Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Brooke Mueller And Charlie Sheen

The people being hurt in the mess between Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller are their two sons. Not only are they getting old enough to feel the hatred that comes from the parents about the other but the spillover damage has also caused Child Protective Services to get so angry at Charlie that they are trying to limit Denise Richards'powers and are thinking of suggesting to a judge that someone else might be a better care giver. Like who? She is the only normal one and this is coming from someone who long had issues with Denise. She has changed in the past several years and is a great mom and a great peace maker and taking the kids from her and placing them with someone else is idiotic.

Yeah. Charlie Sheen said bad things about you and made them public. So what? No one else has said bad things about you? I think Charlie and Brooke are equally horrible parents although Brooke might get the slight edge because of all the drugs she has done allegedly around the kids and did go to rehab while she was pregnant because she could not stop using. Brooke is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees right now and the only way she can pay them is if Charlie gives her the money. The only thing she cares about is making sure she has the kids enough to get paid. It worries me she only gets drug tested twice per month. She should be getting tested very other day.

Send Charlie and Brooke to an island and air it on television 24/7 while Denise is given millions of dollars and raises all the kids and is left alone forever.


  1. Give them to me on the contingency that they never know who their real parents are.

  2. No more passes for Charlie. I think he is just as bad as her, if not worse. The two of them are more interested in bashing one another than getting clean and staying that way...although with Charlie that would take a major miracle and a vat of disinfectant.

  3. @audrey, I totally agree. Brooke is in no way worse than Charlie--NONE. He held a knife to her throat for God's sake. They're both completely incompetent to be parents.

  4. Hey, as much as Charlie is an ass boil on humanity, he is right about CPS being useless when you try to keep kids away from psychos and dangerous substance abusers. Never thought I'd say this, but uhhh...#TeamCharlie? But, I'd only let him have the kids with supervision, truthfully.

  5. Y'all are giving Brooke too much credit and a pass because of him holding a knife to her throat? Ever tried to fight off a crackhead? Bring a couple burly bouncers.

  6. Jesus Christ, at least pretend to have a remote interest in the law. As I understand it, the whole thing is over Charlie breaking a nondisclosure agreement with the court.

  7. Charlie should sue DCFS. The thought of the agency operating solely on basis of retaliation is horrifying and those people should be removed from their jobs.

  8. Brooke has been in self-destruct mode for some time. She's a hard core addict and needs a babysitter herself when she's around those kids. Charlie's going about it the wrong way (of course), but I agree with him.

  9. Sorry, but I don't blame Charkie for being irate. Cps is allowing overnight visits - unsupervised - for Brooke, who od'd in front of her kids several times. She is just out of rehab and only being tested twice a month. How is that safe for those kids?! Chalie is still Bly permitted supervised visits, but Denise is a
    Ready getting more privileges? I am not arguing Charlie is a saint, but at least he has the sense to put Denise in charge and get the right help for the boys, and he knows he isn't it. But, what does cps do, because he calls bs?! They order Denise dropped! So the one stable, positive, loving and saving influence in their life is ripped away bc cps had their ego bruised and is retaliating like a bunch of immature morons, hurting innocent children? I can't believe Denise can keep focus and still ride this emotional roller coaster. Most people would bail for fear of I vesting their heart and getting burned. She loves those boys as her own and cares for them better than anyone, and she's getting dicked around. I am with Charlie- Brooke doesn't deserve u supervised overnight, needs more regular testing, and Denise and the boys shouldn't be punished, bc CPs 's ego got bruised and their sh*t called out.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. CPS's policy of keeping familes together no matter what...sucks. Neither Charlie nor Brooke should be allowed to see those poor boys without a swat team on hand.

    Denise Richards makes me happy because she is a great example of how a person CAN change if they really want to.

  12. Denise should get custody of the boys permanently. No one else-her parents included, and his - ST Martin- have expressed any interest in raising them with love and stability, except Denise. Charlie may be alot of things, but he is smart enough to know he isnt capable of raising the kids.Heres how this will play out: Brooke relapses. Back in rehab. Out, relapses again, od's or realizes she cannot take care of them and gives custody to Denise. Addiction is a selfish disease, if she had any motherly feelings at all, she would leave then with Denise. Cps shld know better, Brooke is hardcore and the likihood of her getting and staying clean is slim and next to none. Sad.

  13. Pretty sure Denise is only in this for the money.

  14. Just read TMZ, Denise does not want them. They sound like mini-sociopaths.

  15. Omg re the tmz article. Those poor boys - I am crying inside. So so sad.

  16. I too read TMZ story, which has quotes from letter Denise wrote. Those boys sound like they have reactive attachment disorder, mental problems thanks to both parents using, and ptss. Poor kids are a mess, but when they jepordize the other children- hitting, kicking, strangling, choking dogs and professing desire to kill all the dogs- they cant be in her home any more. I dont know what is to be done with them, but they need intensive therapy.

    1. Charlie said they may have fetal alcohol syndrome because of Brooke's pregnancy boozing. I don't know what the effects are but it could play a part in their behavior.

  17. The boys need a CASA rep assigned, removal from all three parents. Denise has done all she should be expected to do. Let's not put her healthy adjusted family at risk from the at-risk children. Neither Charlie nor Brooke should have ANY say in what happens to the boys. They need intervention NOW,and the judge is derelict in his duties if he doesn't put the needs of the boys at first priority. DCS is NOT the final arbiter of what's in the kids best interests.

  18. Glad Denise recognizes these boys are toxic to the other kids. Get them out of there fast. Let Brooke have them.

  19. Those poor kids are probably never going to be normal well adjusted people. They have already seen too much and been farmed out to too many different people. Denise has done way more than an ex should be expected to do. I don't think it's that she doesn't want them,but the fact she is trying to protect her children. Charlie and Brooke should both be sterilized to keep either one of them from having any more children they cannot take care of.
