Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 28, 2006

This married A++ actress was attached to do a movie but wanted a certain actor to play opposite her. The actor was not interested but our actress thought she could convince him and the studio believed her. The studio chartered a jet and our actress flew 11 hours one way and 12 hours on the return flight. All of this travel for about six hours of alone time with the actor who still did not want to do the movie but had a great deal of fun doing something else. The actress returned home, broke the sad news to the studio, broke off her own involvement in the project and ultimately cost the studio a great deal of money but it was her satisfaction that was most important and so they still do business together.

Julia Roberts/Daniel Day Lewis


  1. I will never understand her appeal with her Carly Simon/Lionel Richie horse jaw and all.

  2. She gave him some? Goodness gracias do wonders never cease!

  3. Gracious dexlexic fucking spelchek :(

  4. I can believe the trip part but who knows what happened during the meeting. This sounds like BS. In 2006 he was married and had two small kids. He is pretty reclusive and no rumors of fucking around or normal Hollywood crap. Again, no doubt she had studio fly her there but question if she did him during meeting.

  5. I thought this was revealed already? Maybe I'm just remembering the original blind, idk.

  6. @texasrose in hollywood when has marriage ever gotten in the way of a casting couch romp. In this case julia was attempting to be the casting couch

    1. Skimpy - true dat- would I be shocked if true - no. But just think DDL is not your typical actor and a greater chance this is bullshit. She might have thought she could fuck him into the role but I could see him politely declining.

  7. I thought it was revealed too but with a different actor.

  8. Yes! That's it @Lotta it was revealed to be Javier Bardem!

    1. @Lotta and Renblonde. *dead*. Lmao Iove when that happens

  9. ugh, i just lost a lot of respect for Daniel being with that phoney, stuck up her own ass P.O.S.

  10. You're getting your reveals mixed up. There is another reveal where she also screwed Bardem during the filming of Eat, Pray, Love.

  11. My aunt met DDL and swore he was the biggest swish she ever met.

    1. What's a swish? I figure this is slang and won't come up in a dictionary...

    2. It means gay & has been used for decades.

  12. Ah! Thanks @Karen!

  13. Nothing salacious. This is how any business is done. Returns on investment are hard to quantify. Perhaps something in her fruitless lobbying of Daniel Day Lewis will work in her favor for a future project. Happens all the time in the business world.

  14. The project was an early version of Shakespeare in Love, so it was a long time ago.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I remember this bi. Many guessed julia but nobody got the actor right.

  17. Ralph is still very busy acting and now directing. He even directed himself in his first directorial effort, Coriolanus. You have to be a fan of Shakespeare to understand the movie but I enjoyed it, great cast. I normally don't like it when Shakespeare is done in a different era but since the play is the most obscure one in Shakespeare's repertoire and not having read it, it worked quite well to me.

    He has directed another movie that is coming out soon I think. He is a good director and can only get better. Meticulous he is that one.

    Joseph was on a US TV show for a blip. Can't remember its name.

  18. DDL is probably reclusive so no one can snoop into his indiscretions as easily. DDL in My Beautiful Launderette, sigh.

  19. don't believe he is a cheater unless this was before his marriage

    he seems to be a principled man

    unless it is more of the deceptive actor liar syndrome

  20. Pugster: Swish=gay

    Yeah I'm having a hard time believing DDL would give into Julia. Still not sure their 6 hrs equaled sex.

  21. Goodness, I have waited for this reveal for a loooong time!

  22. veee right Fast Forward, I liked the overall premise of the show but it was confusing and you could see the cancellation coming

    So Joseph was on American Horror Story I love that show but sporadic watching will catch up someday, keeping with with AHS Coven, ooh Jessica Lange is just so damn good.

    I can't see Julia being his type but hey stranger things have happened.

  23. Had to look up the origin of the word swish

    "Swish is an often derogatory British English slang term for effeminate behaviour and interests (camp), emphasized and sanctioned in pre-Stonewall gay male communities.[1][2][3] This behaviour is also described as being nelly. Wentworth and Flexner define swish as a noun meaning "a male homosexual, esp. one with obviously feminine traits".[4]
    Being swish includes sashaying and the use of limp wrists, falsetto voices, feminine pronouns, and superlatives—basically, everything up to the other side of camp, or drag."

    I think we in the heterosexual community would say flamer or flaming which I would guess is a derivative of flamboyant.

  24. Am I just that old? Does no one remember that DDL and Roberts were together in the mid 90s? The story was that Winona Ryder tried to get him during "The Age of Innocence" and JR snatched him up.

    1. @Pini Coming here to say the same thing! They had gossip flow about them way back when. I'd like to say again, I briefly tried to do some charity showbiz work w her as a peon at my job, and lets just say, she doesn't deal with the "poors," or "nobodies."

  25. Totally believable that he would cheat. He married his wife while he had a live in girlfriend and didn't bother to tell her. Google Deya Pichardo along with his name.

  26. Honestly, I prefer the U.S. Javier Bardem:

    Jeffrey Dean Morgan

  27. More proof that the old/original Enty had some decent blinds back in the day. This blind doesn't mention when events took place but it was rumored that in the 90s that Julia and DDL had a hot fling, long before he married his wife. It later made Benjamin Bratt so jealous it caused huge fights. Decent reveal.

  28. @Tina Mallette

    The Invisible Woman is presently quite dreadful. Ralph may be a good stage director but he definitely needs a strong editor.

  29. I miss the old blinds and reveals. That was a good read @karen. Thanks.

  30. Doesn't Horseface sleep with all her leading men? I remember the rumors of her having an affair with DDL that broke-up her relationship with Jason Patrick

  31. And Jason Patrick was her jump-off from Kiefer Sutherland.

  32. She is so repulsive. I hold out hope for her retirement.

  33. Guess she had a good time the first time because apparently she was spotted in the west of Ireland visiting him recently.
