Monday, November 04, 2013

Courtney Stodden's UK Drunken Hookup Has Moved In With Her

As one old guy walks out the door and moves into a lingerie store another old, but much younger guy moves in. Remember back when Courtney Stodden got wasted out of her mind in the UK after Celebrity Big Brother? Of course you don't because you have lives and have turned on a filter that does not allow the name Courtney Stodden to ever get into your brain. Good for you.

Anyway, she had sex with a guy in the bathroom and then took him back to her hotel and had sex with him again and now he has apparently moved in with her here or at least is visiting. I'm expecting Courtney to either have her Celebrity Big Brother cast mate Lauren Harris move here too or have Courtney and her hookup buddy fly to the UK and film a reality show starring the three of them which will show Courtney trying to find love with obviously her finding the answer in the restroom of a club while drunk. Much better way to find true love than the AARP ad she posted when she first met her husband.


  1. Man! She gets attached fast! Courtney, there are lots of dudes out there: pace yourself.

  2. That hair and those boobs!

  3. Why post anything about her? She is a sub Z- celebrity.

  4. Does Enty need filler material so desperately that he must publish photos of this poor girl whose looks have been ruined with surgery before she was out of her teens? If we don't give the poor child attention, maybe she will go back to school and find a real life before she turns 40, looks 80, and strip clubs in factory towns won't even hire her.

    I'd vote to see filler photos of Hollywood pets.

    1. Anna, girl you are preaching the gospel

  5. I think this is a publicity stunt by the couple.

  6. At this point just anything to get her away from Pedo and her mom. She's such a mess but doesn't seem to harm anyone.

  7. I get the feeling the girl just desperately wants attention and love.

  8. Boycott this post: she's a nobody talentless who only exists because some bloggers post about her
    Enty ,are you paid to write about her?

  9. Attention, couple kind words and make them cum. That is all it takes to land the really needy ones. You don't even have to be good looking or nice. They are totally cool with negative attention, as long as all of your attention is on them.

  10. Sadly jerkulas right. Positive attention and great sex go a loooong way with a girl who has low selfesteem. Yes i am speaking from experience. Hangs head.

  11. Awwww, I'm so sorry to hear that Anna. You seem so sweet and that is so horrible. Here, pick your chin up, pretty women shouldn't have time to be sad. There's that smile that lights up the room...... Yes I think you are pretty and I bet you taste as good as you look...... Of course I'd like to find out. Let me get a 6pk to go and we can stop at Quick Check for some rubbers on the way to my place.


  12. upgradeeeeeee!!!!!!


  14. No joke: Courtney and Doug are my neighbors. Seriously. They live in a tiny 2 bedroom, 1 bath in the Hollywood Heights near Hightower. Everyone in the neighborhood hates them (and there are actual real celebrities here--poor Caroline Rhea is just 2 houses down from them). But they do not live a rich life--I believe Doug was living a comfortable life until he married Courtney and his acting work dried up because people realized he was a pedophile, so since then he hasn't had money coming in except when he would do reality show stuff with Courtney. Most of their income comes from staged paparazzi shoots--Courtney has a couple regulars that she uses and splits the profits with the photogs once they sell the photos to blogs/magazines--she invites them into the house. Her creepy mom lives there too. I'll be on the lookout for this new kid and let you guys know if anything gossip-worthy happens.

  15. I love my boyfriend. I can't wait to see him again.
