Monday, November 11, 2013

Matt Damon Earned $3M For Twenty Second Commercial - George Clooney Got $5M

It certainly pays to be a well known actor. Nespresso opened up their checkbook to get Matt Damon and George Clooney to star in their new commercial. George has been doing Nespresso ads for sometime now and got paid his usual rate of $5M for each commercial he does for them. Not bad pay for a day or two of work. For one of his first on screen commercials Matt Damon didn't do too badly either taking in $3M for his twenty second appearance in the spot according to the NY Post. If you are wondering why most actors and actresses don't just do that instead of movies it is because most companies are not stupid enough to pay $8M in salaried to just two people for one commercial which will go out of rotation in a matter of weeks. The woman in the ad probably got paid scale.


  1. Doesn't Clooney make a bunch of commercials overseas?

  2. Meh. They all do overseas commercials, especially in Japan. Paycheck's a paycheck.

    The commercial was a bit dumb, though. You could tell they were trying for Pink Panther.

  3. The actress is Laurieann Gill, formerly known as Laurianne Gilléron from the french speaking part of Switzerland. In 2005 she was Miss Switzerland.

  4. Clooney has been doing Nespresso for years, and one of the previous ads actually starred John Malkovich, so he's not just pushing his equally wealthy friends to get these paychecks.
    And these ads allow Clooney to get involved in indie projects he believes in, stuff such as The Descendants, The American, Up In The Air, where he won't ask for a huge fee. Definitely better and less obnoxious than to star in World War Z.

  5. This commercial... I don't get it - what - the coffee stops time???

  6. sellout!

    i hate when the famous actors became a brand! i hate more the famous very rich actors do it!

    at least when Nicolas Cage had money troubles,he did many(bad) movies and hilarious ads

  7. Wasn't there just a revealed blind about some feud between Russell crowe and Clooney where Clooney slammed crowe for selling out and doing commercials??

    1. Just checked - it was crowe that called Clooney a sellout for doing commercials.

  8. No Hunter Matt Damon can stop time, he's magical.

  9. And that's fast money, painless……it should go straight to charity

  10. I don't understand the outrage. As an actor you start out doing commercials. You pray for a few that will be national and renew a few times. Look at Justin Long. He got his start as Mac for Apple.
    Just what actors do.

  11. Apparently Clooney bought a Satellite for Sudan with his Nespresso money. He's got staff to monitor it and inform the UN if any trouble is observed....

  12. Eh, I find it impossible to get my panties in a twist over this. $5 million (or $3) is $5 million. It's not like they're doing porn or endorsing Al Assad.

    Actors do commercials, whether in person or voice overs all of the time here in the US. I'm not quite sure how doing an overseas commercial is "selling out" or why getting paid so much for a commercial means they should donate it all to charity. One assumes there is a going rate for this type of thing...or the company wouldn't pay it.

  13. I don't hold commercials against actors, if it's for a decent company. I do take issue w/ both Damon and Clooney. For years, Nestle, the parent company of Nespresso have faced tons of UN violations. For marketing baby formula in 3rd world countries w/ no access to potable water, draining aquifers in Central and South America, and Pakistan for their bottled water, and even accusations of getting rid of labor and human rights activist in developing countries.

    Clooney and Damon love to talk about their involvement in Africa, and I am baffled by the disconnect that they would work for a company w/ such a horrible environmental and human rights issues in Africa and other developing nations, and then excuse the relationship by saying the use the money for charity. How about not making helping Nestle become richer and more powerful.

    Clooney was actually called on the Nestle ads by the likes of Bono, and even had a journalist ask him around the time of Michael Clayton about the parallels between the character and his own relationship w/ Nestle. He blew off the journalist claiming he "had a right to earn a living" and refusing to answer the question. Guess he needs the extra money to payoff all his girlfriends contracts? Why Damon needs it, I don't know.

  14. Hey, they are making a living! If someone is offering, take the money and run!!

  15. Lawyers make $1,000 an hour. Who's the whore again?

  16. besides the 5 mil are not "just" for two days work. they are for the use of Clooney's image. Nespresso built their whole brand recognition around George since their arrival on the market

  17. But is anyone actually gonna buy nespresso as a result?

  18. @Gabi, considering Nespresso is in the market to make money, they must have a good return on investment if they keep throwing money at Clooney

  19. @Gabi, considering Nespresso is in the market to make money, they must have a good return on investment if they keep throwing money at Clooney

  20. It must be good to be Clooney's girlfriend and it must be good to be Damon's wife. I'm sure neither woman is complaining.

  21. Liberals are such hypocrites. "Fair share" my force...and then head overseas to make FIVE MILLION in 30 seconds? What a joke. To put a satellite over Sudan for "human rights" violations involving unsanctioned drone attacks? Why not have one over Obama? He's droning anything that moves. Oh, wait...RIGHT.....

  22. Liberals are such hypocrites. "Fair share" my force...and then head overseas to make FIVE MILLION in 30 seconds? What a joke. To put a satellite over Sudan for "human rights" violations involving unsanctioned drone attacks? Why not have one over Obama? He's droning anything that moves. Oh, wait...RIGHT.....
