Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chris Brown And Rihanna Fan Fiction - A Love Story

Apparently Fifty Shades Of Grey is such a big seller that even Chris Brown and Rihanna are getting the fan fiction treatment. It is not even that fan fiction-esque because it calls the characters Chris and Robyn. It is pretty disturbing that someone thinks there is the possibility of love between the two and the only mention of violence in the blurb is that love can bring pain. Umm yeah. I understand that there are people who want Rihanna and Chris to get back together. Fine. You can hope for whatever it is you want to hope but I think it is pretty sick to make it all seem like one fantastic love story gone wrong.

There is not love if you are beating the crap out of your partner. That is not love. Just because you include a bunch of sex scenes does not mean there is love. Just because you give excuses like he was molested as a child does not mean there is love. You do not do that kind of physical damage to someone you love. You do that to someone you want to control and because you are a weak idiot who gets off beating people who can't fight back.

There is no glamour or love in domestic violence. None. There should be no fan fiction celebrating violence against women and calling it love.

I won't give the link to the book but I'm pretty sure you can find it if you Google it.


  1. Yes, that's sick.

  2. Ridiculous! Profiting off someone else's pain.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    They've been doing celebrity fan fic for a long time...people seem to confuse characters...public personas with real people...they want to believe the fantasy...instead of going out & living their own lives

  4. If I send you $10 for your radio show, instead of a book signed by Amber Tamblyn, could you STOP POSTING ILLEGALLY LEAKED PHOTOS OF SOMEONE THAT'S BEEN HORRIBLY BEATEN?

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Ew. Just fucking ew. I just threw up in my mouth.

  6. That's not any different than you posting about some rich asshole having sex with someone who is under age or beating up his significant other without turning the info over to the authorities.
    @talks to much- I agree- stop showing that photo of her!

  7. @ Talks Too Much I adore you! I'm sick of saying the same shit, exact shit every time this picture is posted. Enty is a damn troll. If this was her or her sister or friend, we wouldn't keep seeing it.
    You can't admonish someone using their story for profit when that's what you're doing every time you post this picture. asshole.

  8. Golf claps all around - well said. And wth with that tat? Gross!

  9. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Riri should've got that tattoo on herself as a fucking reminder. Seriously, she went back for seconds. She needs help

  10. I agree with everything Enty said however there is one small point of contention that I only halfheartedly agree and that is on the subject of love. I dont think any and every person visualizes, experiences or objectifies love the same way. One person has a passionate all consuming love. Another person personifies consistency with love (ie. Someone who remembers and celebrates their bday etc) Its all so abstract and complicated that I think it makes it difficult to'paint love with the same paintbrush'. I guess what Im saying is just because a relationship is unhealthy, violent, twisted etcetera doesnt mean that love never existed there. It sure as hell doesnt make it right but I think that is the reality of the situation more often than not. Just my copper coins worth.

  11. So people are still shitting themselves over this but Emma Roberts and Evan Peters aren't hearing anything about Emma's little screw up?

    And yes, I know Emma's rep said that they were both fighting, but police saw it fit to only arrest Emma.

  12. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Donnie, he was brought back to life by Stevie Nicks.

    1. Hahaha!'re the reason i read the comments.

  13. Oh TalksTooMuch, you've just opened a HUGE Canopener of worms...

  14. I am not usually a content complainer but I seriously cannot stand it! And the irony of a post about EXPLOITING the situation was just too much. Stabby.

  15. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Who would've thought? Humans exploiting.
    Someone alert the ghost of Charles Darwin. It shows we've devolved

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'm glad that photo is being run. I WANT girls everywhere to know what being beat up looks like. It should be shocking and make people angry, but it absolutely should not go away.

  18. @CeeKay: so you think this ILLEGALLY obtained photo that violates Rihanna's rights should be used to what? Shame the police that leaked it? Is that what you figure Entyotheday is doing?

  19. Every young girl should see the pic. Over and over again until they understand. Some people do not have the capacity to love and have no empathy at all yet still manage to semi-function in society without turning into a serial killing psycho. They still have a trail of damage behind them with many, many people effected whose lives are changed for the worse. Each one tell one. And keep telling until everyone gets the idea. More men than women doing the damage but women damage people too.
