Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Don't Talk To Lindsay Lohan

Apparently Lindsay Lohan is the biggest star on the planet and will remind you of this every chance she gets. Of course she is the one who has to do the reminding you because you are not allowed to speak to her unless she speaks to you first. Over the weekend Lindsay was at an event in New York City and at some point during the night she decided to mingle with the common folk. Let them bask in her glow if you will and probably to bum some cigarettes and troll for any possible nice bags or furs she might have missed during her initial sweep.

A guy said hi to her. That is it. No touching. No leering just hi. Lindsay immediately tried to have the security guy who was accompanying her through the regular people throw the man out. When the security guy asked why Lindsay told him that people are not allowed to talk to her unless she speaks to them first because then there would be too many people trying to talk to her. The security guy said he couldn't throw out the man for talking to Lindsay and Lindsay said they would see about that and she spent the next 45 minutes trying to get the guy thrown out. For saying hi. At the end of 45 minutes no one was taking Lindsay seriously and she would never have been able to find the guy anyway to throw him out.

Lindsay also wanted the security guard fired for not following her instructions and the owner of the venue said the security guy does not work for Lindsay who responded that since she was the biggest celebrity in the venue that they should all be working to make sure she is safe.


  1. Lol at that photo. What a twit.

  2. It's Oompah Loompah Lindsay!

  3. This trick is so delusional. What did Okra do to her?

  4. I hope that from now on wherever she goes random people come up to her and start yakking on about inane drivel.
    All the time.

  5. What the fresh hell is going on in that photo? Half a spray tan, bad makeup, and possibly a black eye? Linds, you are not all that and you should be wearing orange on Wednesdays.

  6. I had no idea Lindsay was doing a Faces of Meth campaign.

  7. LOL You guys crack me up!!

  8. Ugh, she put the self tanner in her ear. Wtf?!

  9. oh get over yourself bitch…you are finished

  10. Well this settles it. She's definitely abusing mind altering substances again.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. She is going full bore. I'm going to say by Valentine's day a trick or dealer beats the shit out of her. Possible hospitalization, definite pap shots of the damage around the head and neck.

  13. If he had waved a fist full o' Benjamins whilst saying "hi," that of course would have been a completely different story.

  14. "Hi" or "high" -- Get the f over yourself you worthless cow. Try getting a crippling disease. THEN you can get your skanky drawers in a twist.

  15. Def C-induced self-importance.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. If she is the biggest star at the event, then it must have been a bargain basement event.

  18. She's lucky she even got this low rent job, much less trying to fire anyone! She's 2 steps away from security guard herself! Idiot!

  19. rude bitch. I extra hate this story because I can picture myself being the guy dumb enough to attempt a conversation with her....

  20. She is such a fucking asshole. This is another reason why I ain't buying her "sobriety". She is still to far up her own ass to be accountable for anything.

  21. I'm honestly thankful that Lindsay is out there in the world being herself. She is enormously entertaining.

  22. That picture! I can't unsee that you know!!

  23. ack ! *TOO* far up her own ass.


  24. Somebody needs to punch her ticket and stop that annoying whiney noise from under her table.

  25. I see what you did there, Meanie!

  26. Ahh, the Cracklamity that is BlowHan.

  27. Her ego is so inflated from the hemmoroids she has from doing all the ass to ass action. Can't wait for the day she is broke and nobody will hire her and she will become a normal person and nobody will pay any attention to her.



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