Did Kendall Jenner Select Harry Styles As Her Ray J?
You know how Harry Styles and Taylor Swift have supposedly been secretly dating again which would defy all logic of the universe? Their secret relationship had grown to the point where Taylor was doing her house buying thing by buying one in Harry's neighborhood instead of actually just moving in with the guy. Well, apparently to really fool the entire world Harry has hatched a master plan. He has decided to become Kendall Jenner's Ray J.
Last night Kendall and her 18 year old nipples went to dinner with Harry Styles. Tell me that Kris Jenner didn't orgasm for a day straight when she found out Harry was taking her daughter out. There is NOTHING in this world that Kris Jenner would love more than a quick Vegas wedding for the couple. Televised of course. They could use a hidden camera or something and really make it special. Immediately following the ceremony the camera would then record the couple having sex. It would make millions and Kris Jenner would pray every night for a little Harry and she wouldn't make him live under the stairs but in the garage with Bruce where they would grow ponytails together and talk about the glory days. Since the baby would have none, Bruce would do all the talking.