Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kelly Clarkson Is Pregnant With Ginnifer Gooidwin's Baby

There really is no way to make any pregnancy news exciting. It is what it is. Kelly Clarkson has told the world she is thrilled to be pregnant and for a few months at least won't have a bunch of people commenting about her weight. It must suck to be her when most reviews of her music start with how she looked and whether she looked heavy. Apparently Kelly was so excited that she failed to make any kind of deal with a tabloid which her publicist is harping on her about now. A first pregnancy from Kelly Clarkson would have landed a cover. You do the cover for free and then get money for the baby photos on the back end.

Ginnifer Goodwin is also pregnant and released a statement which got her mentions in tabloids but she is not big enough to get a cover even after she gives birth. Apparently her pregnancy was a bit of an accident and the producers of her show's first reaction were not yelps of joy. There have been times that I thought Josh Dallas and Ginnifer were headed the way of splitsville since their relationship didn't start out with much solid footing. Hopefully having a baby together will make their bond a little stronger outside the knowledge they will have a connection for the rest of their lives no matter how much they might dislike each other thirty years down the road. Now that could get them a tabloid cover.


  1. Sounds like someone pissed in your glass of Jack this morning Enty. Snark snark snark Would it kill you to be nice just once?

  2. as a woman who is having hard fucking time getting pregnant, I LOVE hearing pregnancy news. Its good, happy news. Why be so god damn bitter about someones joy.
    At least when Michael K talks about "over the moon" news its funny and tongue in cheek, this is just assholish.

  3. Best wishes to you hollywood dime.

    Don't pay attention to the Entern. She hasn't been laid in years, obviously.

  4. What the fresh hell is this? Kelly Clarkson is pregnant with Ginnifer "Gooidwin's" baby?

    Tuesday Entern hates the pregnant ladies.

    @hollywood dime, much luck to you!

  5. Good luck, @hollywood dime!

    Agree with everyone else that this Entern hates pregnant ladies' good news.

  6. Thank you for the love guys :) It means a lot, seriously.

    1. Good luck and isn't it fun trying?

  7. Enty hates pregnancy!!! He's/She's proven that many times.

    @hollywood dime I know your pain. Wishing you the best. I'm sure it'll happen for you ♥

  8. I like Kelly Clarkson and I hope she's happy. I don't think she is snarkworthy.

  9. Hollywood, how wonderful that you are so positive for other pregnancies when you are having trouble conceiving - most would get depressed. I speak from experience!

  10. Nasty Enty today
    Good bye bitch!

  11. Pregnancy snark is irritating. Good luck and God bless @hollywood dime.

  12. Good luck hollywood dime. I had struggles and have a silly 10-year-old boy. I wish the same happiness to you.

  13. ahhh good for Kellly and Ginnifer

    stop snarking about pregnant ladies....

  14. So Kelly decides to announce her pregnancy via twitter instead of a mag cover and this Enty complains. Obviously not the same Enty who complains about celebs selling baby pictures for cash.

    I hope both soon to be mothers have happy and healthy babies.

  15. Good luck to @Hollywood, Kel and Gin!

  16. Good luck Dime... Sending positive vibes your way!

  17. Kelly is not snarkworthy, but her douchey husband certainly is. I'm disappointed in her choice of mate in the same way I was disappointed in the Whitney Houston-Bobby Brown matchup.

  18. I love Kelly Clarkson.

    Good luck, hollywood dime. It took me almost four years to get knocked up. Kinda TMI but this worked: My OBGYN nonchalantly mentioned during an exam that my uterus is inverted and to try rolling over after sexy times. Bam: bun in my oven. I had previously tried all the temperature taking, ovulation stick taking, charting all my business. That shit drove me INSANE.

  19. congrats Kelly! yes,it must suck for someone always commenting on your. I always imagine this scenario: (room full of research scientists) Female researcher: "Ive got it!!! The cure for cancer!!!! Eureka!!!!" Various other researchers-"What did the fat one say?" "Oh, ignore her, shes overweight.! what could she possibly know??"

  20. Bitter, lonely Enty showed up today.

    The rest of us will enjoy our pregnancies, which are hard enough, without the judgement of weight and relationship status.

  21. Hollywood Dime, good luck.

    I have read an article where a doctor believes a lot of issues with women trying to fall pregnant is due to yeast infections. He does an aggressive course of treatment & apparently has a high success rate. He is in America, I think New York. I wish you all the best as I do anyone who is trying to get pregnant or who is pregnant.

  22. Well at least you didn't start this one with "I don't usually post pregnancy announcements."

  23. Giving birth to and raising a child can be fulfilling and a wonderful experience.

    It can also lead to an unpleasant appearance, lack of enjoyment of sex and constant bullshit when the child gets used as a device to knock one over the former partner for revenge - major mysery, that is.

    Children won't fix broken things all the time.

  24. Congatulations to Her! That's great news! It may not be exciting to you, but it's exciting for us!!
