Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

May 17, 2007

So the other night AP was at this party and she saw a blind item mainstay who is a very well known female reality star with some past and present problems. The most pressing problem the other night was how to keep our subject from ingesting the coke that was in her purse. There was nothing else in her purse except coke. No keys, no cell phone, no nothing. Despite two nose bleeds during the evening and an appearance that was ghostly, our subject couldn't be stopped and literally had to be carried out the door at the end of the night by friends because she had passed out. She was also blabbering away during the evening about how her current relationship is over because her boyfriend hated seeing her destroy herself.

Nicole Richie


  1. In a, somewhat, related note: Does anyone know where I can find season 1 of The Simple Life? I can't find DVD copies or anywhere online.

  2. Well, I have heard of many a thing, but someone passing out because they did too much coke is not one of them. Unless she was passing out because he heart stopped

  3. I didn't realize it was possible to pass out on coke...

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I didn't know you could pass out from coke either. Perhaps it was due to starvation?
    You can die from too much coke though (RIP Jay Reatard)

  5. well that was a long time ago

  6. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I know Rajah : it's so 2007.

  7. Maybe collapse from some coke induced heart related problem.

  8. If I was the b/f of a junkie Id be gone too after I gave her a choice me or junk.

  9. Was AP Dominique Swain... Or was she ZX?

    1. @lotta I think AP is Amanda Peet

  10. @Marieeee
    Have you tried piratebay?

    Nicole looks like she hasn't stopped the cokie carrying or using.

  11. OK, who is the moron, Enty or Amanda Peet? Passing out on coke is one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

  12. Doesn't this make her Coke Mom with Asslee the friend? Is the timing off??

  13. You can pass out from coke or meth. I've had clients do it. They call it "over-amping".

  14. Maybe she was speedballing?

  15. She gave birth to her daughter in Jan 2008, so she was around 2 months prego at the time...real classy Nicole! No wonder I no longer have any respect for her!

  16. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Nic was preggers when she was busted driving the wrong way down the LA freeway...she was drunk with addreal & coke & pot in her system...her first kid was also the one she didn't know who the daddy was because she was screwing around so much...

  17. The fake dramatic details are turning me off: "he was also blabbering away during the evening about how her current relationship is over because her boyfriend hated seeing her destroy herself"


  18. I have passed out on coke before, two many fat lines in a row. blacked out but just for a very short time

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I did coke at a festival. Off an esky. Then flashed my tits. It was a great night for all.

  19. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Had sex w husband. 2 new piercings bleeding like all fuck and new ink is very sore. Body modification and bumping naughty bits DON'T mix kids.

  20. If it's really pure, it's definitely possible. Putting the person in a cold shower will bring them around fast. If not, call 911. Clean up evidence before ambulance arrives.

  21. Adding that you can pass out from a lot of coke. Shudder.

  22. Nicole looked "healthy" for awhile but now she's scary skinny again.

  23. @Lotta - Swain was ZX

  24. LOL, I have The Simple Life Season 1 still in the wrapper I think Marlee.
