Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 20, 2007

This B list movie/television actor became one of the few. Yes, he was rejected by none other than Paris Hilton herself when he made a very public move on her this past weekend. He said a few words and then she turned her back. For the rest of the night he insisted that he did not try and hit on her, but everyone knows he couldn't get her to say yes.

Jeremy Piven


Cleodacat said...

Apparently even Paris has standards.....who knew?

Unknown said...

This must have been when Paris was an A+ celebutard.

Unknown said...

She would jump all over that shit now!

hollywood dime said...

@ Texas rose she sure would! She'd be on him like white on rice.

hollywood dime said...

Lucky him!

Gypsy said...

Am I the only one who thinks they are perfect for each other?

HannahBanana said...

Ha!! @ Gypsy I think they're like 2 peas in a pod!

Gypsy said...

2 disease ridden, lacking all humanity, despicable, jackass peas in a pod.

gee-gee said...

I think she did us all a favor. This union would have produced a completely new strain of Herpydiphylus.

Paris Hilton saves the world!

auntliddy said...

Now I like her!!!!!! He is disgusting!

Anonymous said...

They must be similar ends of the STD magnet and repel each other.

Sherry said...

Magnolia: not sure what was funnier here. Your remark or Gee Gee's or Gypsy's. So many good ones people!

Count Jerkula said...

Maybe it was the ball huggin pants, 2 sizes too small jacket and bald dome covering hat that turned her off.

sandybrook said...

I thought she was a starfucker and I guess Jeremy thought he was a star

BitterBlondin said...

So what, he already had her. There are pics of him doing crazy amounts of coke with her and Nicole.

Anonymous said...

Paris doesn't like smarmy old farts who believe their own hype.

Can't say I blame her.

never b THAT GUY that made a whore decide to get her life together.---Louis CK


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sherry :)

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't touch him (or her) with someone else's vagina. for all those dieters out there, mentally picture these two going at it doggy style. it'll curb your appetite for good.


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