Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 12, 2007

This C list blond bombshell actress has moved from bit parts on television to nice sized roles in the movies. She has been working her way steadily up the ladder. Her latest film was supposed to be her breakout role. In fact she was even being talked about to play ANS in a future film. Well if she is going to portray ANS she has one thing in common with her. Turns out everyone thought she was a goody-goody until this latest film role. She was getting tired during the long filming days and so a member of the crew gave her a little pill to make her wide awake. She loved it and went back everyday. One day the crew member gave her a little coke and now she can't get enough. Two other actresses on the film sat our actress down and told her that she had a great career ahead of her and to stop doing what she was doing. They threatened to tell the producers if they caught her again. She stopped. BUT, since filming ended she has gone back to her old ways and is moving in with the crew member to make sure her source stays close.

Kate Bosworth


  1. Could explain why she's so freakishly thin. I could never see her voluptous enough to play Anna Nicole.

  2. Shocking! Shocked I tell ya!! Realllllyyyyyy sssshhhhoooocccckkkkkeeeedddd. NOT.

  3. Am I really supposed to believe that Kate was #1 to play Anna Nicole Smith? This blind is less than one month after she died, call me crazy but i don't see her biopic being this epic Hollywood name maker.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Off topic. Watching Liam Hemsworth in Paranoia. i couldn t look atbhim when he was with Miley. but hey! he is hot. what you think

  5. She could portray a skeleton well. Sorry.

  6. I like how the other actresses tried to help her. Could stand more stories like that to restore my faith in humanity. Hope she stops or has stopped the crap now.

  7. When was Bosworth ever healthy enough to play Anna Nicole?

  8. Ok, this does go a long way towards explaining "Superman: Return".
    Now what's Brandon Routh's excuse?

  9. Yea ummmm bombshell?? Not anymore. She could play a cadaver....

  10. I had no idea who ANS was. Thanks for the long form!

  11. I guess this explains how she stays so thin...?

  12. Why can she see the way she looked in her first hit was healthy?! Too terribly thin now.

  13. She's have to wear padding to play Anna except when ANS got so thin on that diet drug she was hawking

  14. @laura ramona
    -He's even hotter when you hear him speak with his natural Australian accent! You should check out his interview on Leno from a few days ago.

  15. I tell ya what, I may very well be a scumbag who would sexually take advantage of a coke addicted woman, should the opportunity ever arise, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself by turning a broad on to the stuff.

  16. "Kate Bosworth is a bombshell." - said no one, ever.

  17. A curtsy to the Count for his nobility!

    She reminds me of Katherine Heigl. They're trying really hard to make her a pin-up but it's not working.

    1. I think Kate would just fly away body at all. Just bones. Shame too. She was lovely when she weighed about 30 lbs more.

  18. I wonder who the actresses were. Good on them for at least making an effort to help.

  19. no. she was on coke in 2003- since.. neeevvverrr quit. when orly dumped her in2006 b/f sr, she was 75 lbs..coke honey.coke.. been doin it w/ orly the whole time.. only thing they had in common. she is rumored to be a dealer which is how she still gets into parties.. a-list's dealer. not b/c of personality.

  20. Not surprised.
    What does surprise me is that she was already Clist in 07 and still is now and yet still in the media at least monthly (daily on the sites she pays)..

  21. This makes me sad...loved her since Blue Crush...that's when she was much healthier...I knew she was doing coke by how thin she had gotten...she use to have a great body...

  22. She constantly looks like shit.

  23. @auntliddy No actresses tried to help her. Some actresses claimed to try to help her but no one did any such thing.

  24. Oh and @auntliddy some actresses claimed to try and help her and then sold their story to the tabs. Welcome to acting in corporate America.

  25. A coke head actress? How shockingly common.

    Isn't Diet Coke, cigs, and blow the diet of models and young actresses?
