Chelsea Clinton Has Never Watched Bravo - Never Heard Of Real Housewives
I know there are lots of people out in the world who made the decision to never watch reality television. They think it is beneath them. That is totally fine with me and if you don't want it in your life then you are probably better off for it. However, I am hoping that before they made the decision to never watch reality television that perhaps they might have watched an hour or two to make sure they were informed as to the pros and cons of the genre. One thing I dislike is when someone complain about a movie or a book but have not actually watched the movie or read the book.
Two nights ago Chelsea Clinton was presented an award. At the event she said she had never watched Bravo and could not name one show on the network. None. I find it hard to believe that anyone with a television has not surfed past the channel. I also find it hard to believe that someone with a television has not looked at the guide and at least had one name stick in their head. Are you telling me she has never heard of Real Housewives. I'm not asking if she has never watched the show or knows the name of a housewife but to tell me you have never heard the show's name seems out there.
Here's why. I'm presuming that someone like Chelsea who thinks reality television is beneath them only watches PBS and considers themselves to be well read and read only the New York Times and the Washington Post. Each of those publications has mentioned Real Housewives hundreds of times since the show first aired. So, to tell me you have no idea what a Real Housewife is tells me you are not as well read as you would have the rest of the world believe.
Has she never heard the White House crashing story? Never been asked if it was possible? I think it shows that you are not well read and don't have a grasp of the world if you have never even heard of the show. It tells me that you are either lying or that you live under a rock.
This is not a knock on Chelsea, but just showing you that when people say something like this that what it probably means is that they don't want anyone to know they know what a Housewife is and didn't think about their statement before saying it. Either that or they are watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians 24/7.