Thursday, November 28, 2013

Miley Cyrus Is TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year - According To Readers

I think the world would cringe if Miley Cyrus is actually named TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year. Right now she is leading the reader vote by a wide margin of double the next person which is scary enough. Tell me what she did to earn the honor? She twerked with Beetlejuice during the Video Music Awards and then performed in front of a crying cat. Pink Floyd did the same thing with another animal a million years ago. Miley is not doing anything original at all. It is not like she invented twerking. I would be ok with a generic person of the year such as "Celebrity" or "Reality Star," because I think they do impact a large portion of what our culture has become and they tend to have more Twitter followers and generate more conversation at water coolers than a politician or some other world leader. I just don't think Miley Cyrus has dominated that conversation. I think she has been a part of it since the Video Music Awards but that only covers the past few months but not the entire year. I wouldn't be shocked if The Kardashians won or if my suggestion is used that they were not the people photographed on the cover. As much as they might want that honor or think they might want that honor I'm pretty sure the accompanying article would be blistering and they would whine and complain.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    If this be the case, we are indeed faced with a nigh dystopian idiocratic future

  2. You know who should be person of the year? That brave little girl who was shot by the Taliban because she was promoting reading to females in Afghanistan. She lived, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and is still lobbying for female rights. That is Person of The Year worthy.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Fuck. Yes. Audrey.

    2. @Audrey Cosign!!!

    3. Amen Audrey. Time used to have a little journalistic excellence. And they wonder why it sucks now.

    4. Time used to be a real source of in depth stories about news back in the day, now it's just another glossy magazine sitting on the rack, might just as well be placed alongside Allure, for the shallowness of both publications.

    5. Dingle, you are right! Im a very fast reader with good comprehension, and used to take me hours to plow thru that mag! Now just another quickie read.

  3. Don't understand the last two sentences, but what else is new. Anyway, our culture nowadays, at least our "pop" culture, is so fucking celebrity centric that it doesn't surprise me in the least that Time would go with whichever celeb has been the most front and centre this year. That would be Miley. Time is in the business of selling magazines and this annoying little female sex organ on the cover of their Person of the Year issue would generate massive comment worldwide, hence massive sales and clicks. And Miley would of course be so happy for the honor that she would even have sex with Bieber.

  4. Yikes! In that picture she looks like the sibling Gollum bumped off once he found the ring.
    Time needs to hang it up.

  5. Ah, Miley's cult of personality continues.

    LOL @ Bacon!

  6. BTW, Happy Thanksgiving!

    (I apologize in advance for the twerky.)

  7. With "Time," it isn't a matter of "earning the honor." Sometimes notoriety or even downright infamy are quite enough for a person to be named. They once named Adolf Hitler as their "Man of the Year," back in the days before women were even considered.

    What I wonder is, if she's named, whether that will assuage Miley's apparent compulsion to be noticed. From where I sit, it seems that everything she's done, every move she's made for the past year or so has amounted to a repeated cry of "Look at me! Look at me! For the love of God, PLEASE look at me!" Which I think is rather pitiful, if you stop and consider that the girl already had more money than God, even before she became so needy for attention.

  8. Oh @audrey, I so agree with you. That little girl is so very brave and so defiant of the oppression that is all around her. She is a champion for women's education around the world.

    Miley, on the other hand, has never cracked open a book, other than to use the binding to help roll a joint. As a mother of an impressionable preteen, this stupid twat just pisses me off. I wish she would just crawl back under the rock she crawled out from under.

  9. So readers of Time magazine voted for her?! That makes me less ashamed that I only read gossip sites....

  10. I'm looooosing the wiiiilllll to live. No. When did we become ok with this level of mediocrity? It's embarrassing.

  11. Online voting - anything can happen.

  12. People needs to stop referring to Time's "Person of the Year" as an "honor." It's not. It's about "who had an impact." Adolf fucking Hitler was once Time's "Man of the Year!"

    It doesn't mean what GQ's or anybody else's "Man of the Year" means.

    This is not to say Miley should or shouldn't be, just that it's not an award, it's not laudatory, it's not a prize, and if people want to bitch about it, they should first make sure they know what they're talking about.

  13. Time also named Hitler and the Ayatollah Khomeini as persons of the year, so Miley fits.

  14. and Miley did make Maxims hottest woman on earth cause her fans voted...once again who are this chicks fan-base?? I hope to god it does not consist of anyone under 14 and over 20...

  15. WHY? Stop making stupid people famous!

  16. No way will Miley ever end up on the cover of Time. She's just not that relevant. It could be Malala, though. That little girl is amazing.

  17. And hopefully people do realize that the US edition of Time Magazine is what is being voted on. It's not like anyone from France or Italy is voting for Miley Cyrus to be the person of the year.

  18. It's a reader poll that Time is obviously using for click bait and Miley's little followers are bombarding it (because they are the ones who have time to sit there all day). Well done Time, everyone is talking about your magazine well before the issue comes out.

  19. She is the most notorious person right now.
    Malala Yousafai deserves more prizes and is more relatable? Right, but say her name or show her pic on the street and wait for different answers about who she is, even I don't know if I spelled her name correctly. Say Miley or show pics of her tongue and most people will recognize her.

  20. The problem with polls is that people can turn them into a goof. Which is what I think is what is happening here.

    It would be funny to get the most vacuous, talentless ego driven pop tart as person of the year.

    The down side is it just fuels Miley's ego and she takes it as a sign of approval.

  21. Relax, Enty. Two nerds have already bragged about hacking the site and pumping up the Miley vote. I read that two days ago already!

  22. Person of the year should be

  23. Have you guys heard of 4chan? they're pretty much the worst of the internet. word is they led a campaign to bombard the poll with votes for miley just for lulz. this is what they do. one time dr. pepper or someone had a contest to name something and the contest had to be cancelled because the winning vote was for "hitler wasn't wrong" or something like that. they're internet trolls who use their large number and nerdy knowledge to do dumb shit that riles people up. just for the fun of being assholes.
