Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Brooke Mueller Snorting Adderall Again

There is nothing quite like Adderall for Brooke Mueller as it is her drug of choice. Oh sure she will take crack if you have it or smoke a little crystal meth but Adderall is the drug she relies on the most. Well, it turns out that Brooke is snorting Adderall again and isn't this perfect timing because the kids are on their way to go live with mommy and they can learn some new tricks to show off at school. I'm not quite sure who at child support services thinks it is a great idea that Brooke regains full custody or why it is a good idea to allow her brother to move them into Brooke's house but they all should be fired.

I have seen some people ask why Emilio Estevez or Martin Sheen does not volunteer to take the kids, but ask yourself if you want Brooke Mueller in your life every single day. Ask yourself if you need her calling you all day and night or having her in your house so she can visit with the kids. Do you want to deal with that? She makes it almost impossible to breathe because she is so on top of you. She wants that money so bad and those kids are the way to the money. Does she love her kids? Sure does but tell me why, when she was not even watching the kids and was in rehab that she was so desperate for the money train to continue?

The day after child support payments stop is the day Brooke sells her house. The day after that money runs out is the day that she becomes homeless. I keep wanting her to succeed and turn her life around and hope she gets there but she needs a long time to get there and someone who is snorting Adderall while also wanting the kids in her home is not ready yet.


  1. Her drug buying protocol sucks. Don't just stand there, waving your money around, posing for pics.

  2. Aw Ent, you read my comment!

  3. But seriously, take them kids away!

  4. If this picture is a for real drug buy, and if it is recent, then this girl is stupid in a way that one doesn't often see. As ethorne said, she's standing there getting papped with the money in her hand. Maybe Charlie the Asshole should just pay her off with a couple of million. She would sign anything for that kind of dough. Then hire a team of nannies to raise the kids somewhere other than his house.

  5. This picture is from awhile ago when she was in hawaii

  6. All snark aside--sending good mojo for somebody to pls advocate for those kids.

  7. Um, Martin and Emilio will STILL probably need to "deal" with her for their rest of their lives because she IS the mother of their grandsons/nephews. So what's the best choice?

    If that's an old photo, how DO we know about the Adderall for a fact, Enty?

  8. She has to be the dumbest drug buyer out there. She's with a dude hovering over a strange car, with a wad of bills in her hand. I don't think it could be more obvious what she is doing. At 16, I knew better than to be that obvious.

    That is a BS excuse, if it is their excuse, for Estevez or Sheen not wanting the boys. If they cared about the kids, they wouldn't give a flying fuck that they had to deal with Brooke on occasion. Denise Richards had enough on her plate to begin with, and still took the boys in.

    Another fail for Child and Family Services. They should chip in, along with the asshole parents, for the therapy these boys are going to need.

    1. By Sheen, I meant Martin Sheen. Charlie is worthless.

  9. Radar reported that she had a dirty drug test last week for Adderall but because she has a "legitimate" prescription, they don't consider it a violation...even though one of the things she went to rehab for a few months ago was...Ding, Ding, Ding. Adderall addiction.

  10. @ Lola, no doctor in their right mind would continue to prescribe something a patient is addicted to. Especially this soon after rehab. The courts need to step in, and have her go to a doctor of their choice to see if she even has a legitimate reason for it.

  11. I'm sure it's someone the likes of Lindsey's doctor or Conrad Murray. Honestly, I'm not sure it's all that hard to find a doctor who will proscribe whatever you want (especially in Hollywood).

    Supposedly she has ADD. Yep, it's hard to focus when you're hopped up on crack and meth.

    They should force her to switch to a non-amphetamine based ADD drug. Let's see how quickly her ADD suddenly gets "cured".

  12. More breeders, just awesome. Fuckers

  13. Look how old Martin and Emilio are! Why would you let decades of disaster like this in your life? Aren't they already watching Charlie?? That would be Martin's job.

    This whole mess was Charlie and Brooke's choice. Denise needs to save herself and her girls. This is way past the point where a sane person cuts ties. Enough. Let Brooke have them.

  14. there is NO legitimate reason for an adult to be on Adderall. Part of transitioning to adulthood for kids who have ADHD is learning how to cope with their situation. And, there are other, non-amphetimine based, ADHD drugs that she could be using while she works on that transition.

  15. that damn Adderall is very addictive-don't care what doctors say

    many psychiatrists won't even take you as a patient these days if you tell them you are on it-what do you think that means

    I've seen its destructiveness first hand in my own family-ruined a beautiful young life

  16. I would think the reason Martin Sheen and Emilio don't get involved is because they have washed their hands of Charlie and his life long ago. They did intervene when he was younger, and were around when Charlie married Denise, but since then I think they have had their fill of the crap that is Charlie Sheen's life and have just walked away.

    1. But aren't Charlie and Emilio producers or directors or something on his show? Isn't this how they watch over him? Am I just confused??

  17. What about Brooke's parents? Why aren't THEY stepping in to take care of their grandchildren? It's not like they're not loaded.

  18. You have to give Charlie credit for one thing, that he recognizes he's not a fit father and is not going for custody. However, he needs to control that super sperm and stop having babies!

  19. Any woman who knowingly abuses drugs while pregnant is a piece of shit in my book. Brooke is a major POS (and Charlie isn't much better).

  20. In the full letter Denise sent she said that the boys were enjoying a relationship with their paternal extended family after their mother had kept the boys from having contact with them.

    She is an addict, she prevents anyone who could challenge her and take away the gravy train from being in the kids lives.

    While she is still the custodial parent she can do this. As an Uncle if a parent does not want you in the childs life you are not in it.

    Not sure about CA grandparents rights, but seeing as how the courts are so far up her ass, I am sure they would deny the Sheens access if Brooke did not want it.

  21. Excuse me Ms. wool,

    Those of us in our forties who were not hyperactive children did not get treated for ADD because we flew under the radar at the time. We did not learn how to transition into adulthood, because no one knew that we weren't just lazy.

    I for one am thrilled to be in my forties and taking newly prescribed Adderall. The last year has been life changing for me.

    I also do not find the drug to be addicting. Then again, maybe that is because I actually have ADD and that is the sole reason that I take it.

  22. What kind of high do you get from snorting Adderall? That makes no sense to me... but the only thing I snort is Zicam...

    Apparently, her parents aren't exactly candidates for Grandparents of the Year awards.

  23. @MSWool - There is a legitimate reason actually. Adderall and other ADD/ADHD drugs like it (e.g. Vyvanse etc) are often prescribed off-label to adults with MS for severe fatigue (Fatigue is one of the biggest problems MS patients deal with daily, and exercise and diet aren't always enough. They also prescribe them to chronic fatigue syndrome patients). I'm not advocating throwing pills at everything as an answer, and I didn't mean to hijack the topic, but just wanted to point that out as an FYI.

  24. She has been to rehab 21 times...She does not want to succeed.

  25. I am horrified that she is getting custody of her kids back.

  26. Agree with all of you. Still think Martin could intervene, but Denise has said in the past he hardly sees the girls so he was never involved anyway. Yeah, she a wack job but you do it for the kids. Someone on here posted best idea, put the boys in the best school Charlie can afford that specializes in Reactive attatchment disorder, and leave them there. Im not "rooting" for Brooke, and dont know why enty is, she has shown 25 times or more she doesnt give a shit about anything but her drugs. And testing positive for her drug of choice but okaying because its prescription? What if it were heroin, would that be ok if she had script? Really, Ca CPS reasoning is so wrong.

    1. I wouldn't blame CA CPS, a lot of times they're hemmed in by the laws. Even when they know the parent is going to fail, if the parent shows even the slightest attempt to get rehab, take parenting class, the clock can start all over. Not being able to find my sister to terminate her parental rights delayed the case for months because the Judge had to give her attorney a chance to go back and locate her.

  27. @7: you don't really get a high from Adderal. It is like a weak meth that gives you energy and suppresses appetite. Like NoDoz w/o caffiene induced jaw grinding.

  28. @MsWool - behavioral therapybdoen't really work for ADHD. The best treatment is medication.

    1. I, and my ADHD, have to disagree with that blanket statement. It is a case by case basis. Behavioral therapy did work for me (granted, I was caught early and I probably have a mild form of.... Oh,shiny!) I've known some kids that couldn't sit still for the therapy to save their lives. But I've also known a LOT who were so dependent on the medication that they learned to handle their problems without, which becomes a big problem when they drop you off at 18. They need to start with behavioral therapy and then start introducing small amounts of medication if that doesn't work. But they need to continue teaching them with the therapy once they find the minimum medication level that works.

  29. Meth is meth. Apparently, there is a bodybuilding supplement with 2 additional nitrogen atoms and one additional hydrogen atom added to what is chemically meth.

    The FDA is studying this, but I'm pretty sure it's still on the market. I asked adderall users what is the legal dr. prescribed dosage of meth? I don't recall one.

  30. I agree with those who say if you need a drug you don't tend to have the bad reactions (I realise there are exceptions & anti-depressants & anti-psychotics seem to be the worst). I am on a weight loss drug at the moment & all I am doing is losing weight, haven't had the shakes or felt high or was jonesing for my fix when I took the pill at a later time in the morning. I was watching what I ate & exercising, but getting nowhere, now my body is doing what it should have been doing. It has an appetite suppressant and amphetamine & I plan to be on it for no longer than 6 months. If I had negative side effects I would have stopped.

  31. @i: Do you have a name for this product?

    I used to get UpYourGas! herbal energy pills, they were great. Like 200mg of natural ephedra that your body would synthesize into 20mg of ephepdrine. The government banned the stuff, so all you can get now is pseudoephedrine in sinus tablets.

    None of the TrimSpa, HydroxyCut crap worked after they took the ephedrine out.

  32. My question (sincerely question), even if you have ADD/ADHD (my husband does so I understand!) but if you have no obligations, no job, no responsibility and nothing to accomplish for the day, what do you possibly need medication for when the purpose is to help you focus, etc.

  33. Google-fu Craze + meth and you'll find links.

  34. Production halted. Item not available. :'(
