Monday, November 04, 2013

Lamae Odom Is A Pawn

Lamar Odom is being strung along like a puppet by Khloe Kardashian. Remember when Kim Kardashian was splitting with Kris Humphries and Kim and her mom had to re-shoot the Dubai scenes on a sound stage in Los Angeles because the story had changed and Kim was getting divorced to Kris and was no longer madly in love with him and had to change the back story to make Kim look better and Kris like a jerk?

Having learned their lesson Khloe now plays with Lamar and will continue to do so until after the season finale. Everything has been for the cameras and it will continue to be for the cameras and they want to have a cliffhanger for the last episode of the season and it is really tough to have a cliffhanger when you already know the answer. by the time the show airs we already know what happened in their lives which makes watching the show ridiculous which is why no one watches it anymore. What I really hate are the recaps of the shows because that means we saw it real life and someone watched the show about what what we already knew and then wrote a recap to tell us again what we already knew.

Why do you think Khloe wears her wedding ring and sometimes doesn't wear her wedding ring or changes her name on Twitter and Instagram or suddenly has a date with Lamar after not seeing him for a month. They want the cliffhanger and Lamar is just a pawn who has no idea he is being played. He could blow the whole thing up and the process but he won't. I wish he would.


  1. Ugh. PS, spelling, Enty.

  2. Who says he's not in on it too?

  3. Anonymous6:17 AM

    If he's a puppet, I'm pretty sure Kris is hiding behind him with her hand up his arse.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I don't for one second believe that he isn't playing along too. He's been around that family long enough to know the score. Now can we move on from this bunch of idiots?

    1. @ Audrey agreed this Is all show

    2. Audrey, you are giving old Lammie a LOT of credit that I don't think is deserved. He's is about as charismatic as a cereal box, and as bright as a lava lamp. He might be in on it, but just as easily, be just the pawn Enty thinks.

  6. Can you at least pretend that you give a shit and use spellcheck?
    The only hole in your theory is that the last episode has already been filmed and is due to air next week. This entire 'story' is based on nothing but conjecture and bizarre grammar.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Divorced FROM Chris, not divorced TO Chris. Enty, please, at least attempt to articulate your sentences as though they were written by someone with a law degree.

  9. I like recaps, Enty. It helps with the debilitating desolation I get from dedicating a frightening amount of hours watching shows sanctioned by Andy Cohen.

    Recaps are my beloved Internet friend who says, "Hello dear friend! Lets walk this lonely road we call life together!"

    Excuse me while I go put my head in the oven.

  10. Nobody watches except young kids. Sad they should know any of this.

  11. My one friend was soooo into this show and I could never get into it. It all just seemed so fake and now it's obvious.

  12. This is like reading TV guide, why does enty feel the need to post an episode synopsis as news?

  13. WTF? Puppets have strings? Childhood ruined. :(

  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Lamar knows the deal as well as everyone else in that ridiculous group of people.

    @Rach Around, is your avi Stephen Fry in drag? I can't see it very well, but I like it!

  15. I didnt think its that manipulative, I thought she was really undecided. New way to look at it. Its dopey anyway, why should anyone be interested in these people? We all l have crap in our own lives to deal with.

  16. AND.... if he is a junkie, throwing some money his way to go along with this is plausible.

  17. I don't care about this stunt family.

  18. Wow you know wayyyyyyy too much about them... lol. And in answer to your first super long question: No, I don't remember any of that.

  19. I'm pretty sure it's spelled 'lame' with a dash over the e. As in "That gold lame bridesmaid dress is so exquisite I could rewear it every Friday night!"

  20. Of course Lamae knows what's going on. Certainly the man cannot be ugly AND dumb. Well he COULD be but I'm more than certain he's aware of what's going on.

  21. Ummm,if he was smoking crack and banging crack whores left and right what say does he have,should he have? He betrayed her. What she chooses to do with him he should be grateful for. Hes a pig. Hes lucky shes talking to him,pawn or not. F him and his feewings.

  22. Anyone that marries a Kartrashian gets what they deserve.

  23. Lamae sounds like a stripper name or something. LOL

  24. i cant watch it anymore
    it seems more so now than before
    but since its filmed weeks ago and they are media whores, we already know the outcome

    ppl just want to see kim really

  25. Anonymous12:49 PM

    she looks really skinny in that pic. thats all i got from this

  26. If he REALLY IS that much into dope, she was into it with him, maybe not as deep, but into it nontheless. This is just more bullshit kartrashian style.
