor pearls.

  14. If she wants to shock people and make a statement she should go to the Grammy's and sing in a burka.

  15. I'm with Renoblondee - Miley knows exactly what she's doing and I don't see her going to rehab any time soon, I really don't think she has a problem at all.

    By all accounts in the industry, Miley is incredibly professional and very savvy due to her early exposure and learning curve of publicity. Her outfits may be ridiculous but whatever at least she's not fat & sloppy.

    Her acoustic version of "Can't Stop" on SNL a couple weeks back was incredible and the look on her face when she finished & knew she'd nailed all the hard parts & nailed the song was so endearing!! You could tell she was super happy to fly her pure talent flag and I thought it was great.

    I'm an oldster (late 30s) and I can't believe all you people think Miley's f'ed up.

  16. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Jesus, big fucking whoopdee doo. have any of you ever watched an episode of (UK) Skins? seen what young people do? she's very savy, too in control to fuck up.

  17. Unless she smoked it with her pussy, who cares?

  18. Robin thicke performed with Iggy Azalea, but she didn't grind up on him like a moron. So I guess a good performance does not warrant any mention in the press anymore. That show was damn boring. And THIS is what made the news????

  19. Yes Miley, you're sooo edgy, smoking a joint in Amsterdam of all places. As long as her music is meaningless plastic garbage her only way to remain relevant is pure attention whoring. And even that'll get old sooner or later.

  20. Perhaps she should look at Lady Gaga as an example of how the public responds to you once you have jumped the proverbial shark.

  21. What a big fucking grown up you are now, Miley!

  22. Our Mayor smokes crack. Maybe Miley should spend some time up here with him. He's front page news every day in Toronto.

  23. @Lola: Miley has a long way to go before she jumps the shark. When the bims who buy her plastic pop albums are over her in 5 years, she can do a 180, say Jeebus saved her and make a sure to be triumphant return to country. Like it or not, you have a minimum of 15 years with Miley in your face. I'd be happier with 15 minutes of her ON my face, but whattaya gonna do? Only thing that could stop her freight train is a drug addiction.

  24. Her descent too is approaching warp speed.

  25. When she first cut her hair and all that, she was pretty awesome, fun and being young, all of that. Now, she's just cartoonish, pre-programmed and kind of boring. It's like when Stewie Griffin started using bad words like 'poppycock."

  26. What's her next trick going to be? Playing a concert in Salt Lake City while drinking a Venti Starbucks crappucino, extra caffeine? Admitting to the dental hygienist that she doesn't indeed floss every day? Tearing tags off a mattress?

  27. Disney as a fall-back? You're kidding right?

    They chew them up and spit 'em out.
