Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 6, 2013

This C list reality star who is being groomed to be A list spent two hours at a Scientology center with her new friend. If she became a Scientologist, they would love that. With a capital LOVE.

Kylie Jenner/Jaden Smith


  1. Yeah PMK is gonna allow that to happen. The money goes in her pocket no one else's.

  2. PMK runs her own church, no way would she let Co$ in on it. She probably sees herself as the next L. Ron Hubbard.

  3. Yea @7 instead of CoS PMK 's disciples can be called HoS.

    1. Nice, @sandybrook! Lol. me, PMK would let her join Xenudu, if it meant hooking up/connecting to the Smiffs. She'd be able to ditch her cooter wetting gel if there was a teen bride/baby w an A lister.

  4. I'd keep an eye on that PMK, because I bet anything COS will go after her inferiority complex with Kendall.

  5. Will and Jada Smith are Scientologist, they raised their children Scientologists.

  6. Ugh. Tweedle dum and tweedle dee get spiritual.

  7. CoS would have to pay PMK. Would be worth it for them. They would probably get Kimmode, Kanye and NW.

  8. I can't see PMK allowing CO$ ANY portion of HER money from all the hos in her stable. She's too damn greedy.

    The only way she'd let that happen is if her hos stopped bringing in that fameho $$$$, and only then for the renewed. publicity, which is her life's blood.

  9. I want to see a Kris Jenner vs David Miscaviage show down. I can't even imagine. I am a little surprised COS didn't get Kanye yet. They'd fawn all over him and make him think he was brilliant. Right up his ally.

  10. Sure PMK put the kibosh on that!

  11. PMK keeps all money and influence to herself. The PMK does not share.

  12. I hesitate as I write this, but maybe Kylie would be better of with COS than in the Kris Jenner cult? She's high profile enough that she most likely wouldn't ever go missing and if she stays on the track she's on now it is sex tapes, drugs/alcohol, and always playing second fiddle to kim and Kendall. Either way she's screwed.

  13. PMK ain't gonna let that happen.

  14. Compared to a lifetime of being pimped by your mother, Scientology suddenly looks appealing
