Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kim Kardashian Is Already Tired Of Her Kid

When you go see the pediatrician at two months they will generally ask you when you would like to come in for the four month visit. The trick here is to look at your calendar and see what works best so you can be there with your child when they get their four month shots. Apparently Kim Kardashian either didn't look or didn't care because she has already decided that other things in her life are way more important than going to her child's four month doctor visit and shots.

Do you think she even sees her kid? No honestly. Other than when she feels it has been the appropriate amount of time in between pap shots do you think she is spending lots of time with her child? If you can't find the time to go to a two month in advance scheduled doctor visit then when are you finding the time on a regular basis? Look at the photo above. How stiff is she?

Kanye West flew all night so he could take the child to the doctor. So, you are saying to yourself well at least one parent made it. Yes, but Kanye was supposed to be on tour when the appointment was made so neither parent was ever going to make it. What could be so important that someone who works for themselves and makes their own schedule and had two months advance notice couldn't make it to the doctor appointment of their four month old child?


  1. I'm already tired of the kid. Why is Kim posing with a Baby Alive doll?

    1. This comment was evil and im still laughing.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      @ethorne: it's a cabbage patch kid. Baby alive dolls still need their nappies changed & require some effort.

  2. What? You mean motherhood isn't just about posing for post-baby-weight loss pics? Or proving moms can be "hot." You mean, motherhood actually involves doing something other than gratifyihg the mother's ego?

  3. Jeezzus! Girl, take a damn breath. Three paragraphs about a missed appointment? With an old ass picture of her with a baby that's not even hers. Put some Baileys in your coffee and relax.

  4. That looks like an old pic.

  5. That's probably Mason.

  6. Don't put me in a position where I have to defend Kim Kardashian. Maybe she was up all night with the baby. Maybe she has a stomach bug. Maybe she made an agreement with the baby's father that they take turns taking the baby to the doctor. That's what my husband and I did. Maybe sometimes she has to work and couldn't make every single doctor's appointment. Perhaps her working means other people have employment too. A well-baby check-up is not the most important thing in the world. Look, she may well be a crappy mother but missing one doctor's appointment is not what makes her crappy.

  7. I'm far from a Kardashian fan, but saying someone is 'tired' of their baby is kind of low. But it fits in with the way the person who writes this blog now constantly polices women's clothing choices, their body shapes and pregnancies. This writer is miserable.

  8. wow major snark attack

  9. I have to say I've seen recent pics of her with the baby and she looks like she's really into her kid, unlike Guiliana Rancic who looks like an awkward stork who has no idea what to do with a baby.

  10. What is this post even about- I guess Kanye flew in from tour and took baby to 4 month apt??? Kim not there? Enty reading a lot into it and seemed to go with extrapolated Kim hate. He could probably gone the other way and bitched about Kanye being a prima donna and wanting to be the mother of the child. This is why I hate hearing about the Kartrashians anymore- If not the crazy shit they do - the crazy shit people come up with to discuss what they do.

  11. Kanye doesn't even get back on the road until 11/16. He was just doing a bday party in NYC, and likely was planning on flying back to LA anyway.

    We got filler'd.

  12. I think most people see KPig as selfish and self centered, with a need for attention that is off the scale, and that she will almost certainly be a distant mother to this and any other kids she has. It looks like this Enty is just playing to these perceptions with this post. On the other hand though, if KPig did miss the appointment, what the hell was more important? She is such a piece iof shit. Here's some of her sex tape along with a few others.

  13. It gets funnier for me seeing the differences in Kim's baby and mine who were born a few weeks apart. Wild horses couldn't keep me away from being there for those shots, but then again who would better soothe this baby, Kim or the nanny?

  14. I haven't been to the eldest child's rugby matches for the last couple of years. We get the fixture list at the beginning of each season. I could clear my schedule. I don't though. And actually I quite like my kid. So sue me (and I despise the whole kardashian thing) but missing one run of the mill doctors appointment does not make you bored (or a bad) parent. If that was the case I must be both the worst and the most bored parent in the world.

    1. Thats kinda fucked up. You will regret not going to at least a few of those games.

    2. Not really. His dad goes. I did the early years (age 6 to 14). I have 2 other children who don't want to spend every Sunday at the side of a cold wet windy rugby pitch. See. Loads of reasons. Probably like KK had.

  15. I really don't want to stick up for Kim. I don't, but maybe she didn't want to take the baby for its shots. That can be very distressing.
    Or maybe she was busy so the other parent did their duty. Not every single thing is the mother's responsibility.

  16. Not everyone believes in vaccinations.

  17. I know a lot of moms who can't do the appointments with shots and make the dads do them.

    Certainly does not mean they are over their kids.

  18. Didn't she do well with her nephew and niece? I think she's into her baby.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I find all of the Kardashian bashing a little difficult to believe when they are posted on this site Every. Single. Day. If you don't like them, stop posting them daily. This post is especially absurd. You have no idea why she wasn't there, if that is even the truth. She could've had a cold or something and didn't want to take that shit to a pediatrician's office. Give it a rest already. We are tired of reading about them or have you not noticed? The enty before you gave us Kardashian-Free months... you could learn a lot from that guy.

  21. Im with Reno. Even though im tired of hearing about the broad Im going to give her some slack. She has been in less pics which means possibly shes spending time with her kid. Time will tell if motherhood has changed her any tho.

  22. This must be an experiment of some sort. Enty has managed to find a way that we all will come to Kim's defense!!!!! Damn u Enty!!! But u are being awful harsh here. She did always seem to genuinely love Mason & Penelope.

  23. Wasn't this baby born May? Am I totally losing my mind in thinking she is way past tfour month mark?

  24. Tookie is so right on! Ranic has no idea what to do with her kid, and is very awkward with him. And she wants another one! I doubt she sees her kid very often I bet she sees her boy, duke edward(!) less than Kim. Idk what went wrong with dr appt, but the kid isnt ging to self destruct if appt off by a week or so.. Dont forget they are new parents, and this is all new to them. At least they arent entrusting all to a nanny, or her idiot mother.

  25. J Sierra, she was born June 15th.

    I don't think Kim sees much of the baby, I think she is too busy trying on bad clothes...and taking pictures of herself.

  26. Radar stated that Kayne & Kim both flew back from NYC. Kanye was performing for Leo's Birthday. Who knows why she didn't go, but if one parent went then whats the big deal. I use to send my mother because I didn't want to be there when my daughter got shots! Tired of everything being a big deal with these Kardashians!

  27. Oh, please.... We all get tired of our babies. My daughter's nine and I'm still waiting for Obama to legalize 36th-trimester abortions. If I had my very own black man to do my chores like Kim does I'd take advantage too. (Baby-daddy, not slave... C'mon people.).

  28. Good for Kanye. I don't know the circumstances so I will give Kim a pass--but good for him for taking his kid seriously.

  29. Pretty sure the only way we know Kim wasn't there was because of Enty's reporting. Did I miss the pap shots where the was actually NO Kim? Can anyone confirm she wasn't there?
    Enty, relax. Your green eyed little girly fangs are showing today.

  30. Silly Girl, TMZ also says Kim wasn't there. They don't make a big deal about it, but note that Kanye took Nori to her appointment but without Kim. There are a lot of shots at a 4 month appointment and I think the vast majority of mothers would definitely be there. If there was a conflict, you just reschedule. Not rocket science.

  31. I hate the K but I think Entity is reaching here. Of one parent went, what is the big deal?

  32. I'm with Kendra, I've lost count of the number of Mommies I know who make Daddy take the baby for shots.

  33. I am amazed that I am sitting here giving her a pass on something but I can remember taking my grandchildren to get their shots as my daughters couldn't stand to see their children get them. They went to the two month appointment and when the baby got the shot and started crying I am not sure who was crying harder the baby or the mothers! After that I took the babies for their shots until they were like nine months to a year old. They could handle just about anything but seeing one of their children get the shots.

  34. I remember reading a quote about her many years ago, before the TV show and all the famewhore outrageousness....somebody said about her: "She is the most self-absorbed creature on the planet".

    1. In her defense- why wouldn't she be- the world appears interested in every tidbit of her life. If people weren't eating it up the coverage would stop. That being said if she didn't like it she could withdraw and lead a private life and live off her $$$millions so don't have any sympathy for her.

  35. To be clear, Kim employs a fleet of nannies, round the clock care, etc. I don't know if any of you have actually witnessed celebrities (not the normal ones, but the fame obsessed ones) with their children. They do not do the day-to-day raising of their children. They see them at night, maybe in the morning to say hello, and then at holidays and events. The rest of the children's lives are spent with nannies, at private school, with tutors, etc. Kim has probably changed one diaper since that baby was born and that is generous.

  36. Seriously? did anyone really think she would be Mother Of the Year material?
