Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

May 23, 2013

This B- list mostly television actress from a very hit show based on a book who would be C list if not for the show has threatened to quit the show if a special guest star is allowed to appear on more than one episode. The special guest star is a C list celebrity with A list name recognition and the two can't stand each other. As in would beat each other if left alone for too long.

Ashley Benson/Rumer Willis


  1. Willis just did one episode like it was foretold

  2. LMAO this explains a lot if anyone follows the show bahahaha.

  3. @gee-gee:
    one of 2 bad bad girls in Spring Breakers

  4. Ok I feel like an idiot for asking, what is the show and why would they want taterhead for more than a single epi?

  5. Rumer did something with Ashley's piece?

  6. The clash of the unknowns, lol. Silly behavoir.

  7. There's a very simple solution to this problem, leave them alone in a room together!

  8. She's on Pretty Little Liars on one of the two letter almost network stations. WB? CW? Don't know, Don't care. Though, upon googling, she appears to have perma bitch face so I might go Team Willis on this one.

  9. She still appears once in a while on Hawaii 5-0. Taterhead, that is. And I seem to remember a BI a while back that she was giving up acting because it was beneath her to audition.

  10. can't stand either of them---I agree lock them in a room together and let them fight it out.....

    could be close

  11. Rumer is a rubbish actress anyways. I hate it when the celeb offspring gets roles because of their parents hard work.

  12. <---Lol, Pretty Little Liars obsessed! Rumer was awful in the episode anyway, glad she won't be reprising the role...Team Hannah!
