Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 13, 2007


Last night at the Ralphs Supermarket on Sunset. This award winning B list television actor, formerly a B list movie actor with one big starring A list role had a huge cart filled with groceries. The store was packed. A woman with two items comes up to him and asks if she can go in front of him. The actor replied, "Why the f*** would I let you go in front of me? Are you dying? Is there someone waiting for you who is going to die? The purpose of a line is to put everyone and everything in order. I was here first and you were here second."

She replied that he seemed so nice on television.

"Well this is Ralphs, not television and you need to learn to tell the difference," he said.

At that point she left the line and went to another on the opposite end of the store.

Alec Baldwin


  1. Everyone knows he's an asshole

  2. Mini Jackass???????

  3. I'm with Alec on this one. No cutting, bitches!! ;)

    1. Agree VIP- go to the 10 items or less express line.

  4. Actually, I like that answer, lol. You can ask to go ahead, and the person can say no. Its all ok. Maybe she doesnt know diff btwn real and ralphs, lol. He is a hothead, but Im okay with this.

  5. hate when people cut the line

  6. honestly this chick is an idiot, one item or twelve, lines are first come first serve, and there's always an express lane for 12 items or less....

  7. I always offer people to go first if they have one or two items and I have more. But, I don't see a whole lot wrong with his answer. Kinda dickish, but he certainly didn't have to let her cut.

  8. Also, I would never have the nerve to ask someone if I could cut. Dumb move lady.

  9. Pms is a bitch sometimes

  10. I guess I've given Alec Baldwin a permanent douche pass. It is expected of him to be this way, and he's very entertaining when he's an ass. I love his response.

    I usually offer to let a person go ahead in these instances, but let's be honest, it's not all that appropriate for someone to ask or expect it just because they have fewer items - there are express lanes for that.

  11. I was thinking the same. Who asks to cut a line? If a person was willing to offer, fine, but no one is owed to cut a line.

  12. I agree I never ask, like I was at a store near closing and there was only one cashier open so no express lane and no self scan just a big lineup but the person in front of me with the full cart offered for me and my 2 items to go through and I have done the same in similar situations.

    AB can be an asshole but he's an articulate one.

  13. Well at least he is consistent. But, he's only had 1 big film role? I guess that's Hunt for Red October....but he's also been in a lot of other films.....but I figured thus was him in the first sentence. I'd NEVER guess he was nice!!! Lol

  14. 'Rock and Roll' Ralph's! I've seen the weirdest shit happen in there. It's like a 24 hr vortex of celebrity freakishness.

  15. I will usually always offer to the person behind me but I feel like it is one of those things that is a gift and should not be assumed, so if someone were to ask it's like "oh hell no, I would have been nice but since you went ahead and already assumed you should go first, now you can't". Guess it depends on the time of the month though. I love doing nice things for people but for some reason, when someone assumes that I am going to do it or implies that they expect it, a flip switches and a whole different bitch comes out.

    Also agree on not asking to cut, you just don't ask someone who has already been waiting if you can go ahead of them. They offer, you accept or decline. if it is a legit emergency, explain yourself and you may find others to be more sympathetic.

  16. Alec Baldwin doesn't always get a free pass from me but I am with him on this one.

  17. Can't stand Alec Blowhard Baldwin and cannot fathom why anyone likes him much less hires this POS for anything. He uncharacteristically stumbled into a correct position here but then failed utterly to present his case in a civilized manner.

  18. I did allow in Brooklyn if the store was busy and I wasn't in a hurry. Not here in sunny Fla.There was one time someone else did it for an old lady up there and the ass in back of me got upset just as I was noticing tatooed numbers on her forearm. I turned around told the guy to look at her arm and STFU. Problem taken care of.

    1. That is a chilling many horrible images go through my head when I see those tattoos.

  19. Pass as well. Someone can offer but asking is tacky. Now you dance and sigh and shuffle your feet and look at your watch and sigh..."Oh, are you in a hurry? Would you like to go ahead of me you only have two things? "..
    "Yes! Thank you ".

  20. Wow. I'm really surprised that everyone's with Alec on this one. One or two items and you've got a full cart?! Let the person go ahead of you. It's two extra minutes out of your day that could make a big difference. (ESPECIALLY if you're a famous celeb whom pretty much everyone hates. You could use the PR brownie points, Alec. Sheesh.)

  21. She was asking a favour he didn't need to say yes. Maybe he was in the line for a while, maybe he had already let someone else with less items through. He's within his right to say no- could have been nicer about it but well within his right

  22. And this weekend is the 75th anniversary of a despicable event Kristallnacht. @Hannah

  23. Thanks for saying that, Sandybrook.

  24. It took a lot of guesses before Alec Baldwin's name was even mentioned in the original post. Wow.

  25. I'm with those who don't ask, but will offer and accept.

    I had a new twist last year, though, I got in line, there was a person at the register, a cart, then me. I looked around for someone with the cart, saw nobody, so moved the cart and was next in line. 90 seconds later a young woman showed up and started screeching about who moved her cart. I ignored her- it should've been obvious it was I- and she continued shopping by getting items and putting them in her cart at the checkstand.
    The person behind me did the same thing. If I shopped ike that, we would be in front of her anyway. I wonder now, does that normally work for her?

  26. I'm actually impressed he was doing his own grocery shopping!

  27. I'm not feeling for Alec doing a huge grocery run, but @JSierra, totally agree. I'll almost always let people in front of me if I have a lot and they don't, but if you expect it... there's something about that kind of entitlement that's annoying. "You seem so nice on TV" is pretty aggravating.

    @Sandybrooke, awesome story. And wth with the jerk at the back of the line? The line still moves at the same pace whether or not the person goes in front of you or behind you. He's just mad because he didn't get cuts and the elderly person did. What a gent.

  28. Oh that drives me freaking insane. I see that all the time--someone puts their cart in line--then leaves and goes on to run back and pick things up.

    Be done shopping when you get in the freaking line.

    And I let people go in front of me when they have 1 or 2 things and I have a full cart, but Alec was not wrong--you don't ask. Go find a shorter line or go get in the express line.

  29. @7 by then I was so disgusted with NY 'ers arrogance and self-absorbsion that I almost never backed down from confrontation. That was the first and only time I ever saw a Holocaust survivor. (That I know of) and no one should ever be getting in their shit because of what they went through. We all throw the word heroes around a lot but they truly were.

    1. Amen Sandybrook. The horrors they had to survive should never be unleashed on the world ever. Sadly it still continues but not saying that to ever, ever diminish the horror of the Halocaust.

  30. I agree with Alec! I hate when people try to guilt me into letting them go first with one item. Geez, I've been waiting to, so sometimes I blow when people try this crap on me. Wait your turn!

  31. Anonymous1:08 PM

    If u are standing behind me and have an arm full of items I will key u go.

    Alec doesn't have time (or patience) for kind gestures. Clearly he doesn't like people all up in his grill.


    Still love him, though.

  32. Sandybrook - good story. I've never seen anyone with those tats. No doubt those are kept covered most of the time. Survivors of that bring a whole new definition to fierce.

    The luxury of time is like no other. I feel lucky to have this. It has made me an even more courteous person. Helped my driving attitude too. Nothing like over a decade on the beltway to scramble a brain.

  33. Or living in close proximity to senators and congressmen too I'm sure :(

  34. I think it's really rude to ask. Because then the person knows that he or she sounds like a douche if they say no, but really? What's the limit? You can cut if you have 2? 4? 6? You know? And how many people do you have to let cut? I'd be pissed that someone made me decide between looking like a dick or waiting for all the 2 itemed people to go in front of me.

    He didn't need to be so rude about though. (I probably would've giggled if I was there.)

  35. This betch got Alec to give her Mamet attitude for free! She should be happy.

    So there were other lines open but she chose to get in his line and ask to skip past him? Did she think because he's famous he would feel compelled to say yes?

    I totally agree about the offering v. asking thing. I will sometimes offer but if I've been waiting five minutes and someone saunters up when it's almost my turn, they can wait. Also if they get in my line when there are one or more express lines open, they can go over there if they want.

  36. If someone only has a handful of items I always offer to let them go in front of me. I do resent people who [ush their way in front of me assuming I will let them go ahead.
    A few years ago I had a blood clot in my leg and was not supposed to be on it at all. I ran to the supermarket to grab a handful of essentials and got on the express line holding them in my hands. A woman walked right in front of me and said she had a cold so was going ahead of me. The only thing I recall coming out of my mouth was something about her bad nose job.

  37. Lutefisk you gotta be kidding me! She assumed it was okay to cut because she had a cold? Oh hail naw betch!

  38. How do people still like this asshole is beyond me

  39. Exactly Sherry. That's why I hate when people assume they can cut in front, without being offered first.
    I did leave her flustered when i told her the only thing I could see wrong with her was her bad nose job.

  40. A woman walked right in front of me and said she had a cold so was going ahead of me.

    I'm with Sherry, oh hell no. You just don't do that. Asking is one thing - presumptuous, yes, but still not even close to saying I've got a cold and I'm going first.

    Seeing Alec go off on THAT would've been funny, though.

  41. I will offer for them to go ahead. I don't think I've ever asked, though. I guess it depends on if there's only one cash register open. But no need to be an asshole about it. Just firmly say no.

  42. Nope. I'm with Alec on this one. If you see someone with a couple of items you can offer to let them in front of you, but them asking is bad shopper etiquette. Now, if you are going to let them in front of you be sure and ask if that is all the items they have. You don't want to let Sweetie cut in front of you just to have her whistle for Hubby and their pack of youngin's with their full buggy.

  43. I just hate how so many people feel they have the right to go in front of you because they have one or two items. I've seen people give me major attitude about this, and I always say, "That's what the express line is for." I don't care if I look like a b*tch either any more. My time is just as valuable as theirs is.

  44. I am with Alec too. Wait ur turn bish.

  45. He's a piece of shit.

  46. Every time I let someone go in front of me with only a couple of items it ends up they have one item with no price and they have to call someone and those couple of items ends up taking longer than my whole cart.

    If people only have a couple of items they should go to the 12 items or less queue then the people who are doing the serious shopping can get through it quicker. I hate grocery shopping.

  47. I like him even more now! :D

  48. I always always let people with a handful/armful through.

    Don't you hate it when bad people have fortunate circumstances?

  49. There are express lines or self check out lines in supermarkets for a reason. I rarely let anyone go ahead of me.

  50. Anonymous7:54 AM

    why do dogs lick their balls?
    Because they can
    It's Alec Fucking Baldwin. who would expect any less?

  51. Anonymous7:54 AM

    having said that, i always offer people with less items to go ahead. but i'm not alec fucking baldwin...

  52. I LOVE this story! I'm totally team Alec on this one!

  53. I can see how this makes him seem like an asshole, but i'm with him on this one.

    That fucking Ralphs is always full of the strangest people.
