Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 26, 2007

This cusp A List actor often takes his teenage daughter out with him. She sometimes invites a friend. That friend is actually a friend of the actor and the daughter is cover.

Jamie Foxx (this may not seem like much the first time you read it. I suggest reading it several times)


  1. is the friend male or female and if female how old?

  2. And so long as she's over 18, he's a long ways off from James Woods territory.

  3. Lots of rumors of Foxx being on the DL, so I assume the daughter is bringing a male friend. Daughter was born in '94, so over 18.

    1. Not in 2007 - daughter was 13- that is what enty is trying to point out.

  4. Why read it several times? Would that be because it's a boy? Confused.

  5. His daughter is not that old now

    Okay he was seen out in 2013 with his oldest daughter Corrine who is 19 now

  6. I think he is acting like he is chaperoning a date for his daughter and the friend is a guy who is also a teenager but most likely legal.

  7. Um the blind is from 2007 when his daughter would have been 13

  8. ya but this blind is from 2007 so the daughter was just 13...

  9. If the male friend is his daughter's age he would have been 14 at the time. Ewww... He's in MJ territory there. At least let his balls drop before you start to play with him.

  10. The friend is male….

  11. The 'friend' is/was a teenaged girl. He was dragging his daughter and some brown haired girl around town for a minute. She was a few years older than his daughter, but for sure not 18.

  12. In 2007 he took the daughter to the Grammys but i don't see a photo with a third person in it yet

  13. Okay wait I am thinking this might be something else - this is from 2006

    This is not the only photo that says daughters but according to wiki his daughters are 19 and 4, so why are they calling the other girl a daughter? He got more children than he has acknowledged.

    1. @Tina His former costar revealed on Wendy he has a younger daughter. He acknowledges her now since she's older. She wanted IronMan at her bday party and RDJ came by. He posted a picture on Twitter. Gotta love RDJ.

  14. Nice. Using his child to get poon. Bleh

  15. Ah yes, I forgot to read the date of the blind. Gross either way if she boy a boy or girl with.

  16. Sure is nice of you to alert the authorities when you hear about child sexual abuse. We certainly wouldn't want to further exploit victims for the sake of profit. Oh, wait.

  17. Well maybe she is one of these actresses who plays a teen on TV but is actually 25.

  18. Well at least legal.

  19. Lucas, why don't you? Oh, wait.

    1. If I were in the position of knowing this was going on when it was going on I would in a heartbeat. The only reason for whoever writes this blog not to is that a) it is total bullshit or b) they are more interested in making $ than doing the right thing.

      My position on the way this blog handles stories like this hasn't changed since I started reading. I enjoy many of the items on the blog but stories of abuse and rape are unnecessary. And I don't make anything off this blog. Fwiw I also find stories of consenting adults engaging in sexual acts the writer finds deviant are pointless. I don't care if so-and-so is down for the occasional pegging. Or threesome. If everyone participating is a consenting adult then it is a non-story.

  20. Blech.....I really wish I hadn't read this.

  21. All the urban blogs say Fox likes to pull trains on his women and watches. He's a serious freak who goes both ways.

  22. oooo... OHHH i GET IT! lol. Aww, Jamie, just come outta da closet~

  23. Instead of everybody jumping Enty's shit to call the authorities when he has an underage blind, why not just notify the authorities to start monitoring this blog and they can take it from there?

  24. I'd point out, in regards to the reporting/not reporting thing...there is nothing illegal about taking out a "friend" underage or not. Unless someone had actual, firsthand knowledge, what is anyone going to report? Should people really start calling the police based on rumor and innuendo? Have you ever driven around a friend's teenage kid? Hugged them? Are you a perv?

  25. Enty can't report anybody for anything, because gossip by its nature rarely involves the people involved anyway and is therefore hearsay. No one, including you, Lucas, is going to go to the cops and say "I heard this thing about this person...", especially in an industry where gossip is rampant.

  26. Lola, being a pervert isn't illegal, thank Gawd. Molester, Rapist, they are illegal. Spend too long looking at an of age broad's tits or yoga pants clad ass, and you gonna catch the perv label.

    Don't broads wear yoga pants so you will look at their asses? They could be wearing baggy sweats if they didn't want it on display. That is why I don't mind just stopping and leering.

    Also, I'm sure the police in LA have enough reported crime to keep them busy. They aren't going to waste man hours chasing their tails with gossip blog nonsense. I doubt child protective services would either, aside from doing the initial check they are mandated to do when they get a tip.

  27. You can't really report something like this without actual proof.
    If Jamie Foxx is out in public with his daughter and "friend" there is nothing illegal. It's what is happening behind closed doors, and who has the actual proof of that?
    I kept catching my insane neighbor in my backyard and going through my garbage. The police said I needed a video of her on my property in order to start procedures. My word meant nothing.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @Lute: Find a stray cat and put it in the trash can, alive. You'll get a new neighbor after her heart attack and no one will suspect a thing.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Count, I wish it was that easy. Not only did she go through my garbage, she took my garbage and reported me to the town for throwing out things.
    I had two inspectors come down to look at what I was throwing out.
    Guess what? I am allowed to throw out garbage. Then the nut job set mouse traps all over my deck. I saw her coming out of my backyard and it meant nothing. I could have set up a video camera but it wasn't worth my time or the expense.

  32. Lutefisk, if you know what time the crazy lady does this, I'd suggest at least using your phone to tape her ass in action. If you have animals, be sure to keep an eye out when they go outside. Setting mouse traps on your deck goes above and beyond being a busy body.

    I don't see why people are grossed out by this blind, but not from the one yesterday, with the 30 year old having sex with the 16 year old. I think there is a huge double standard when it comes to the gender of the person who is underage.

  33. Thanks, I could have used that. I finally got even with her.
    Two years ago one of my trees split and landed in her back yard, crushing her deck.
    Then her husband died. Since then she has been laying low :)

  34. Count, you just made my point. Being a perv (which is highly subjective anyway) isn't illegal and perv =/= illegal behavior behind closed doors.

  35. *which is not to say whether Jamie Foxx is/isn't a perv, is/isn't doing illegal things.

    There is no way to tell from this blind.

  36. Pip, I should have. I was always in shock when I saw her in action.
    The final straw was her daughter, who I went all through school with, coming over and telling me to stop harassing her mother. Once I told her what was going on I never had a problem. I am sure her daughter told her I was going to have her arrested.

  37. I was trying to help your point, Lola. After you were so sweet to me the other night, I wanted to help. Closest I could get to giving you a big hug and petting your head, while it rests on my shoulder.

    We'll get back around to arguing, don't worry.


    Wasn't there a blind a while back about someone with their daughter's friend and a sleep over that was attributed to Jamie? I forget, just remembering bits and pieces, and I could be way off.

  38. Maybe the old lady has dementia or something. Whatever, chortling about someone's misfortunes seems...unseemly.

  39. Our old lady does not have dementia. She has fought with everyone on the street. We have been in our house for 20 years, and when we moved in here no one was speaking to her. She has called the police on everyone living here if they had a party, visitors, too many kids outside...she is just a nasty piece of work.

  40. This one?

  41. If some old lady is snooping in your trash why don't you drop a steamer in an interesting bag or box and put it near the top in your trash can. Filming her reaction after opening would be priceless:))

  42. Haha. got it Texas Rose. I don't want to turn this thread into the nasty things the bitch next door to me did, but she deserves your suggestion. She stole every one of my garbage cans. I saw them all lined up inside her garage. Not only that, but she spilled out all of the garbage along side my house before she took them. Even the recyclables. I had broken glass everywhere.
    Anyway, my point was we knew what she was doing, and saw her doing it, but the police said we needed proof. That's why Enty can't go reporting alleged pedophiles without concrete evidence.

  43. Lutefisk: Just glad crazy woman has stopped. Nothing worse than a fucking crazy ass neighbor. Especially if you're a new resident. You're thinking "oh man, now I gotta put up with this shit?!! For a long time? Mousetraps, seriously?

  44. lets not misread the blind. Enty is saying that the "friend" is actually a friend of the actor...the daughter is just a cover...the daughter's age really is irrelevant, because she is a pawn in Jamie's coverup for an it with a man or a woman

  45. But the only way it would not look suspicious at all is if the friend could pass for his daughter's friend and she was 13 in 2007, As I noted the daughter is a few photos with another girl and let's be frank, the other female looks like a girl the same age as the daughter or not much older, and some of the photo agencies just labelled it Jamie Foxx with his daughters plural but he only had one daughter that age that we know of, his second daughter is only 4 now.

  46. Sherry, the woman is a nut job. The day after Halloween/Valentine's Day/whatever holiday she would show up at my front door screaming that the holiday was over and I needed to take down my decorations.
    My decorations were extremely minor, usually whatever my kids made in school would go on my front door and window. There is a reason no one talks to her, but the mouse traps all over my deck were really creepy, as showing an inspector what type of garbage I throw out.
    She even had the garbage men ring my bell and ask that I move my garbage cabs to the other side of my driveway because she didn't want to see them from her window.

  47. She's 19 now, this was originally posted in 2007, which would have made her 13. I think that's why he says to read it a few times, read the WHOLE post. I googled and found several photos of him with his oldest daughter another young girl from back in 2007, so I don't think its a boy, its just creepy because she was barely a teenager.
