Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Kendall Jenner Thinks Sex Tapes Are Disgusting - Owes ALL Her Fame To One

If there is one thing that I have made sure of the past seven years of writing this site is that I want every person in the world to always be reminded of the fact that the ONLY reason we have to live and breathe the Kardashians all the time is because Kim Kardashian had sex for money. She made a sex tape and sold it and got famous. There is no other claim to fame for her. She was never famous prior to the sex tape and if it didn't exist we would not be talking about her today at all. Her sisters would all be working retail jobs because Dash would have gone under and her younger sisters would all be in school full-time and wondering who was going to get to use the shared used car that weekend.

So when Kendall Jenner is asked about the porn offers she has received and calls sex tapes disgusting and porn disgusting I think every person should remind her that porn is the only reason any person outside her immediate circle of family and friends know who she is. Period.


  1. Sadly, sex tape or not they would still be extremely wealthy.

    1. @ Kels True but not as wealthy as they are now. Plus we wouldn't know them.

  2. How much does E! pay you Enty?

  3. So you are shading a just turned 18 year old because she thinks that people making offers to her to do porn is disgusting? She is not her sister and I'm not a K fan.

  4. What Laura said. So because her sis' sex tape made her famous, she should love porn?

  5. Today is shame day on CDaN. Who else can Ent dig up to shame. Just women though. Dudes get a pass for having mental health issues in public.

  6. If only releasing a sextape would make you awfully famous, there would be a lot of people who would be included.
    And we know that only a few become widely known as Paris Hilton or Kimberly Kardashian who, in a related note are inheriting a fuckton of dough from their family (Kimberly's father or something is the loaded attorney for O.J. Simpson) and I won't speak about the hotels from the other.
    If Kimberly hadn't released the video, she would be still famous as hell because she would be looking for it as if it were the Arc of the Alliance as many other relatives of über rich (Kimberly Stewart, Ivanka Trump or Nicole Richie) who, as long as I know, haven't shown most of us their fucking skills.

  7. No shit, @Laura and Lotta.

    What the ever-loving fuck?! Kind of the sins of others on the innocent. Jeebus Christ.

  8. Anyway, this cute girl can hate everything her sister does. They are different people who don't have to agree at all the things they do.

  9. Who was going to share the used car over the weekend?


    Bruce Jenner was a millionaire before that sex tape.

  10. And now it's not ok for Enty to talk shit about a fuckin KARDASHIAN.

    1. She isn't a Kardashian. Her last name is JENNER.

  11. She was friends with Paris and was constantly seen with her. One date with Nick Lachey made her blog fodder and everyone had them married off within a few days. Then came the selling of the sex tape. She was indeed known before, but that tape was what sealed the deal. And which Jenner girl was it that was swinging around the stripper pole in Mommy's bedroom at the tender age of pre teen?

  12. Enty, if you didn't write about Kardashians since all these times,they would be less famous.The Kardashians became famous because some bloggers or tabloids wrote about them every day
    if you want to "kill" the Kardashians ,stop to write about them! be indifferent!
    The Kardashians are not famous because of Kim's sextape.They're famous because you can see them every day at tv,tabloids...

  13. Anonymous7:33 AM

    No, she shouldn't be reminded by people about HER MOM AND KIMS decision to profit from that porno. That's not her fault. Let the young girl breathe. I'm against the herrasment ofyoung people for things that are not their fault.

  14. wait until she is hooked on blow and finds a dude with an 8-ball and a HiDef cell phone, she'll change her tune.

  15. If I was 18, I would also find it disgusting that porn peddlers had been counting down the days to my 18th birthday and sending me offers, regardless of how big of a porn hoe my sister was/is.

  16. I remember a piece on some gossip site, maybe it was Ted Casablanca?, years ago, and it said that Matthew Perry (Chandler from Friends) was on a date with the daughter of OJ's defense attorney. Yep, it was none other than KK, and she was described as a shy, demure beauty who would be good for the addiction-prone Perry.

    heehee. Yes, that was BEFORE the sex tape.

    And Kendall could very well think sex tapes are disgusting, for pete's sake. I hope she does anyway.

  17. I don't know anything about this girl, but it isn't unreasonable for her to think they are disgusting even if her sister made one.

    ETA: Why do we still call them sex tapes? There's no tape involved.

  18. What bothers me is that everyone equates her turning 18 with getting offers for a sex tape. It was all over TMZ.
    That strikes me as unusual. No other celebrity turning 18 (Selena, Miley, etc.) was immediately asked whether she'd do a sex tape.
    The family being reportedly so entangled with TMZ, it begs the question of whether the family is spinning the coverage of her turning 18 to include a sex tape.
    Of course they will have her all blushed and offended by it.
    This girl has absolutely nothing special. She's hot, but that's it.

  19. Is it technically called porn if your partner is your boyfriend. I don't know, seems like its in a different category than Farrah Abraham.

  20. I think she's allowed her own opinion regarding sex tapes. My sisters did a lot of shit I would not do and I don't think I'm guilty by association. Let's at least humor her and let her have her morals, even if they don't last long. Besides, she is a tall, thin, beautiful girl who could probably make it as a model on her own.

    Damn you for making me stick up for her!

  21. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Agreed with many of the above. She is completely allowed to think porn is disgusting. Good lord, she is a kid!!

  22. Is it too much to hope that ONE of these kids would be academically smart enough to stay out of the spotlight and become a doctor or something?

  23. This is why I find Kim the least offensive Kardashian.

    Enty's absolutely right, for all the squirming and gymnastics everybody's doing, nobody here would ever have heard of any of these people if Kim hadn't fucked a third-rate, c-list, no-talent rapper who owned a camcorder.

    So Kim is, at least, famous for her own accomplishment, however meager you may find it.

    Kris, Kloe, Khourtney, Kendall and Kiley are only famous because they're related to a girl who once fucked a third-rate, c-list, no-talent rapper who owned a camcorder. Now that, my friends, is shabby.

  24. so what? SHE doesnt care for them. I 'm okay with that. She isnt her sister.
    And i dont even like these peopie!!!

  25. @Sophie: I believe everyone is harping about a sextape, cause her mom is a pimp. Wasn't this the bim who was the popular guess for the girl who's mom had an appointment for her to take nude pics on her 18th birthday, then it would h\be up to the bim when, if ever they were released?

    That is a great strategy, by the way. I have been promoting it for years. Like a Britney Spears, no one is going to care when she is pushing 40 and does a Playboy spread, but if she's pushing 40 and says, "Hey Playboy, how much for these pics from when I was 18?" she would make bank.

  26. @Count: Of course. What I am saying is that the pimp mom is getting everyone to talk about the sex tape offers as in "look at how hot a commodity she is!". Overkill much? No one would be talking about her sex tape offers had the mom/pimp not been sowing those ideas left right and center.

    It is a great strategy indeed, I guess.

    I find the Kendall girl insufferable with the coyness while agreeing to the sex tape talk business.

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  28. audrey, BOTH Jenner sisters were on the pole at 10 and 12 years old.

    I think this girl is beautiful, and she could go places on her own. Her sister Kylie is the mess who will have scandals and sex tapes- she is the fug one who is desperate for attention.

  29. So what? Is she supposed to want to do a sex tape or something? And it isn't like she can rewrite history -- if Kim's tape is out there forever anyway, and Kendall can indirectly monetize that, why not?

  30. I disagree 100% on this post! Come on! Yes her family are all fame whores but she was a child and did not really have a choice in the matter. She has the absolute right to her oppinoun and should be offended she was given such an offer the moment she turned 18. Fucking pervs watching her since what 14? It is also kinda a diss at Kim which I am ALL ABOUT

  31. Enty isn't saying she should condone sex tapes or having hookers for sisters. He's just saying that it's a bit hypocritical to know that the only reason you're sitting pretty is because your older sister was a whore and your mom exploits it and whores out the family. I mean let's just call it what it is. I personally am sick of seeing them play with their hair during every episode. ( Yes, I have been known to stop and watch the disgrace as I've flipped through the channels).

  32. Sophie: The only other person I can remember being hounded when turning 18 was Courtney Stodden, other than Ben Affleck making that comment about counting the minutes to Britney Spears turning 18

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  36. Wow, they're getting to be like the Kennedy family. Girl, don't forget where you came from - the same place the Kennedys came from, the gutter.

  37. Enty is right, and he wasn't talking about money, he was talking about the Katrashians' totally undeserved fame.

    Kendall Jenner is an idiot and will be on her back the second her disgusting mother commands her to do so, which should be any day now.
