Joan Rivers Isn't Politically Correct
TMZ got Joan Rivers on film and in the film she managed to offend just about every segment of the population. If you can think of a racist name for someone she used it. If you can think of a gay slur she used it. She says the world is way too uptight about words and she thinks that everyone should forgive Alec Baldwin and feel free to use the slurs all the time. Well, MSNBC begs to disagree and fired Alec Baldwin and I don't think he will be welcomed back to the NBC family anytime soon. As for Joan, it will be interesting to see what E! does or makes her do or if they hope that this will be quietly forgotten and no one will have to make a statement. If E! does nothing then they are implying they agree with her? They are probably all sitting in a conference room right now all wondering how they should proceed while Guiliana Rancic keeps barging in and showing them photos of Duke's poop and wondering if it means something.