Monday, November 04, 2013

Josh Brolin Needs Rehab

Diane Lane has finally been spotted out in public once again after her split with Josh Brolin. It took some time before she was willing to go in public and there are some rumors that she took care of some issues first which is why no one has really seen her in public much since the split. Josh Brolin has some personal issues of his own and most of them involve his out of control drinking and fighting and womanizing many of which happen at the same time.

Over the weekend Josh got into a fight at a bar and also a fight after a car accident where he was drunk. Women all over town are complaining about the guy and how he gets really handsy and gropey when he gets drunk and doesn't always take no for an answer. The guy is a jerk and it is only because of a deep loyalty and a secret he had that I think Diane Lane stuck around for as long as she did. She deserves so much better than this guy.

Josh's daughter has tried to get him into rehab and Dina has also made the same effort but Josh thinks he doesn't have a problem.


  1. The headline is the understatement of the century. He also needs a good kick in the goolies.

  2. Come on, the guys marriage just fell apart, cut him some slack.

    1. He's a wife beater, Count. I'll cut him, alright. Right around the testes. I was in that life 15 yrs, I don't give any passes/slack to those dickmitten fucktards.

  3. Intrigued about this secret.

  4. Dina = Diane? Or is this some weird inference about Dina Eastwood?

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Sometimes its refreshing to see a feral man. I get tired of see these estrogen fill Vegan males who want to recite poetry.

    Beer drinking, steak eating, bar brawls, wanting to grab a titty or two.

    Sounds about right.

    KIDDING. Kind of....


  6. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I would never date a Guy like Josh, but I like his mixture.

    Kind of.

    Just kidding.

    Or am I?


    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Not mixture ..


    2. fancyscreenname is conflicted! We can work out those emotions together here at CDaN.....

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      @sugar...YES! Please help me! I almost don't mind a drunken Josh Brolin pawing at my boobs. Yet it seems wrong!


    4. It's okay fancy, everyone gets a shame fuck!

    5. Anonymous8:53 AM



      You get. You seriously GET IT.


  7. V - maybe Enty meant Dina Lohan, lol!

  8. Surfer, I think you got it! Lol!

  9. who is Dina?

    Diane Lane does her annual movie , she was at some awards this begining of the year,she will be at some award shows this year and she always was low-key (she's not Jennifer Garner for the paparazzis)

  10. Enty always wrote Josh Brolin was an abuser anda jerk with Diane Lane but here it seems there is a new secret here

  11. I think the secret is that Diane is gay. This gives me such a boner. As for Brolin, he's a little rough around the edges, likes his drink and likes a little poon. What's the problem? Trust me, if I was a millionaire actor living in Hollywood this blog would be jammed to the rafters with stories and blinds about my debauchery.

  12. This is no story. We all know what JB is like (even me who generally knows nothing). Poor Diane though that she has some major secret that is worse than staying with a douchebag.

  13. Brolin is on his way to being the next Nolte/Busey. He’ll be that old leather-faced crazy pants. The loud, obnoxious drunken mess who inflicts himself on anyone in his path. Either that or he’ll wrap himself around a tree or take a nosedive off the PCH. Hopefully, he won’t take anyone with him.

    So this is supposed to mean Diane went to rehab after the split? Makes sense. They probably used together, which contributed to length of the marriage. Or maybe she needed plastic surgery to fix something he did?

    I also wanna know what the secret was! Did Diane feel guilty or responsible for a secret she knew about him? Or maybe it was something that Brolin had on her? She’s always flown under the radar and was never the image of sweetness & light, who gives a shit? Unless she killed someone, the only things I can think of would involve drugs, sex or a secret child. Meh. A little scandal might even put her back on the map. She could make that part of her comeback tour on the talk shows to “reconnect with her fan base” or something.

    Get it front of whatever it is and take the air out his leverage, girl.

  14. Del Taco has that affect on some people.

    1. That's why I always eat at Taco Bell.

  15. I think brolin is in the same category as difficult brown. A true asshole that likes beating up on others,especially women. Rehab isnt a magical fairyland that turns dickbags into caring conscientious people. I will believe it when i see it and probably not even then. Go Diane!

    1. You are so right! People with anti-social personality disorders are not helped with a program. They are born with behaviors that cannot be changed.

  16. rehab is certainly not magical fairyland but it IS a place to get honest about yourself and your issues with help, and learn to live an honest life. people DO go in as selfish assholes and come out changed.

    i imagine like many addicts he blames everything on other people and thinks he's just fine the way he is. he's a mess.

  17. Enty is somewhat implying Diane went to rehab by saying she had issues to deal with and was out if the public eye. That or she had to let her body heal from a Josh episode.

  18. I'm glad she got out, I've had a crush on her for 30+ years. LOL

  19. she went to rehab or had facial surgery done

  20. Sometimes, a Goonie really isn't good enough.

  21. The size of this dude's head & face seriously freaks me out.

  22. I bet his rageful alcohol sweat + cigarette smoke smells amazing.

  23. Um the women in the purple shirt in the tmz video sure looked like she wanted josh to get handsy with her seeing as to how insistive she was to try to pull josh away from the bouncer.

  24. I feel like Barbra Streisand could give him the berating of his life. I don't even think it would be effective, mostly just amusing. Can't hurt. James obviously isn't giving his son the swift kick in the pants he needs. Wonder where his mom is in this.

    Not that grown men need their parents to force them into rehab, but this is when family and close friends need to get it together and help save you from yourself.

    Diane, keep moving, girl. Don't look back. He's not your problem anymore.

  25. I think Dianne needs to start her life over again with a new home in a new land. One of her friends should get her a ticket for a two-week tour of the Tuscany region of Italy; and while she's there, she could find a dilapidated old villa that she impulsively decides to buy, thinking she can fix it up herself. However, the home will prove to be more of a handyman's special than she imagined, but as she slowly gets the hang of household maintenance, Italian style, she will develop a new confidence as she makes friends with her neighbors and finds love with a handsome local named Marcello.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @NomNom Josh's mother is dead she died in a car wreck on his birthday years ago or so the story goes. Hmm....either way I too wonder where James and Babs are in all this. Maybe just threw their hands up in the air since he's seems so uncontrollable.

    Am I shameful in admitting I wouldn't mind throwing back a few with him? He could be a fun drunk, minus any physical aggression of course.

  28. Apparently (as the rumor goes), Jon Bon Jovi wrote You Give Love a Bad Name after Diane Lane, they used to date and she also slept with know as the rumor goes.....

  29. God yes, that Josh head and face almost him dwarf like...

  30. Josh Brolin does NOT need rehab. He needs a serious ass-kicking, just like the ones he likes to give women.

  31. That's weird. Brolin suddenly needs rehab just when press starts for Oldboy. It's almost as weird as when Zac Efron's rehab story came out just as press started for Neighbors. Oh wait, it's the same production company. Somebody in marketing needs to get creative.

  32. She likely needed months of intense therapy to recover from his abuse (been there; survived that) and/or she could have needed some orthopedic or reconstructive surgery due to his beatings.

    Isn't she also the one Charlie Sheen shot while they were dating?

    This woman needs to write off men for awhile, until her head's on straight.

    @ di - I think dickmitten fucktards is my new favourite. May I use it?
