Friday, November 08, 2013

Four For Friday - The Crazy Threesome

It is Friday today and a three day weekend for much of the world is ahead. We are also less than three weeks until Thanksgiving and I admit to already watching Christmas movies. I will be here all weekend blogging and passing out blind items and reveals and any breaking news. If you would like to follow me on Twitter that would be lovely. I am @entylawyer

This is the most quiet threesome that has existed. Apparently it has been going on for over a decade but I just heard about it for the first time in the past few weeks. I always knew that the couple involved in this was into swapping but the third they bring in is not someone I would have expected despite his Lothario reputation.

The couple is A list when it comes to acting talent. Mostly movies. List wise though they are both B, one of them permanently. She has always been one of those people who seem to be shy and quiet on the outside but is a freak when you get her alone. Her significant other has always floated between men and women although he prefers women most of the time.

The third is also an A list mostly movie actor who once hit on the actress and she offered a threesome. The actor agreed because he had heard the stories of the actress too and wanted a chance with her and was willing to do pretty much anything even though he was married at the time. Over the years the threesome has been on and off and they try to see each other for extended fun of several weeks at least every other year. The actress has gone outside the threesome a few times with the A list actor but is very reluctant because he can sometimes be papped and she never is and she likes her quiet reputation.


  1. Replies
    1. Nvm ratings don't fit.

    2. Sorry, Kristin. Just tryin' to be hilariously obnoxious. xoxo

    3. Kristin, Sugar - keep the model right. First VIP, *then* Kristin, then others can jump aboard.

      Personally I don't think anybody should be allowed to comment on a thread before VIP. I rmailed Ents a few dozen times, and tweeted too, but he's not enacted the 'VIP protocol' yet :((((((

  2. Replies
    1. Nvm ratings don't fit.

    2. @Sugar lol I just checked this.


  3. Hmmm I dunno how quiet Jada's reputation is..

  4. I don't know if the ratings fit, but I was thinking Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates.

  5. How are 'ratings' determined?

    1. @Susan M

      There is an algorithm that involves my rather fetching rosy cheeked buttocks.

      It's pretty arbitrary ;)
      The only solid thing worth mentioning is that the A-F lists are distinguished by medium - film, tv, reality, sport, and so on - the '#-List' designations are only within that specific media/industry.

  6. I don't see Jada as the quiet type.

  7. Maggie Gyllenhaal/Peter Sarsgaard for the married couple?

  8. Kevin and Phoebe are married so not them. And at least for me, Kevin is A list all the way!

  9. @Karen - I feel like being in Gremlins makes her forever A+ list.

  10. I think the ratings term means just another word for clues, Susie :)

  11. So I take it the couple live together but are not married.

    Hmmm Kurt and Goldie?

  12. I think the third is Bradley Cooper I'm clueless on the couple.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. MV is


    13 Letters
    Hyphen in the full name:
    Sinéad Marie-Bernadette O'Connor

    hence the "S" as a clue for the real singer
    MV for european example

    Ranked in the top 40 biggest female rock artists of all time.

    Was everywhere
    Was on SNL
    CBS Letterman, Late Late Show

    Would be really shocking if she would not be the singer

    multiple Gold and Platinum Records

    Married often, many children

    Mental problems

    Producer - shocking heavyweight, easy to ident by description:
    Phil Ramone

    1. Umm @Unknown, the details are all great, but my issue is your bigotry re apostrophes.

      Sure, an apostrophe is not a 'real' letter - whatever that arbitrary designation means ... does anyone really know what a 'real' rose is? You see my point!1!!

      Until more people stand up and start publically acknowledging apostrophes as having a valid place in our society they'll continue to be misused and maltreated. Just today I saw someone callously use one where there was no conjunction or possessive.

      I don't think I want to live in a world where that little so-called "insignificant" apostrophe in the name Sinead O'Connor doesn't at least mean her name is counted as 13.2 characters.

      Sorry guys. I know this is a gossip blog, and I don't want to get heavy and bring you down.

  16. I thought the hyphen clue was about a nickname not a real name...

  17. Didn't Enty rule out foreign-born?

    1. Yes. MV was born in North America

  18. Why are MV posts showing up here is my mobile screwed up?

  19. This is a juicy one. I wonder who the shy quiet actress is? I have no guesses.

  20. No @sandybrook, they're just posting in the wrong thread :)

  21. Wtf is up with the MV all over the place? LOL

    1. exactly Meanie- I guess they want someone to discuss but too many comments in MV blind today so they feel they will be lost in the crowd so need to post in each thread.

  22. @Flygirl and Rhysie I see they are posting just about every BI right now.

  23. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Kurt & Goldie and Jeff Goldblum

  24. Sorry to annoy guys, I was just trying to answer "unknown"... I should have just ignored them.

  25. jennifer connelly/paul bettany - tho not sure they're A-list talent-wise.

  26. Connelly/Bettany is a great guess - she's permanent B with her best supporting Oscar.

    No idea for the other participant.

  27. Sara, that's a good guess, I think they're both fine actors, they always deliver.

  28. @sara Connolly/Bettany is a great guess. She's an Oscar winner and he's not so bad himself.

  29. Connelly and Bettany are a seriously-attractive and incredibly talented; I reckon he's one of the finest actors of his generation.

    With regard to Sinéad being MV, no flipping way. I remember many of her Late Late Show (original Irish version) where she was genuinely singing live, including traditional folk songs. I also seriously doubt that Shane McGowan would rerecord "Haunted" with her if she wasn't a real singer.

  30. I'm thinking that this is Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger for the married couple. I know that he is not mostly movies but she fits the female description to a T.

  31. I really like the Liev/Naomi guess... maybe Jude Law is their 3rd??

  32. I just keep seeing Brad and Ange for this?

  33. The couple is either Gyllenhaal/Saarsgard or Connelly/Bettany as others have guessed. I would lean towards the former but the blind says one is permanent B-list and in Enty's world that means AA winner (not just nominee). That implies Connelly.

    I can see some thinking Watts/Liev but she is regularly papped and neither an Oscar winner, plus he's tv now and not mostly film. It isn't Goldie Hawn who is not "quiet on the outside" or shy about being papped.

    The lothario may be Russell Crowe, who's a former co-star of both and no longer married (is he divorced yet?). BCooper has never been married. There have been rumors about Connelly and Crowe having a thing on their own in the past. He is also likely to be papped. I have a hard time believing he'd do a three way with another man, but stranger things and all that.

  34. Need to correct Cooper has been married, but only for a year and not more than a decade ago. In fact he was barely known a decade ago except for Alias.

  35. Broderick/SJP for the couple?

  36. read it as maggie and peter but she really gives off an asexual vibe

  37. I like the Joshua Jackson and Diane Krueger guess with Brad Pitt as the A list actor. Rumor is that Brad hit on Diane big time during Troy and then tried again during Inglorious Bast. Maybe she didn't turn him down.

  38. Naomi/Liev/Sean Penn

  39. @Carol Wasn't there a blind about Schrieber beating the crap out of Penn for making a pass at Naomi?

  40. I hadn't heard that about Liev and Sean, bookjacket.

  41. @CarolMR: you never heard about Liev and Sean's fight (according to ENTY, Lieve hit Penn because Penn slapped Naomi a day) because it's never happened
