Monday, November 11, 2013

Hangovers And Drug Use Are Now "Food Poisoning" In Justin Bieber's World

Justin Bieber wants the fans of Argentina to know that despite a bad case of "food poisoning" that he performed anyway last night. He had to show up. He probably put that out there to garner sympathy or if his performance sucked he could blame the sickness. His fans would probably be less likely to forgive him if they knew he had partied for 36 hours straight and smoked more pot than his 50 pound body weight while boozing and having fun with women and then realizing he had a show to perform. Granted Justin is not to the point of Rihanna where you have to wonder if it is worth even buying a ticket to her show because you have no idea if she will show up on time (within three hours) or even bother to show up at all because of all the various "illnesses" that seem to plague her more than any other person on earth.

Earlier in the weekend Bieber got kicked out of his hotel because his fans were too rowdy. The fact that Bieber kept encouraging the crowd to go crazy probably had something to do with it too.


  1. the day when Bieber will meet Lindsay Lohan,it will be epic

  2. He's an idiot.
    It's a shame actually. He did have a shred of talent. He can play a few instruments, right? Besides his handlers...

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    i can't wait until the name Bieber is as obscure and sad as Goss or Astley. or Craig McLaughlan.

    1. Rach, I met Bros twice, at height of fame and after, both times they were polite, sweet and appreciative of their fans, Justin has a long way to go before he is in their league! :)

  4. I'm over JB but show me one kid that age that doesn't do that. The difference is when I did it it was at McDs' lol

  5. i use to have beiber fever but luckily there is immunization for that

  6. In Buenos Aires, the media is reporting he was dropping acid, and that's why he was puking onstage and fainting backstage (it's one of the side effects if you a tiny whimpy asshole, it seems). Guess his official "food poisoning" was magically cured when the show finished, as he went straight to the airport and flew to Chile.

  7. As Ceci said, here in Argentina the media are reporting that on the previous day Justin was in a "electronic music/dance" party called "CreamFields", many said it was full on ecstasy and cocaine, and that he puke the whole party and to "lift him up" his people give him alcohol and serum.

    For this reason many famous people with "contacts" knew it was possible that the concert was going to be suspended.

    What's more, there were incidents at a nightclub in the city when the security people hit several photographers, his people where carrying prostitutes in minivans, destroyed a hotel and later the management of the hotel kick all of them out (and no other hotel on the city wanted them)

    Not to mention the amount of girls who were left out of the "meet & greet" (almost 300) for which they paid almost 2000 u$s each, even one girl with leukemia waiting three hours to suspend and not even return the money to the people.

    This guy is fuck*ng disgusting!

  8. He descent is occurring at warp speed..

  9. I m in argentina an I covered as a photographer the Faena hotel then i took a relative to the concert ...

    that bastard should give back every penny to people cause only reason why he jumped on stage for few songs was FOR NOT CANCELLING DIRECTLY AND HAVE TO RETURN THE MONEY ...

    Like other people mentioned previously it was a deadly chaos and for hotels that dealed in the past with people like madonna, U2, The rolling stones m jackson this is the first time a musician gets kicked from one and banned from the rest of them

  10. Mikka, you are right! a lot of artist have canceled shows before, but never in this country one of them was kicked out from a hotel!

    Later no other hotel in the city want to accommodate Justin and his team, he had to be moved to a house in another part of the city called Nordelta.

    (PS: Sorry for my English! this is my third post, long (years) time lurker)
