Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 12, 2007

Prior to the Academy Awards this weekend, stars and non-stars alike will be begged to visit or have to worm their way in to various swag bag suites to get free stuff. If you want free stuff for yourself or even a guest, then no problem. The problem is when you are a middling star at best, and decide you want to invite five of your friends to each suite. This C list actress on a big hit show decided to throw a fit in one suite when she was told that her friends would not be able to grab any of the high priced goodies for themselves. She yelled and cursed and threw a fit that would make Naomi Campbell or Foxy Brown proud, but the staff would not budge. So, our actress decided to leave. Before leaving though, she managed to break and or damage several items and was stuffing everything else she could grab into her HUGE purse and then walked out without looking back. (Not Hayden P.)

***Well she was up to her old tricks again this weekend. Trying to show off to her no-name friends, our actress tried to get into Winston's. Nope. She started with don't you know who I am routine and still she could not get in. So, they moved over to Hyde. (NOTE to celebrities. Drive yourself and do not hire a driver. Then no one would know) Even this club wouldn't let her in now and they let anyone in now. (Even me, which is REALLY pathetic.) The people at the door said no to her, but did agree to let her two friends in. Her friends were overjoyed and left the actress at the door. When the people at the door finally relented, our actress told anyone who would listen that it was just to make her friends look good. (Different network than Hayden P)

Stacy Keibler (who at the time was actually acting on a television show. Yeah, that scares me too.)


  1. Ha. Who knew she was a flaming bitch? Not I!

  2. Hopefully she got all the swag she needed from Clooney. That is one contract I would sign.

  3. As i believed all along, she has no talent and no class apparently. Whining for free stuff, she should be ashamed of herself. seriously.

  4. And here I really liked her too. She's so off my list (unless of course I can get some swag).

  5. You gotta be kidding me calling Keibler an actress. Betch wasn't even allowed to speak much in WWE. Her big move was bending over. That and boning Ric Flair's son are how she got a foot hold in wrestling.

    A+ list Ring Rat.

    1. Was that before or after she jumped on Test's dick?

    2. @Count Wasn't she with Y2J too or was that Kelly Kelly? Both are talentless.

    3. Ah Freya I was thinking of Kelly Kelly and Test.

      No wait I think he boned both of them.

  6. Well, I think Count summed up my thoughts on this. Saved me a lot of typing!

  7. This is strange because another Ent said she was really nice.

  8. Why are wealthy people the worst when it comes to expecting and lining up for free stuff? Buy it, assholes! I'm beginning to "get" why the guillotine was invented.

  9. yeah..i thought she had a rep for being pretty decent?

  10. The other Entern definitely said she was nice. Whoops!

  11. I didn't know she acted on any other show besides wrestling.

  12. P.S. to the h8rz: up over 10,000k profile views. 10,660 to be exact. Muphukin SupaStah rycheah :)

  13. If she was like that then, I can't imagine how she is now. Actually, I don't want to. She'll be back in the WWE. What else does she have? Is her supermarket shoe being renewed? She only got it because she was with George Clooney.

  14. Anonymous11:55 AM

    why would she think they would want to give her random friends free stuff? the whole point is to get their products seen because a celeb in wearing/using them. thats why they are free. what an idiot

  15. Maybe the Entwards said she is nice because she has grown up a bit and isn't such a twat to people anymore. Maybe George's class rubbed off on her.

  16. @Freya: She won't be back in WWE until her price comes down. There were rumors she approached them about a Wrestlemania appearance, but she didn't want to do a match (she next to never worked in the ring) and she wanted an exorbitant amount. Like Rock money I guess, for a one shot, walk someone done to the ring type of appearance. Not gonna happen.

    @HammerGirl: David Flair was way before Test. When she was first in WCW as a Nitro Girl, she got with David Flair. That brought extra heat on him. Besides only having a job because he was Ric Flair's son, any time one of the chicks starts banging Jobbers and low card guys, the guys on top get pissed.

  17. Funny. David Flair and Test are dead now. Hmmmm

  18. @Amy: Ric's youngest boy, Reid is the one who ODed on smack and other drugs. David is still alive.

  19. I used to date a girl. She was gothy but we liked the same music and had good chemistry.

    She was always sweet to me and my friends, but to her own friends and outsiders, she was an absolute bitch.

    I used to joke that she was evil but on my side.

    Basically, just because a girl is the sweetest girl ever to her friends and at parties doesn't mean that she doesn't have a bitch face that she shows to not-friends.

  20. MrWolf - check the manual. That's psycho.

    Keibler is a greedy betch indeed.

    Count - am I the only one wondering what is going on in your avi??

  21. @equation: If you click my profile and then click to view full size, you will see it is a chick getting ready to do a line of blow off the sexy tummy of another chick.

    Here are a couple others from the photo set, first few are Safe For Work:


    Get it all in there, don't let any fall back out

    She's so cute and happy

    Both in the same nostril is poor form in my opinion.

    Not Safe For Work Pics of Snorting Chick:

    Here's da butt

    Here's a finger in da butt

    Cream Pie

    One of the many varieties of pics I collect are ones where the subject is a hot naked chick doing drugs. Finding them in various corners of the internet is like finding a unicorn in your bear trap.

    1. They look like real dolls posed. Wigs & plastic w/ powder.

  22. She was on What About Brian, which was not what I would call a hit show. Funny though, Krista Allen wa s on it, too for a while.

  23. Clooney's type seems to have be classless hustlers.

    I can't wait to see who he recruits next.

  24. I don't know why this is shocking or surprising. Clooney's women have all been a bit b*tchy, and Kiebler probably knows when to put on her "nice face."
