Miley Cyrus Is TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year - According To Readers
I think the world would cringe if Miley Cyrus is actually named TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year. Right now she is leading the reader vote by a wide margin of double the next person which is scary enough. Tell me what she did to earn the honor? She twerked with Beetlejuice during the Video Music Awards and then performed in front of a crying cat. Pink Floyd did the same thing with another animal a million years ago. Miley is not doing anything original at all. It is not like she invented twerking. I would be ok with a generic person of the year such as "Celebrity" or "Reality Star," because I think they do impact a large portion of what our culture has become and they tend to have more Twitter followers and generate more conversation at water coolers than a politician or some other world leader. I just don't think Miley Cyrus has dominated that conversation. I think she has been a part of it since the Video Music Awards but that only covers the past few months but not the entire year. I wouldn't be shocked if The Kardashians won or if my suggestion is used that they were not the people photographed on the cover. As much as they might want that honor or think they might want that honor I'm pretty sure the accompanying article would be blistering and they would whine and complain.