Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Denise Richards Says Brooke Mueller Is Destroying Bob And Max

In one of the most sad and devastating letters that I have ever seen Denise Richards details how Brooke Mueller is turning Bob and Max into zombies who show no emotion as they become violent and torture animals and people. These kids are so young and if their behavior is not stopped this is the kind of thing that is going to lead to certain harm for people and for animals and become progressively worse as they get older. This is the kind of letter that will get a judge's attention and make them truly think if any time spent with Brooke Mueller is worth it.

Denise says that most of this behavior is because of Brooke. She says the children were having problems when they were placed with Denise but therapy saw to many of the issues but as soon as Brooke was allowed seeing Bob and Max their behavior reverted back to where it had been and when Brooke was able to see them more it became truly violent and scary and makes Denise fearful for her own children and animals and does not want them in her care any longer.

"The most concerning behavior is that boys complete detachment from any emotion when they are in the moment inflicting harm on a person or animals. While in these moments they enter a zombie like state. This is their most troublesome behavior myself and others have witnessed. They have expressed their love for our dogs, which are very gentle and kid friendly. They both have repeatedly kicked the dogs in the head, squeezed their heads with both hands while watching the dogs whimper in pain. The boys have choked them, punched them, pressed on their back and head extremely hard. While petting our little dog very sweetly, a second later they had had their hands tight around our dog’s neck and lifted him off the floor while strangling him. While doing this, they showed no remorse or any emotion. Due to their state I can’t get their attention to stop them when they’re inflicting harm. I have to physically pry their hands away. I could wave my hand in front of their face and they won’t flinch. I have repeatedly shared this many, many times to everyone involved in this case. I tell the boys they could kill the dogs strangling them, but have gotten many responses from the boys that they want to hurt them and want them to die. Shortly after they will tell me how much they love the dogs. The examples I have given are a handful of incidences that I have witnessed since having the boys. I realize that the boys have endured a lot and I would imagine the reasons the department removed them from their home have had an effect on them. I am aware that the boys are confused. How could they not be?"


  1. Those poor kids. They have a lot of strikes against them.

  2. This is very typical of attachment disorder. I'm betting that both boys have some fetal alcohol/drug exposure as well. Good thing Charlie has money, because just therapy isn't going to be enough for these boys. And the boys may actually turn against Denise's girls too. This is so sad.

    1. Brooke was using during pregnancy. Sadly, Charlie was probably using with her.

  3. I said it yesterday. Brooke should only be allowed to see those boys when there's a babysitter present for HER. Now I'm starting to suspect the boys emerging behavior problems are due to Brooke abusing drugs while she was pregnant.

  4. I don't usually complain about content, but why do we need to know any of this about kids? Kids. Kids that are going to grow up and hopefully adjust with some counselling and get better and we're now going to be thinking, oh wait, aren't those Charlie's little psychopaths that like to strangle dogs? Not necessary and gross.

  5. How is this only Brooke's fault? I mean, I know of her issues and all, but Charlie ain't no white dove!

    1. Charlie was never father of the year,but if she did drugs while pregnant shes more at fault for any brain imbalances,syndromes.

  6. Did you see the picture their father tweeted to their mother? What a fucking waste of human being. He gets pass after pass for his drug use, abuse, and anger issues. Brook may not be a prize herself, but Charlie Sheen is an asshole of the worst kind.

  7. Heartbreaking. I don't know who got their hand on this letter, it was written to the child welfare system to remove her from taking care of the boys. The full letter is elsewhere, and it's so sad. She specifically cites that the boys were a mess when she got them, they got better, but have reverted now that they see Brooke again.

  8. This was a letter sent to the social workers on this case. How the fuck did it get out? It is none of our business.

  9. I agree that Charlie is to blame as well as Brooke, but I don't think that he ever spends time with the kids without Denise or another adult present.

    Can you imagine what Brooke must be like when she's alone with those kids if this is how they behave? They need lots of therapy and should only have 100% supervised visits when seeing either of their parents.

  10. @msgirl, if a social workers leaked it, they deserve to get their asses fired.

  11. @MissMoPR and audrey, because Charlie at least carries on with his career and personal life. Brooke goes from rehab stay to rehab stay to rehab stay, and between stays is usually photographed either making drug buys or while smoking them.

    1. @elle Don't let him fool you. He's an addict, no different than Brooke. Yes, he has a job... Then again, the producers of his show are running thru filming as fast as they can because they know he may die pretty soon. So the only difference is she goes to rehab and he doesn't? Well I commend her for trying, even if her own wil is not the reason to keep doing so. He, on the other hand is an addict who doesnt see a problem with it and will never get better. (Not that I think she will, either.) and not that I'm defending Brooke, bit it's not nce of him to point his finger at her... As long as he's pointing his finger at her, no one will notice its his fault as much as hers. I guess it's working for some.

  12. This public display by the adults in this situation is a disgrace.

    Seriously do these children have anyone in their lives who can take them and do the right thing?

    I was very pro-Denise but I don't want to find out that her people or Charlie's leaked this letter.

    Playing this out in the court of TMZ and Radar Online is just horrible.

    Next, we'll have Dr Phil and Robin weighing in.

  13. I think the letter was leaked by Charlie's team. I think the letter was written at the behest of Charlie's team. I think there is something terribly wrong with this toxic triangle of Charlie, Broke, and Denise. Yeah, yeah--Denise is a saint for taking the boys, etc. But there is more to this "arrangement" than just being a good person.

    I think Bob and Max are done. I hope they don't get their own episode of Evil Kin on ID.

  14. Parent wise, Brooke seems to be the only one they really know. I'm sure Charlie being an absentee father doesn't help any, but I don't think they witnessed any of his dysfunction because of the fact that he is never around. They lived with Brooke long enough for her actions to cause a lot of emotional damage.

  15. These poor souls, Charlie will hurl insults but he would rather have custody of his porn "goddesses" than get clean and truly parent these kids.
    No matter what he says about Brooke, he is the same or worse.
    I don't care if he only sees the boys with "adult supervision", isn't that so sad for them?

  16. Sad.
    Poor kids.

  17. Attachment disorder is beyond brother adopted a young boy wirh it and he's a barely functional adult. They gave him all the love, discipline and therapy he needed too.

  18. @MissMoPR, no one is fooling me, and I really don't have a side in this debate except what's best for the kids, and from where I sit, Brooke is completely dysfunctional. Maybe Charlie shouldn't have those kids either, but there's no way I'll support Brooke having any amount of custody at this point in time.

    1. @elle I agree. Sadly, no one has their best interest at heart. And sadly no one will step up. They have no one.

  19. Someone needs to show Brooke the Child of Rage documentary. Attachment in childhood is crucial, without it kids can suffer serious cognitive delays.

  20. This is one of the saddest things I've read in a long time. I agree that Charlie's team probably leaked this, because he's pretty much declared a public war on Brooke.

    Neither parent is fit for custody. Isn't there any functioning family member besides Denise who can care for these kids?

  21. Have you seen Charlie without the gobs of makeup used to spackle his drug face, or without his fake teeth to fill in the gaps where his own have fallen out? The man is an addict and just because he shows up at work and acts like himself on set doesn't mean he should win parent of the year prizes. I am sure he was full of encouragement every time Brooke used during her pregnancy so he could turn around an use it against her later.

  22. Neither Brooke or Charlie are fit to be a parent to these boys - the difference is that Charlie isn't trying to get custody and visitation and use them as a meal ticket.

  23. Brooke wants her little meal tickets back…

  24. The sad part is that, while care may improve the childrens' behavior, they can never be "cured" if the underlying cause is neurological damage due to drugs and/or fetal alcohol syndrome.

  25. Exactly, Texas Rose. Charlie recognizes his limitations and understands that he sucks as a parent. Brooke just wants the kids so she can keep getting the money. Charlie's a loser, for sure... but Brooke... I wish I believed in god so that I could hope she'd end up in hell for what she's done to those little boys.

  26. I feel so bad for these kids. I don't know why Charlie doesn't just buy her off. He's got more money than god, give her 10, 20 million to sign off her rights and leave them alone. I know they will probably hate him for it when they are adults, but at least they will have a chance at reaching adulthood without going to jail or killing someone

    1. LA Mac - was going to say the same thing. For the good of the boys make her an offer$$ She has a number. Maybe he just knows when she blows through it she will be back for more. I think it is probably just that Charlie is off the rails on this fight and will not give her any $$. He needs to calm down and think about the easiest and least public way to get the boys out of harms way which probably means paying her ransom to walk away- he has the $$.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I have three children with attachment disorder and FASD. These boys are classic examples of what happens when prenatally exposed to alcohol and other drugs and coupled with non-nurturing parents. While obviously things are not going well as they were, Denise is still probably their best bet for having their needs met (therapy, stability, routine, structure). They are going to need some intensive guidance, probably for the remainder of their lives. Animal cruelty at such a young age is very frightening. Sadly, these boys will probably be making some very tragic headlines as they become teens and adults.

  29. Give these kids to Martin or Emilio.

  30. I don't know anything about kids, really. I do feel just awful for them. I am not unsympathetic in any way. That being said...

    What about the poor helpless pets they are inflicting the violence upon!? Those kids need to be separated from the dogs immediately. To be hot and cold like that to an animal could affect it for the rest of its life.

  31. Here's an interesting point: where exactly has the entire Estevez/Sheen family been through this whole thing? Not one of them has stepped up to support those children. That's horrible as well. Was Charlie disowned?

  32. What's not posted here, but was in the TMZ thread, is that Denise said the boys were also attacking her daughters. Hitting, biting, strangling, etc. Maybe that was her line in the sand. She's trying to do the right thing by helping out, but her responsibility is to her children.

  33. Give these kids to Martin or Emilio.


    Yeah, because Martin did such a great job with Charlie. Read Rob Lowe's autobio "Stories I tell My Friends" for a few tidbits of how fucking strange his neighbor Martin Sheen was when they lived in Malibu during Lowe's youth. He says some nice things too but it's clear that MS had a fucking screw loose.

    1. Damn Penny, chill boo. Charlie wasn't Martin's only child and I'm pretty sure the other 3 made it to adulthood relatively unscathed. Did you know Martin Sheen has been married since 1961? Strange indeed.


  35. I would like an investigation into cps... Seriously, how is it that brain damaged addict Brooke is allowed to block Denise from getting the boys therapy and is allowed to have unsupervised overnight visits already? That is so screwed up. She is a train wreck and proven unfit. Those boys have been with her when she was drugged out her mind and overdosed and went psychotic. They never knew routine or had consistency. Brooke is only fighting because she needs the money. It's so disgusting. Those boys have so little chance, and the one slim one that they do is being punished in the crossfire of two junkies. CPs denied Denise as supervisor, because Charlie publicly criticized them. The repercussions of that include that Charlie can't visit Denise's house without a court monitor- even to see his girls, because the boys are present. How much more do you want to strain Denise's ability to run a 5 child household?,? It is well established she manages Charlie and her house better and more safely than anyone, but she is being compromised? Cps really screwed up, and the kids are the ones truly paying the price. I don't blame Charlie for being on the war path. He is no saint, but he was smart enough to out one in charge: Denise.

  36. This is so, so sad. Denise is a saint for taking these children in and trying to help them. I hope it's not too late for a professional to intervene and reverse this disturbing behavior. This whole situation is awful.

  37. Sheen is an absolute POS. As one of the biological parents of those boys, he has a right to speak on their behalf, especially if he believes the mother is blocking crucial therapy for them. What does Charlie Sheen do? He goes on Twitter and posts a picture of cake with a hand grenade on it.

    "happy Bday Brooke
    when you're done sucking off the parking lot at
    Home Depot
    why don't ya 'blow'
    out this candle.

    A few tweets above his "stop bullying campaign" tweet. Real healthy parenting there on top of the drug abuse and abandonment.

    1. Okay don't flame me, but I can't be the only one who thought Charlie;s tweet was pretty funny. Kids aside, these two should offer up some pretty hilarious fucked up twitter storms .

  38. That's Satan's spawn on the right! Those boys are going to be seriously fucked up.

  39. Agree with D Brown and others. Bob and Max are done. Commit them to a home with lifetime care. Get them away from humans and animals. Buy the 24/7/365 supervision for life so they don't harm anyone or anything ever again. There are enough brain damaged trolls already harming people and pets.


  40. I think Charlie knows he is not the right person to directly raise the kids and he is parenting with his checkbook. From what I've read, he does see them--but I suspect he knows that he can't do it--he blames his work, but he's not stupid--he knows he can't take this on himself.

    Denise has 3 other kids to raise and if this is endangering her own kids, she can't keep them--that would be wrong. I think the important thing here is that she felt that therapy was working--and that Brooke is interfering in that and that the visitation with her is causing them to regress.

    They need a responsible adult NOT IN IT FOR MONEY to take over making the decisions for these kids. I hope that the judge here is not so pissed off at Charlie and Brooke that he can't act in the best interest of these poor little boys.

    Sad to have the world writing off 4-year olds. This is just tragic that the antics of two sick addicted rich people are condemning them to this kind of life.

  41. :( this is all so sad. The world failed those boys. Not even 10 years old and people already want them locked away. It breaks my heart.

  42. "I have three children with attachment disorder and FASD"

    You drank while pregnant? I don't even know what to say to this. I can't believe you admitted that here. Did you think people would sympathize? I am sorry, but that makes me so angry.

    Brooke and Charlie are such unbelievable pieces of shit. Those boys are sociopaths in training. They need INTENSIVE therapy. Denise is a fucking saint the way she tried to help them, but the safety for her family comes first.

    1. @paris, I took it to mean redheadwriter adopted the children. She speaks of non-nurturing parents, which she doesn't sound like at all.

  43. What a horrible, sad situation for all involved. By that I mean the boys, Denise and the girls. It must be so hard for those girls to see their brothers be like that. They have a loving mother and a happy home. Their brothers deserve the same, which is what Denise is trying to give them.
    Their Dad created this mess. Charlie Sheen is a horrible, nasty disgusting excuse for a human being. No child should have to suffer through his selfishness.
    Brooke is no better, but she's no worse. She is using those kids for money but Charlie is using money to control the kids situation.
    Sadly where I come from this is commonplace. 3 generations of drug users fighting over kids because they are useful for benefits. Terrible.
    And whoever gave that letter to TMZ just made this mess a whole lot worse.

  44. I don't see why Denise didn't take the boys to get their evaluation sans informing that wretch Brooke at all in the first place!

  45. @parissucksliterally -- it also sounded to me like redheadwriter adopted children with special needs. You might want to give the comment another look.

  46. what POS parents
    and i HATE that charlie gets a TV show
    like really?
    how big of a sell out are these ppl that they are allowing a drug addict deadbeat have a television show promoting that!!!!!

    and brooke is the biggets POS
    those kids are clearly crack babies
    if they have no connection now IMAGINE when they get older

    out of control

  47. PS: As disturbing and wrong as this is, CPS won't be investigated. The law sides with the birth mother first and foremost until they need to intervene again.

    Let's all calm down for just a second and imagine that this could "made up" because Denise has bonded with the boys, wants the extra $$ charlie is paying her and BTW, no surprise folks, she's still sleeping with him on occasion.

    I agree they need the best care possible but there are always three sides to every story. Makes you wonder why this letter got leaked doesn't it?

    New flash, there is no Easter Bunny and Santa ain't real either.

    And you all KNOW I am not friends with Brooke or her family. Just saying there needs to be more evidence now that she's out of rehab that she's back to using and she needs to surrender the children.

    Forget Charlies dad and mother for a second and ask where are HER parents in all this?

  48. Sherry, her parents aren't much better. They've enabled her since she was a teen.

  49. @Sherry
    In Denise's full letter on ROL she states she hasn't received any extra monetary support for taking care of the boys. Brooke is still getting the monthly $50,000 child support even while they were living with Denise. Brooke would only sign off on allowing Denise to care for them if she still received the child support. Denise is NOT in it for the money. Read the letter. It is devastating.

  50. I re-read it, and see what you mean. I apologize to redheadwriter for my first comment. My coffee was still brewing, and I had just woken up. Thank you for pointing out the real meaning of the post.


  51. I read this last night and cried. Those poor kids, all of them, but especially the boys. There was only one person decent and responsible enough to take care of them and now she can’t. I really think that once Denise was given custody of those boys that Brooke should not have had a say in their care. They clearly had issues and got better under Denise’s care, but as soon, as their mother got her claws in them they have turned back and gotten worse. It really makes you wonder who is watching these boys at her home and what are they being subjected to. Brooke probably doesn’t want them assessed because they good probably tell some stories about what is going on in her home.

    I still don’t understand how she lost custody, was deemed unfit and there was a report I believe about her house being absolutely filthy, yet they are allowing unsupervised visits over night. She is an addict, I do not believe for a second that she is sober, the fact that she doesn’t want help for her boys speaks volumes. It’s all about the money for her. Sadly I think something bad is going to happen before anyone steps in and she loses them permanently. Wouldn't surprise in the least to learn Brooke is abusing the boys. Yeah Charlie is a POS but at least a POS that knows he is not able to physically take care of them himself.

    Emilio is busy making wine with his girlfriend/fiancee in Los Alamos, Ca. Went wine tasting there a month ago and saw him sitting there on his laptop looking happy as a clam.

  52. Thank you ThisIknow. I shall read the letter.

    Does anyone have a link?

    I am curious though. Has Brooke gone back to using?

  53. The lesson to be learned from this is to have your crackheads spayed and neutered.

  54. Sherry, read the letter. Denise hasn't gotten a dime extra. Brooke continues to get the money. Denise has asked for nothing, and only has those boys best interest at heart. Why is Brooke blocking the recommended therapy?! Because she doesn't want an evaluation performed that will prohibit her custody and thus income. I think this is a phenomenal failure of the well being of those boys.

  55. All of you have made good observations and expressed disgust at parents for saddling their children with these horrid problems because they were drug abusers. But I want to address the commenters who say its sad to just write these boys off at 4, I too have had first hand knowledge of children with reactive attatchment disorder, my friend adopted 3 of them. You can't reach them. You can't rehab them. There is no do over for what they missed. There is nothing they care about so you can't punish them. They threaten with knives, they set fires, they inviserate pets. It isn't a question of hugging them and reading them a bedtine story. They aren't capable of forming feelings or attatchments. They should be in a facility that perhaps can control them. My friends three? The oldest ,16, is pretty much lost to estreets, sex and drugs. Middle boy 14, has regressed to diapers, has anger ussues and will eventually have to move into supervised group home, that's his future. Youngest has all srts of issues too. It is beyond sad.

  56. Auntliddy, so sad, and so true. I have seen this myself. It's akin to sociopathology. And there really is no undoing it. Even with every resource, all the best help, obscene amounts of therapy and intervention, it's managing it at best, and they will still never have a conscience in a "normal" way. Denise was their only chance, and I think it is utterly criminal that Brooke prevented evaluation and therapy for her own selfish design. If that isn't evidence of her unfitness, I don't know what is. She should be in jail, and then hell.

  57. Thank you for re-reading my post. Yes, my three kids are adopted.

    But even if they weren't, why should I be ashamed to admit I made a horrible mistake? That sort of attitude does not help make the situation better. And any time someone drinks or uses drugs while they are pregnant, they are taking the same chances with causing organic brain damage to their children. That little glass of red wine over the holidays can do just as much damage as all the crap Brooke ingested during her pregnancies.

    We need to stop the shame and blame game and instead HELP these parents and children so they can all grow to their fullest potential.

    Yes, I actually work in the FASD field and this is my mantra: 049. Zero alcohol for nine months. Learn it. Share it. Live it.

  58. @auntliddy is exactly right. You cannot rehabilitate an attachment disorder child.

  59. Where the hell are Martin Sheen and his wife?

  60. Gee Charlie, maybe it is time you stepped it up, laid off the drugs/alcohol and took care of your own kids? Well we all know that isn't going to happen. I don't want to be a debbie downer here, but I don't have much hope for these boys. If they are already hurting animals, they may never recover. Such a waste. I would speculate many of their problems stem from being exposed to drugs in the womb because nannies have been taking care of them since birth.

  61. Having been in a similar situation (I was the sister-in-law), there are some times when other family (Martin, Emilio, etc.) shouldn't interfere. Maybe they've been there, done that with Charlie and want no part of it, simply in order to protect their own family. You don't want to invite crazy (Brooke) into your life, if you have a choice. That being said, they probably think Denise is/was doing a great job with the kids, and maybe they are supporting HER taking care of them.
    I really want to see the good in everyone, but this story just scares me to bits. I feel so bad for Denise, her girls, the boys, and it just makes me so frigging sad.

  62. For those of you who keep asking where Martin Sheen is...

    Martin and Janet were a HUGE integral part of Taylor's, Paloma's, and Cassandra's lives (Emilio's and Charlie's older children). Their modestly furnished family home featured cribs, etc. As babies, those children were very often Martin's and Janet's responsibility, if not on actual paper. They were hands-on, without an entourage of nannies.

    They are also in their 70s.

    That said, this is an extremely sad situation. With $50K monthly, Brooke Mueller can still buy herself a ton of drugs -- but also some serious rehabbing. She can use the money for a sober companion. With Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller as their parents, those children had little chance -- and with neurological damage....just phenomenally sad. And I don't blame Denise Richards at all -- for whatever her faults may be, she is a frickin' saint for trying as hard as she has...
