Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 15, 2007

This married A list male actor who has been in a number one film within the last year or so recently stopped in to an adult video store. He rented four movies starring the same actress. The clerk said something to the effect of our actor must really like the actress. Our A lister said he was going to f**k her later that night and wanted to see what he was getting in advance.

Nicolas Cage


  1. Smart man.

    As piracy keeps chipping away at the profits of porn companies, more and more porn is becoming infomercials for whores. Besides the top ones, who demand a higher rate anyhow, you even get some BackPage level whores who will shoot a 1-2 dozen scenes then jack their rates from $250/hr to $350+/hr.

    Any idea who the whore was Enty?

    1. You're trying too hard. If you would have just written "whore" once, you might have offended some people and gotten some sort of reaction. Repeatedly typing it just comes off as desperate for attention.

    2. I think he's just tryin to make is aware of the intricacies involved in being a paid whore nowadays.

    3. Damn it. Typos. Phone. My apologies.

  2. we should all be seeing that soon since his dirty pictures have gone missing

  3. Its one thing to actually rent the movies etc. It is another thing to brag about it to the clerk. and speaking of if all the Blockbusters etc are closed do people still rent porns--or are all those shops closed now too? Maybe Count will know

  4. watch porn for free online all over the place (not that I would ever do such a thing. )

  5. oh and there are still porn shops and Adam and Eve and other places as such. (Not that I have ever been inside one or gotten shit like that in the mail.)

  6. Derek - This was in 2007 at an adult video store - I'll be the clerk was digging this tidbit, probably rubbed one out later just thinking about it. I'm sure you can still get porn dvds but with so many free sites on the web don't know why anyone would waste the money unless you just had to see the latest Vivid video release or actress.

  7. glad you clarified that mistake Rose gives it a totally different meaning.

    1. This was probably one of that clerks highlights- can't be a lot of great moments for a porn store clerk- usually just mopping up the booths:)

  8. Gross. Wellll.. I used to like Nic Cage..

  9. I used to like him too.

  10. Well lookey there count...looks like the peeps are starting to see thru your bullshit posts. I will say they've been gentler lately, even somewhat decent. But here you go again with the vulgarity and whore bashing. I remember the good ole days when you said whore slut bitch cumdumpster cunt..etc all the time. Then you scaled back cuz I called you out on it and you played the What?Who?Me?Ima nice guy,sensitive and caring..(theOtherCount)
    I knew you couldn't control your inner rage and hatred of women forever. Welcome back TheRealCount

  11. @rosie @sven The word whore appears in the bible 85 times! @count uses it 3 times to describe someone who gets paid for sex and you lose your shit. Get a fucking grip!

    1. I give a fuck about somebody using the word "whore." I give even less of a fuck about how many times it appears in a book about somebody's imaginary friend Jesus. I was only stating that for what he was trying to do, he was trying too hard.

  12. @LittleBrokenBird, brilliantly stated.

  13. +2 Little Broken

    @Count feel free to use whore as much as you like. Feel even more free to do so in the bedroom!


  14. And the Count defenders start again. Everything he writes is to get a rise out of someone. Most of us just ignore him now. Bash away.

  15. Baroness, if you think that was brilliant, you need to rethink how low the bar is set over in your neck of the woods. For someone to simply point out how many times the bible says whore is not actually brilliant. Its stupid. And irrelevant to some of us out here. I stand by my words. The count is a woman-hater who hides behind a computer screen and relies on "clicks" to feed his sense of self worth (and its at the expense of women) I don't see him ever commenting on male fuckups, giving them derogatory names.
    There, littleBrokenbird. Hows that for a grip? suckit.

  16. @rosie, @count is not calling you a whore, or your mother, or your 3rd grade teacher. She is a woman who sells her body for cold hard cash! That is the correct definition of a whore! Go ahead and add a dictionary to your Amazon wishlist.

    1. As someone in the industry, like you previously were Little Broken, I despise the word whore. It IS derogatory. Many sex workers are just trying to survive, have kids to feed, maybe some have addictions. Some of these women have no options, some are homeless. They deserve their dignity. Shame on you!

    2. I'm sorry I missed your post earlier. You are preaching to the choir! I agree with you but the only way to have dignity is to get it yourself. I was very lucky, I was never abused or degraded when I was working, because I never allowed myself to be. Unless you are trafficked or enslaved you have to power to help yourself. Get on a bus out of town, turn to a shelter or church, get off the drugs, get help anyway you can. Most girls and boys allow the abuse and they shouldn't, they have to help themselves! I'm not saying you are in those predicaments yourself, but you know as well as I do if you let someone treat you like shit they will. I'm not offended by the word whore, words only have the power I give them. I'm sorry you were offended.

  17. Derek - 24 Hr Book Stores don't sell the New York Times Top 10.

    Rosie - Why is the word "whore" in the count's context something to get our panties in a wad about? Isn't the very definition of whore someone who's paid for sex? And is that not what he was referring to each time? Or should he have used a more PC term such as "vaginal aerobicist" or "lady of the night" or just good old "prostitute"?

    And you give yourself WAY too much credit in thinking you could possibly be the reason the count may have remotely toned it down. Nobody gives two fucks about your opinion. Just like no one really gives a shit about my opinion either. No one here gives a fuck about anything anyone says here, at the end of the day. Why don't you go do some volunteer work in an anti-human trafficking organization instead of wasting your energy here?

    1. Disco -Finally something we agree on!

  18. boo-hoo!
    the Jerk said Whore.
    get the fuck over it ladies.
    this isn't fukn church.

  19. I don't care about any reaction to "whore". I use the word because it is a dead on descriptor. Fuck for money equals whore, be it a man or woman accepting the cash. I am not using it to slut shame any little innocent flower and I am not using it to describe all women. If you are too dense to realize the distinction, then that is your own problem to deal with.

  20. @another @sven I give a fuck about the english language, its proper use, in the correct context, our right to use it, even in its most raw form, and our right to free fucking speach!
    Who are any of us to try and censor one another. If you dont like it fuck off to North Korea where the internet will never offend you again!

  21. @count

    per definition you are right. just that the sensitive souls are not used to the plain offensive word anymore.

    they love w**re, or better W.H.O.R.E.

    bitching around and about that... nice.

    know the saying, if it strucks a chord in you...

    or should I say C.H.O.R.D ???

    rofl by myse*f

  22. well all I am going to say that not all porn is created equal as with all things in life

  23. thank you @littlebrokenbird for defending me yet again. Though you look kinda stoopid going off on a rant about the correct use of the English language, then misspelling speech. speach, durr. luv ya twunt!

    1. Shhhhh! Epic fail lol! I blame my crappy stylus and 2 year old distracting me with demands for cartoons!
      Serves me right!

    2. Hey LBB, why don't you go cry and get on all fours with mascara running down your face while Count fucks your whore ass? You know he has said the crying fucked up ones get him especially excited. You used to fuck for cash, why not re-name yourself Broken Little Whore and really impress him!

    3. I dont wear mascara, I have very sensitive eyes.

    4. 2 yr old? Count has said women with kids have bagged out snatches. Whores are really bagged out too. Why do you defend someone who thinks so low of your kind? Do you even know who the father is or were you too busy whoring it out for all those johns? Easy labour? All stretched and bagged out pussy probly shot that little cum-dump right outta your whore snatch. You like the word whore now? Guess you can't charge much anymore haha! Count could get bottom of barrel rates. Win-win!

  24. Nicolas Cage is A list?

  25. Count is a woman. It's painfully obvious.

  26. @Unknown: nice, real nice and not even brave enough to use your regular handle.

  27. Any Rhysie calls HERSELF Meanie.

  28. @MeanieRysie. Is there a condition known to medical science you DON'T claim to have?? LOL, how many gov't checks do you get a month? And we can't forget sexual abuse survivor. You find a way to work that into a conversation here at least once a week. I still ROFL about the time you posted a pic of yourself and tried in vain to get someone to say you looked better than Lohan and all you got were crickets. You even asked a few times........crickets!

  29. that was not fukn' kool.

  30. whats @meanie said to upset everyone, she was standimg up for me after @unknown's swipe

  31. Um, what in the sweet brown is going on up on this board?

  32. poor kid was probably born with a bunch of nasty STD's havin a whore for a mother.

  33. I wonder if Rosie riveter is the fake count jerkula - I see he just reappeared,.

  34. @unknown I haven't whored as you put it since 1999 (I was barely Iin my 20's when I stopped) I had a successful career in IT, I didnt have a drug habit so all my money was saved. I now live in a beautiful home in the countryside, mortgage free. I am happily married with a beautiful STD free child :-) in fact I have never had one, not even chlamydia (go figure)
    I never have to work again, so you cant make me feel bad for being a whore for 2 years, 14 years ago.

    1. Yup totally bagged out.

    2. Haha I I know its wrong to laugh at the mentally challenged but you crack me up! Yes its so cavernous and massive we use it for extra storage space when the garage overflows.

  35. FFS, y'all! Calm down!

    That was Fake Count Jerkula going after MeanieRhysie, not the real Count.

  36. Haha love the fact that you're ignoring your two year old to defend some pathetic scumbag. Mother of the year award goes to you!

  37. @tillie I live in England my 2 year old is fast asleep in bed! Its 22:37PM!

  38. @ the other Unknown, the one with the industry past.

    there is nothing derogatory in the word itself. only in the tone in which is said, and of course the level of sensitivity of the receiver/listener/interpreter.

    it will always be a "new term" for the same person you describe. may seem nicer in the beginning, but its not long until the same vibe is transferred onto it.

    it does not change you, your job and acceptance in the society. and unless it is an acclaimed thing, you will always receive exactly the same response and tonality, no matter what word is used. i can say darling with the inflextions of dirty whore and you will know it. so how do you change that?

    the word is not the problem. speakers and listeners are.

    and for whatever reason you choose to do it, those are your arguments for your choices. fully valid, I say. Yet it doesn´t change what you do at all, and that is described with the word. or you would have more variations of the terms. Like dr-whore for drug needed money, rp- for the rent paying, cr- children raising whore. So you may, modern person that you are, choose what you might like to support.

    But they just come for the quick fun, right?

    Whore is as good as any other word out there.

  39. Look back at your post! You said your two year old was distracting you supermom

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Ha! Fake Count doesn't realize many of us know who is behind the stupid comments. Keep them coming!

  43. @ Pip. if you know, and it matters, u should share the info with everyone. Ha!

  44. You are quite right. I thank you for your concern for my little ones well-being. Part of our schedule is 30 mins TV time before bath, bed and stories. I usually make a coffee, have some me time. The tv got turned over, I stopped what I wa doing mid word, changed the channel, carried on and made a spelling error. Please dont call child services!!!!!

  45. looks like Pip is just full of Poop :(
    or just terrible at amateur psychology..

  46. Just buy that shit online, idiot.

  47. @Rosie/Fake Count/Whichever Unknown is posting now: Your opinion of what I post isn't worth the shit on my toilet paper.

    Much like this (NSFW) whore will always be a whore, you will always be a twunce.

    I don't think low of whores, I just calls em like I sees em. Whores are just trying to get by. With modern medicine and testing the fact that whoring is illegal is flat out stupid, but with whoring legal, then mental cunts like Fake Count, Rosie and Unknown would NEVER get any dick.

    Also, anyone know why I got an email with nothing more than "Fake Count" and this pic?

    Your Twunce Krew effort to attack my supporters will miserably fail, just like your other attempts to thwart me. The more you act like lunatic cunts, the more people will hate you and love me and those who support me. You are as woefully inept at trolling as you are at life.

    P.S. Tears are definitely hot, butt I will ass fuck however a broads asks. Vigorous and rough, with hair pulling and slapping, or sweet and gentle, with loving caresses and slow strokes. I try to be a choose your own adventure when it comes to sex, as women are like snowflakes, no two are alike and there are many ways to make em melt.

  48. Oh my gosh, now there are two more Unknowns that aren't me?! Guys, I was here first. Please go by Unknown 2 and Unknown 3. The Unknown that is attacking people is not me, and the Unknown that is a whore (sex worker?) is not me either!

  49. Unknown as name is the new anonymous

  50. Oh, and I think it was Massive G & Harry Knuckles who talk negatively about women after child birth. I see child birth as a good sign for 2 reasons.

    #1, they fuck

    #2, I have found that some women are more open to assplay/buttsecks after child birth.

  51. Lol@ the picture.

    Fake Count, this has nothing to do with psychology. You showed up after a certain comment was said awhile back, and have been leaving lame insults here ever since. You've resorted to this behavior before. It's pathetic

  52. And as for the being first or not, I adopted it the same day that anonymous comment was not an option on this blog anymore.

    so i´ll keep it unknown as it is.

    feel free to change your name if you wish. "the original unknown" or "the one and only unknown".

    I have no problem with 100 anonymous so I have none with 100 unknowns too.

    so you want to be applauded for your opinion, but remain anonymous. you´re funny.



    1. Not quite sure how to respond here. Am I talking to Whore Unknown, or Cunt Unknown? See why we need numbers?

  53. easy

    you want to be unique - get a name

    unknown = anonymous

    end of story

  54. Wait, are you a new Unknown? So now there is Whore Unknown, Cunt Unknown, Anonymous Unknown, and of course me, Original Recipe Unknown

  55. there you go.

    i rarely post, but it was fun to see "anonymous" being revived.

    may be more out there

  56. I just come here now and then to read reveals. almost never the comments. but using my mobile it entered the comment page and scrolled down too fast - it was too funny to see all the unknowns converging here.


  57. That's cool, Anonymous Unknown! I just wish Cunt Unknown would go by Unknown 2 so that it doesn't give the rest of us Unknowns a bad name!

  58. @Fake count I see someone is drunk and emotional again. It takes a real gem of a human being to attack someone for being an abuse survivor.
    Go and beg your husband to fuck you. If he hasn't left already, of course. Hopefully he took the sick animal with him.
    I can lose weight, but you will always be a horrible, sick, lonely, unloved, useless cunt.

  59. Holy. Shit. This thread is pathetic. You are a sick fucking bastard to mock anothers padt sexual abuse. When they were a child. Calling all hackers, post this fuckers shit online so can all see the pathetic waste that gets herself off on saying shitty things online. I hope karma fucks you in the ass so hard you cry and beg for it to stop. I can't even fathom how someone can be as pitiful as you guys are.

    Meanie, LBB, CJ you guys are quite popular with a few of the readers. All they think about sll day is you, which is kinda creepy honestly. But hey, what can you do.

  60. You're some kind of awful. You really are. I pity you.

    I jumped in because what you said to LBB was horrible. Horrible!

    I pity you. How desperately unhappy you must be, utterly devoid of compassion and empathy. You're to be pitied.

    Thanks to all you other lovelies. <3

  61. all this bullshit over using the word Whore?!

    get the fuck out once in a while. hit up a bar. sign up to a free dating site.
    stop being a god damn keyboard warrior.

  62. p.s.
    IjU, has sum fukn stellar cheekbones.

  63. LBB, loved how you kept your cool with all this nonsense, you sound like the best kind of mom, with a sense of humor.
    MR, you keep speaking your truth, knowing it helps someone out there. The sad bitch that is Fugazi Count will only help expose her own pathetic self.

  64. Whore is fine if it's preceded by the word attention. We have lots of those on these boards.

  65. 15 yrs spent with a sadist with bipolar disorder, rage issues, and deep hatred of women, due to mommy abandonment. It was the stuff the show you to scare your in movies and tv. Shit happens. I don't want a medal, I moved on, see a psychiatrist for the traumatic brain injuries. I have the easiest life in the world now. 2 halves make a whole. See, this is important stuff. Who someone is, man or woman, hater or lover of women...gotta say, don't give a shit. And, a lot of chicks do have a pretty wrecked cunt after a couple of kids. Some don't. I'm not the poster child for Womyn Inc. Let whomever wants to fight that, load up, I'm rooting for ya, from home base. Peace!
