Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jon Gosselin And Farrah Abraham Need To Hook Up

What do you get when you cross Farrah Abraham and Jon Gosselin? A couple who would be willing to appear on every reality show you can think of just to make a buck and stay famous. For Farrah it is more to stay famous and so she doesn't have to keep making porn and sleeping with random guys until her Square breaks down from over use. For Jon it is a return to some money so he doesn't have to wait tables and tell the world how much he likes being a normal guy because he obviously doesn't.

Both Farrah Abraham and Jon Gosselin will be appearing on Couple's Therapy this season but not as a couple. Farrah will be solo and Jon Gosselin will be on the show with his "girlfriend" who he is saying is his girlfriend only for the show. Couple's Therapy is slowly moving from real couples and their problems and more towards really bad Surreal Life casting. Where is Verne Troyer peeing in a corner of the house while Chyna gets naked in the swimming pool  to prove she is a woman and Adrianne Currey gets naked for Peter Brady. You just can't write better television.

If these two hook up I wonder if Farrah will throw the guy a bone and actually sleep with him or if he will just have to watch as she becomes "best friends" with her married bodyguard. Taylor Swift will also be on the show with her "perfect boyfriend" but apparently not perfect enough to keep them from making a couple of hundred thousand and extending her fifteen minutes by thirty seconds.


  1. Not taylor swift, enty. Taylor Armstrong.

  2. Better yet they need to just go away.

  3. Even better, is that no one watches the show. Without an audience it can't survive.

  4. Why do you keep writing about these people?

    1 Nobody cares
    2 They are no longer on TV
    3 Nobody cares
    4 Isn't there an Alba picture you need to hunt down for some payola?
    5 Nobody cares

  5. I don't understand the square reference?? I'm a woman I don't have any squares. Do I ???

    1. I've never seen it called a Square, only the box.

    2. @Jennabean Unless he's referring to the little gadget you plug into your smartphone so one can swipe their credit/debit to pay you. It's a mobile point of sale system.

    3. He's referring to her bony arse...tis squareish.

    4. He's referring to her bony arse...tis squareish.

  6. ^ 1. Ditto
    3. Ditto
    5. Ditto
    6-10. Rinse repeat.

  7. Ha Kathy, I was wrong about 2.
    Some dumbass is putting them back on?
    I called my care. It didn't even pick up the phone.

  8. Why is this ho going on COUPLES Therapy by herself? Doesn't she know her vagina doesn't count as half of a couple?

  9. I guess Farrah's married bodyguard's wife might be interested.

  10. @BR - LOVE THE AVATAR!!! ;)

  11. @ethorne- betch thinks feminism means she's feminine, you think she can tell what a couple is?

  12. @Jennabean, a Square is a gagdget you hook up to your smartphone or iPad that lets you take credit card payments. Jessica Alba got one for Enty.

    @ethorne, LOL!

  13. I knew there had to be something wrong with the supposedly wealthy perfect attorney that swept Taylor off her feet. Probably a complete fraud. No normal person with any self respect would go on a show like couples therapy unless under a court order.

  14. Taylor Swift. Really? Can we get a c competent person to write this shite? Or a copy editor?

  15. Scraping the bottom of the barrel are they? I'd rather watch an infomercial than this garbage.

  16. Thanks guys u I really thought ent was referencing a body part and I was so confused. Now I don't have to get a mirror.

  17. He's hard up for money--he blew his part of the show money, and is up to his eyeballs in unpaid child support--and Kate has a lawsuit pending against him saying he hacked her computer and leaked personal info.

    He sees Reality TV as a quick place to make some money. Couples Therapy is where desperate people go for a quick $$ infusion.

  18. I watched one minute total if backdoor teen mom yesterday - what a horrible, horrible porn. I didn't hate Farrah before - I can't stand her now. Even James D dropped a few points for that one
