It's Official - Kendall Jenner Is Willing To Pose Naked For Money
Just sixteen days after turning eighteen Kendall Jenner has released her first almost naked photo. The future porn star and Surreal Life cast member shared a photo from a recent photo shoot which features her in a sheer top with clearly exposed nipples. To make it feel less porntastic she released a black and white version of the shot after the photographer who took the shot released a color version. When asked about the photo Kendall presumably said, "My mom decided which one showed my nipples the best and which one will ensure that I continue the wonderful legacy established by my older sister of selling sex for money. We are currently interviewing men who will star opposite me in my porn debut and then I will be married off to the highest bidder who has enough servants to satisfy my mother."
I don't understand this family. I know they like making money and that sex is just a thing but what is going to happen is that Kendall and then Kylie are teenagers so they are going to have decades of second guessing after bowing to the pressures of their mother. What might seem like a great idea now and even more fame might seem a lot like a better way to go a decade from now when Kendall has not even reached her 30th birthday.