Monday, November 11, 2013

Brooke Mueller's Kids Are Going To Live With Her

I'm not sure that anywhere in his pleadings to become temporary guardian of Brooke Mueller's kids that Brooke Mueller's brother said he was going to move from his current Orange County home to Brooke Mueller's house. The judge had previously ordered that Brooke could only be around her kids in small quantities with a couple of visits a week. By moving in with his sister that order is pretty much turned to crap because the kids will be with Brooke 24/7. I guess the brother doesn't have a job or else he would be leaving the kids alone all the time with Brooke. I love how the same day he wins temporary guardianship he decided he needed $55K for their monthly expenses. He is basing that on the amount Charlie Sheen was paying Brooke but is that the amount really needed? This is the biggest mess in celebrity child rearing I have seen since the O'Neal family and look how great they all turned out.

The only good news to come out at all this weekend is that the boys are going to be tested for drugs and fetal alcohol syndrome. Huh. You think someone who had to go to rehab twice during her pregnancy might have messed up her kids? I would say there is a great chance she did and her continued drug use and rehab visits are not making things any better. If the judge lets the brother move in then the judge needs to resign or someone needs to run against them for election. Would you want your kids to be with Brooke 24/7?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those poor boys.
    They never asked for any of this and now their futures are being shaped by money hungry drug addicts.

  3. It's a bit scary a judge can be that stupid.

  4. Many judges and social workers shouldn't be in their career field. I've heard of so many dropping the ball on cases where children are given back to the parents way too soon.

    Charlie is a gigantic dick for completely checking out on this situation. He seems to show zero concern over this. He is a glorified sperm donor.

  5. Denise doesn't want them, Charlie doesn't want them and it's not like they can go into the foster system. Poor things are screwed.

  6. Those poor boys are screwed. Sad.

  7. What happened to Charlie's family? Why wouldn't they step up and take the children? They can't be worse than Brooke Mueller's family.

  8. I have a friend who is friend's with Brooke's brother and she said he's a really nice, normal, quiet down-to-earth guy. Kind of nerdy. He does have a job so I'm not sure how this custody will work out. He also has his own kids so I find it interesting that he's going to move in with Brooke and leave his own kids behind.

  9. I'm glad Charlie is wealthy because those poor boys are going to need a lot of expensive therapy. I hope he has a vasectomy too. Except for Denise, his choice of mothers for his children are drug addicted pigs who should be sterilized as well.

  10. I'm so glad that the boys will be tested for FASD. Early intervention is the biggest indicator for successful lives, as the supports, resources, and accommodations necessary can be established. As I work in this field and have kids with an FASD, I'm terribly heartbroken for these boys but am glad that FASD is getting some much-needed attention on a national scale.

  11. @Cleodacat - Denise DID want them until they kept being continually f'ed up by repeated exposure to Brooke and returning from visits with violent & psychopathic streaks.

    Denise stated she would be pleased to raise them if the contact with Brooke and the restrictions from therapy were ended/lifted (respectively).

  12. why has it taken this long for those kids to be evaluated?????? i hate that these 2 pieces of shit reproduced and what's happening now was totally foreseeable.

  13. Anonymous7:42 AM

    it just goes to show that regardless of status, money etc, the system is fucked and rarely on the side of the children.

  14. What the hell is on her hands? She looks stupid in those glasses, too. Demi Moore must have dropped at a mutual drug party.

    This whole story is heartbreaking and ridiculous. Those kids were born into such wealth and privilege and the parents have managed to ruin them because of their narcissistic, addictive, vindictive ways.

    Denise DID want to help those boys. She just needs to protect her immediate family first. She needs a lot of credit in this situation.

    Charlie is just as horrible as Brooke. He seems to get a pass because every now and then he puts his fake teeth in and acts charming or funny (and is loaded - more ways than one).

    1. @MsCool - Charlie doesn't get a pass. Everyone knows he is horrible and a large part of why situation is so fucked. But he is not trying to get custody- he is trying to get them in good care, Denise. Mueller only wants these kids for a paycheck. I still wish Charlie would step up and pay her off- that is all she want's. He is worth over $125 mill (per net worth). She has a number$$. Pay her off and have her sign off on custody for the good of the kids.

  15. Those kids are her meal ticket…it won't last long.

  16. Redheadwriter - is there a test for FASD? I spent several hours with a researcher in that field four or fives years ago. As I recall there was no definitive test and the diagnosis was really a default after you had eliminated all other possibilities (and with any indication at all that the mother had drunk alcohol during pregnancy).

  17. Okay so Brooked is out of rehab but is there evidence that she's using again? I feel for these boys I really do. We can all only hope she does stay clean and that these kids get a shot at a normal life whatever that could be considering their parentage.

  18. @D Brown - There are a series of tests that are done for FASD. They usually include a neurpsych exam, physical exam, and cognitive exam.

    Each exam obtains information about four health parameters:

    * Growth
    * Facial features
    * Brain development and functioning
    * Exposure to alcohol in utero

    The data obtained regarding these four parameters are ranked by degree of expression in the individuals being examined. That ranking is them compared to the defined criteria for FASD, and a diagnosis is given based on the evidence.

    All of the methods of FASD diagnosis assess these same four health parameters. The difference in the methods is how they define the criteria for each of the three diagnostic categories, FAS, pFAS, and ARND. This can result in different diagnoses from one method to the next, although the medical evidence is the same. One method also subdivides the three categories into many smaller categories, giving a more specific description of the individual’s diagnosis.

    As more research is done about FASD, diagnosis is becoming more standard. The CDC and FASD experts continue to work on honing one diagnostic model.

  19. Charlie has enough money that any and all of his childre will not be want for anything. That being said-Money is what Brooke and her brother have been after. Denise has stepped up on more than one occassion-I mean seriously, how many of us would step in to raise an Ex's child?-and has only asked the court to sever the ties/visits with Brooke. Denise has a responsibility to her children ONLY. HER children have just as much right to have a safe and healthy childhood. When the boys would come back, they would beat their sisters, they would harm the pets, and it made things difficult. Denise has done her part, and as a mother, you know that she did not make this descision lightly.
    The only time Brooke's family has come out for anything has been if MONEY is tied into it. If we all think back, Wasn't Brooke given the "opportunity" to be on a Real Housewives show, but as a BARTENDER? FFS, what is up with them? They know she has issues, they know that she has a documented history of drug and alcohol abuse. BARTENDING? That's like asking a pyro to hold your lighter.
    I hope and pray, that with the money and resources available with that money that Charlie has, that these boys will be okay.

  20. I have a huge problem with adults who screw over their kids with all sorts of problems because THEY did drugs. Height of selfishness, and she shld should lose her kids., Ca cps really has their heads up their asses.

  21. Redheadwriter - thank you for your reply. I believe the researcher I spoke to was looking at the relationship between eye movement and brain scans in order to come up with a physical rather than behavioral test for FASD.
