Thursday, November 07, 2013

John Edwards Has A New Girlfriend

John Edwards has dumped his baby mama/former mistress because she sold him out for money in her new book. I know it is shocking to believe that a woman who wanted money for silence before and would have an affair with a man who had a wife dying of cancer would sell out the boyfriend for money, but it happened. I would say John Edwards is starting to learn about karma but the thing is he now has a 35 year old girlfriend who seems unconcerned with his past and is probably also a candidate in the future to sell the guy out.

According to The National Enquirer, in a last ditch effort to try and get John Edwards back, Rielle Hunter wrote an open apology letter to him in hopes of probably showing down the road why she is a good person and deserves more money for child support. Edwards has moved his new girlfriend into the house he once shared with Rielle and previous to that his now deceased wife.


  1. God he's pond scum.

  2. He's such a bad example for his kids.

  3. This picture of the kids just breaks my heart.

  4. I feel sad for those kids. I wish their older sister would get/take custody.

  5. 35? Ain't the dude rich? Whats a rich dude doing dating the elderly?

  6. Edwards:

    1) In a televised debate with Cheney, mentioned that Cheney's daughter was gay.
    2) Made a photo-op of himself unloading supplies in Haiti.
    3) Did 2 television interviews from his house to show the country what a loving and caring husband and father he was. Wife was dying from cancer, it hadn't been made public yet, and he was banging Hunter.
    4) Used the announcement of his wife's cancer as another campaign tool. Made the announcement from his house, surrounded by family, and talked about all the love they had for each other. He was still banging Hunter.

  7. I live in NC.
    People around here knew he wasn't a saint long before the rest of the country found out.
    Hunter wasn't the only one he was having sex with.

  8. Handsome politicians are almost always cheating on their wives. Hell even ugly ones! (How does Newt do it?) He's an idiot and you know what? Not to speak badly of the dead but his wife wasn't a saint either. After so many years together someone is sick of someone else's shit.

    1. @Sherry: I remember hearing the same thing about Elizabeth. I heard she could be quite mean spirited. Interesting pair.

  9. Smarmy. Shouldn't he be in jail? Hopefully there will be no more tales of breeding for dollars.

  10. I think RH was blackmailing Edwards with secret tapes. Maybe 3-way action or Edwards with a guy
    because nothing she's ever written or said in public shows enough brains or talent to explain how she got his attention for more than a couple of random hook-ups. She's delusional, maybe mental, with zero journalistic skills.

    He's scum but that doesn't rule out his ability to raise his kids. Unless he's in prison or heinously abuses them, It's nearly impossible for him to lose custody of the kids. He is the only parent they have left.

  11. I don't trust lawyers in general, but any lawyer from south of the Mason Dixon line is in a different class. They try to lull you in with the southern drawl, next thing ya know yer pants are at yer ankles and yer cornhole is sore.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Sherry, IKR?! Newt is so blech and a complete tool. He could slip something in my drink and my lady parts would still go into automatic lockdown like a built-in chastity belt.

  14. I'd throw a little Salt into Rielle.

    Can you blame him? Wife became a fat crazy chick.

  15. these skeevy politicians all gladhand each other. high five-ing in the locker room. sick. SMDH

  16. He had all three women in the same house? Hope he got new bed linen.

  17. I think it's really a shame they had two more kids, and went to such great lengths to do so. Let's face it, it was done in an effort to "replace" the son who died tragically. Their other daughter seems fine, but these two poor kids, now being raised in this circus...I really feel for them.

  18. @figgy: I feel the same way. I hope the oldest daughter is caring for the kids. They need stability.

  19. The only recent political wife with self respect that I can think of is Mark Sanford's wife. She told him to go pound sand and drop dead. No showing up at a press conference standing by his side. No making excuses or blaming make believe enemies or the other woman. She's a role model.
