Monday, November 11, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 13, 2007

1. This A list actor with a foreign accent has a production company in the US. So he had several deductions for meals and such which are fine, but the restaurants were none the accountant had ever heard of which was really unusual. When he asked the actor about it, the actor said well they aren't really restaurants per se, they are more like social clubs where he could spend time alone with a lady or two or three, some drinks, and a bedroom. To make it easier they put restaurant in their name. There are 365 days in the year. Our actor went 114 times. Nice.

Hugh Grant


  1. Why are meals fine though in the first place? Other people don't get to deduct their meals.

  2. Damn you vagina for finding him sexy

  3. So he got laid every 3 or so days back then by hos. At least he wasn't going to girls college dorms to get some like he does now

  4. You can deduct the meals if you say you were entertaining clients or people involved in your business. (Says self-employed figgy.)

    I cannot reconcile this with the wonderful image of the role he played in Sense & Sensibility... sigh...

  5. @figgy
    And also his adorable Prime Minister role in Love Actually...double sigh.

  6. At least we can consider him a good actor. What a hollow existence, though.

  7. this is for real, I had a coworker charge $85,000 in expenses going to strip clubs and passed them off as steak house restaurants dinners with clients.

    Our acct'g dept finally caught on after a year and a half and fired him.

    they figured it out when they reached out to a few clients to confirm they were with him. Becuase the costs of dinners were so high and the credit receipts were unusual. Turns out he was by himself the whole time just padding the expense account for his stripper addiction. He is lucky he isn't in jail.

  8. Not an expense accounting issue but back in the mid 1980's there was a club in Dallas selling ecstasy at the counter (it was not yet illegal) & they would would charge your credit card "Oak Lawn Truck & Trailer". If the NSA looks at my spending patterns in 1985-86 they'll see I was renting U-Haul trucks every weekend.

  9. @figgy and Renoblondee - But definitely like Daniel Cleaver. Triple sigh (at the sadness of it all).

  10. Im pretty sure the IRS wouldn't approve those deductions. And they can still go after him for fraud.

  11. Question - who is the accountant leaking this? Same as Keanu?

  12. His small head runs his life.

  13. If he's single and rich, I don't see the problem....trying to deduct it as a business expense is a little hinky--and for sure he needs a new accountant if this guy leaked the story.

  14. Yet we wonder why the economy is in the shitter.

  15. I used to bartend at a strip club, and all our credit card transactions would run as 'Millenium Restaurants'. Titty bars are well aware most of their clientele are business people padding their expenses.

  16. Has no one ever told him he has an addiction?



  18. Last week I went with my high school senior to tour C.W. Post (L.I.U.) The admissions officer spoke about some of the recent activity on campus, including the fact the Hugh Grant spent some time there last year filming a movie. There ARE dorms there!
