Monday, November 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 6, 2008

#1 This 60 something B list for his entire film career was out to dinner two nights ago with a woman not related to him, (unless sharing tongues is accepted in their family) who was carded when she asked for a drink. As the waiter asked the question, the blood drained from our actor's face. He tried to stop her from showing her i.d, saying that she really didn't need a drink, but it was already out. 17, but the good news she was almost 18. July actually.

James Woods


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    no surprise...he has a rep for being a lecherous dirty prev

  2. I'm more concerned that she's 17 and a moron. who doesn't know that the legal drinking age is 21? why bother pulling out an id that wasn't fake?

  3. Creep but shes not old enough to drink Jamesy!

  4. I've done something even more stupid than that. I showed my fake ID to a cop instead of saying I didn't have a fake ID like a person with half a brain would have done. God I was a stupid girl sometimes.

  5. Yo James Kylie Jenner is legal as of yesterday! Give PMK a call.

  6. @sugar I did the same thing, but I show them a fake permit and it worked.

  7. Oh xtra creepy Mr. Woods.

  8. Actually Sandybrook, it's Kendall that's now llegal. But I'd still do her.

  9. thats SO fuckin creepy
    he really is gingers pimp

  10. Anonymous10:01 AM


  11. What I don't get is how these men don't care that the person they're with truly finds them repulsive deep down inside.

    1. Am I the only one that has problems correcting posts on iPhone/iPad? This is why I hardly post, it's a fucking mission to try to correct anything! Sorry, had to let that out.

    2. PowerhouseMe, I am the same way. I have to really be bored to post here, because dealing with the iPhone corrections sucks. The time it takes to type/edit, hit done, click back in the window, type/edit some more, hit done, click back in the window, ad nauseum, is usually enough time for me to decide what I wanted to say really wasn't that important, anyway.

  12. Do men care if the hookers they hire think they are truly repulsive, nah.

    1. I'm not talking about a hooker, these chicks are "girlfriends" at least that's what I thought.

  13. @Harry the Jenners all blend together in my mind and are interchangeable :) PMK probably has her porn tape in pre-production this morning.

  14. Get. It. Bro.

    @Powerhouse: Assuming the bims find them repulsive is pretty narrow minded.

    1. It's a pretty safe bet with James Woods.

    2. It's a pretty safe bet with James Woods.

    3. He's extremely intelligent and interesting to talk to...I have had that pleasure once, but I was an old chick in my 30s, so...too old to be his type, I'd say.

  15. @ powerhouse I dated a man that was well into his 50s when I was 21. I didn't find him repulsive at all! I thought he was hot.

  16. My first husband was 18 years older when we got married. I was 19 and I did not find him repulsive at all. But let's get real, how often does an old dude luck out and meet a teen who's physically attracted to a man than could be her grandfather? My comment seems to have come across the wrong way, no way did I intend to generalize. Especially being that I'd be the first to break that rule. My 2nd husband is 11 years older and that mother fucker I DO find repulsive, but for a whole bunch of other reasons.

    1. Forgot to mention, my husband (yes, #3) is three years younger. Go figure. Age don't mean squat, I've lived it.

  17. I did that once when I was waiting at TGI Fridays. Asked the girl with the old man for her ID and she was old enough (drinking age then was 18). Her sugar daddy was NOT pleased and stiffed me. I guess he felt guilty or something.

    1. Sherry, I had a waitress id the date I was with when I was dating a young un (like 10 years younger), her only mistake was not asking 30-year-old me the same question. POOR FORM, casino worker!

  18. Well, I guess if they were just swapping tongues, I have it on a very good pencil-drawn source that such activity is not illegal. Just very, very gross.

  19. I call BS. She knew she wasn't 21 so why pull out the ID? With a cop, it's different.

  20. When I workes in a clothing store, we sometimes had these sugardaddy/teen girl couples come shopping. It was just so grossly obvious they weren't related and a middle-aged man pays for the whoe thing. Makes you wonder what those girls do to get their shopping sprees.

    At least in my youth the pervs would only ask you to watch them masturbate at the train station for money. It's gone a lot further these days.

  21. Creepy, gross and sad, given he was once a stellar actor who had some great roles. I'd argue in his prime he was at least A- if not A rather than constant B as Enty has him. Salvador, Onion Field, Against All Odds, Oscar nommed. Wasn't bad looking back then either, was sexy in a weird way.

  22. 17?? Really?? If you're in your 60s you would think that a 21 yo would be young enough and still be able to get a drink.

  23. @PookieTwo... yes he was sexy in a weird way. 'Once Upon A Time In America' another great film.

  24. Is this the girlfriend who was with him in Entourage? She was about that age, and she was the daughter of a family friend. He had known her since she was born.

    Which may make it more gross.

  25. PowerhouseMe - Re: About whether these older men care if their very young girlfriends are repulsed or not:

    They probably have no idea, especially if they're very wealthy or famous. They're used to women throwing themselves at them and may have that "I'm God's gift to the world!" mentality.

  26. Republican men tend to go for infants - they match them mentally.

  27. The moral outrage of all you posters is delicious. I'll move the fainting couch into position while you all clutch at your pearls.

  28. My hubby is 67, BTW. I have dated many much older men, and didn't find it repulsive. I noticed a comment calling him a Repub. He was most definitely a Dem, when I met him, as we talked about my past in politics. He loooved Bill Clinton.

  29. @MadLyb - heh! So true. I find that Repubs ask me out to be arm candy - they don't want to hear any kind of intelligent talk, particulary that might not jibe with their opinions.

  30. Why even pull out your ID if you're not legal drinking age? Why not lie and say you lost your i.d? Stupid girl.
