Sunday, November 03, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

May 7, 2008

This C list primarily television actress should probably be B list. Very attractive. Most of you would know who she is, and even the shows she has been on, but she is probably not a household name. She has been on one huge hit and one of a more modest nature. Our actress and her attorneys have been in discussions with a drug manufacturer trying to reach a settlement. The reason for the settlement is that she lost her job when she tried to commit suicide. Seems that an attempted suicide kinds of freaks producers out. Who knew? Anyway she and her attorneys believe it was due to a specific drug she was taking and have threatened a lawsuit. The drug company wants to keep it quiet because the story would be all over the media and at the same time our actress is trying to keep it quiet so someone will hire her and not always refer to as the actress who attempted suicide.

She has never got back to where she once was. She still has severe emotional issues because of that drug and what it did to her brain. Has not been able to work regularly in a few years but gets some guest spots. Has a connection to George Clooney.


  1. Shame SHAME on you for this.
    My guess is the actress from Ally McBeal.
    BUT SHAME ON YOU for exploiting this for hits. Not once, but twice.

  2. Jesus, this needs to be least the drug anyway. That's awful.

    1. Ha! Enty du jour would be way more likely to reveal the actress. Big Pharma's lawyers don't play and would sue before the end of the day it was revealed.

    2. You're right. He would get his ass hande to him. But I hope he doesn't reveal the actress....that's not gossip, it's just so sad.

    3. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Reveal the freaky drug so ppl can watch out. mind the poor actress

  3. *cough*
    Pardon the interruption. I will now continue being an asshole.

  4. Lisa Carson, connected to Clooney through ER

    1. Carrie- just a blind reveal about enty running into her working as a hostess in some average food joint. Thought she got there from drug problems but nothing about suicide. Could still fit though I guess.

  5. Thank you, Bacon: what I have to say contains only expletives.

  6. I feel so sorry for her. Really sad...

  7. Maybe someone from Freaks and Geeks show? Busy Phillips?

    1. Nah - she still works on cougartown.

  8. Instead of feeling ashamed, this actress should be proud that she is a survivor and out the pharm company. Who knows, she might just save a life. This whole mental illness = shame needs to stop and the only way that is going to happen is when people stop hiding.

  9. I'm with HannahBanana, if your going to post, at least reveal the drug.

    Speaking of Clooney, does anyone know what went down on the set of Out of Sight to create such animosity between him.and JLo? They had such great chemistry.

    1. Now THAT would be juicy gossip! I've always wondered what happened there...

    2. @v Jennifer will be dumb not to at least try to get it with Prime Clooney.

    3. I meet Clooney in LA yrs ago; Out of Sight is one of my favorites. And told him such, he's only comment was JLO had horrendous bad breath. Kissing her was painful


    5. Anonymous5:32 AM

      This may explain JLo's bad breath:
      taco flavoured kisses

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My neighbor went on Chantix and the exact same thing happened to him. Thankfully he is ok now...

  12. HIPAA violation much?

  13. V
    Apparently both thought they were the star.
    As in..THE STAR.

    2 egos, one set, excellence for gossip.

  14. Ya know, George had the whole Facts of Life, Roseanne,(appearance on the Golden Girls) and that little show ER thing going on.
    Fly Girl

    So I can understand the ego thing.

    1. @Bacon For minute there I thought you meant him and diddy..... LMAO you know. im tired lol

  15. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The drug will be of anti-depressant in nature - a lot of them have suicide listed as a potential risk, especially when you first start taking them as they can make you feel worse than you did before, before you start to feel better.

    According to a Google search, Brooke Smith was fired from Grey's Anatomy in 2008 and isn't really well known ... as were AJ Cook and Paget Brewster from Criminal Minds ... could be, might be, may not be, either of these individuals ...

    1. Forever Young - this could also be a drug like Accutane, which was blackboxed due to increased suicide risk.

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      @ V - good point - I took that in my early 20s and wish I'd just put up with the adult acne - I can't even venture in the sun for more than 10 minutes now without looking like I've been sunbaking for days on end :-/

    3. That sucks Forever Young. I had an okay experience except for super papery skin, I would slather in a combo of castor and coconut oils. I was very happy to get out of my system. However, I did have 2 friends, both of whom attempted suicide while on it. The drug put them into a crazy psychosis...frightening.

  16. Bacon, is that really all? I just wonder, because I don't think either has had better screen chemistry (in a film - discounting J. Margulies and Sela Ward) since. You think they would have been able to put the egos in check and make a sequel.

  17. Well, it's hard to get a movie made when you're fighting to get in front of the nearest mirror all the time...LOL

  18. Actually I think CarrieMath got this right Lisa Marie Carson who disappeared from acting for years back then because she did drugs and was put away in a health facility because of mental illness probably due to that.

  19. V, it's scary how long the list could be. :/

  20. I've been on anti depressants for bipolar disorder since I was 12.they're a bitch to get in & out of your system. They elected to switch me to Prozac about 8 years ago. Apparently I'm o e of the 7% who have a terrible reaction. I was catatonic for a month. I don't even remember anything after the 3rd day of taking it. When I finally came out of it I was in a hospital w/ no recollection of anything for 3 weeks. I still don't remember. I guess that's why this blind nd bothers me do much. I know that pain. They've tried so many different meds w/ me. But honestly I don't think by of it works for me. I still have manic eps, & low low depressions that seem to last longer & longer as the years go by.....unfortunately it is hereditary on both sides.....I've seen my future, it's not good.

    1. HannahBanana, you are in my prayers.

    2. Hannah: Sincere sadness for the pain you continue to endure. I'm sure life can just be hell for you. Hang on the best you can. There are people that love and need you I am sure. Whether you know it or not you make their world a better place. Always try to remember that.

    3. Thank u sherry. :) I am lucky to have family that loves me. And I know that no matter how many times I consider taking my life, it would ultimately be a horribly selfish thing to do to those who care about me. I just struggle with these thoughts & its hard to have to fight constantly. Hoping the new meds will help soon.

  21. Sherry Stringfield from ER?

  22. Hugs, Hannah...MI is a bitch.

  23. I'm gonna throw Lexapro into this Big Pharma shit list. That drug fucked with my head and made me think about things that I never dreamed would cross my mind.

  24. Hannah--It very unusual today and dangerous to give an SSRI to someone with a bi-polar diagnosis. In fact, it would be an unapproved use to give it to someone with that diagnosis. Was this from your psycho-pharmacologist? Did he/she warn you this was risky? I'm glad you survived it.

    1. No, it was my therapist. They never explained ANY of the side effects. Thank u.

      @JSierra NO shit!!! Lexapro made me dream & think the most disturbing thoughts. It's scary how they just file all this out, & say nothing. Then when u call & say you're having suicidal thoughts, they just try to put u in a temp psych ward

    2. They are about getting the money.. Nothing more.

    3. Hmm, not wrong to give someone with a bipolar diagnosis an SSRI. What's wrong is to give it ALONE without a mood stabilizer/antipsychotic.

    4. Hmm, not wrong to give someone with a bipolar diagnosis an SSRI. What's wrong is to give it ALONE without a mood stabilizer/antipsychotic.

    5. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Spot on AKM. That's why psychologists all work together with psychiatrists and finding the right meds, mix, dosage etc is very tricky.

  25. There are very few pharms that don't belong on the Big Pharmas shit list

  26. Chantix is a scary drug. Pfizer has already settled at least one suicide lawsuit linked to it, and there have been reports that hundreds of other suicides or attempted suicides may be linked to it as well. It's funny how the war on drugs doesn't extend to the gangsters running big pharma and their lobbyists.

    1. So true @Seven!

      FYI - the #1 cause of liver failure in the US - acetaminophen, a so-called safe drug.

    2. yes, please let's blame big pharma. not the people who choose to take them knowing the risks.

    3. @brakewater, the FDA didn't blackbox Chantix for suicidal side effects until three years after the first reports. Are patients supposed to have ESP, too?

  27. I feel for all of you who have dealt with this. Big pharma is dangerous.

    Think about it, every drug recalled by the FDA has been approved by the FDA.

    I smoke, but I'm terrified to try Chantix, my husband tried it for a week and quit the drug, not smoking.

  28. I agree 7, I think they cause just as many deaths as any common street dealer. Probably more. No wonder so many turn to self medicating.

    Truth: if not for marijuana I am most certain I would not still be alive.

  29. Hugs to everyone that has battled with meds. Welbutrin was the one that made me think I was turning blue and had me in the shower screaming and trying to wash my skin off. Everyone reacts so differently to each medication. I hope this lady is doing better. BP sounds like one hell of a crappy ride, hope Hannah and peeps are stable and functional. :)

    1. I've been on Wellbutrin for 6 weeks now....I feel like my head is about to pop off if I don't take 4 or 5 Ativan a day. I cut the dose in half last week, it's getting a little Better, but I don't like how I feel at all.

    2. Hannah &Lovehate I'm on buproprion, the generic wellbutrin, and I am so much happier with it than I was with Lexapro. While there are still moments where I will feel out of control or where I will be suddenly and hoplessly down, I can actually feel and function and be a productive person. It is so crazy how we have all had such different reactions and we are only three people out of a group of 40-50 (meaning those of us commenting on this thread). It's all about chemistry and no two people have the same chemical balance and there is no telling how a drug will react with your chemical make up. Scary scary stuff man.

    3. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Bupropion is supposed to assist with people wishing to quit smoking. I have not heard a single positive story of champix use from clients or friends of mine who have been prescribed it.

  30. Got a friend back on meds at the moment, she is almost as terrified of the med side-effects as she is of the depression.

    I think a lot of meds are given out for the wrong reasons. When I went on Duromine (for weight loss) so many women told me about bad experiences with mood swings, lack of sleep etc. I, on the other hand, have had a brilliant result on the medication, but I believe it is because I have an imbalance hormonally & this drug is getting my body to do what other people's bodies would have done on their own, lose weight. I was already exercising & watching what I eat, just not getting anywhere. I think when people go on medication they need to be monitored so if there are side-effects they can get help &/or get off them. I was also very open with everyone about what I was taking just in case I had a problem.

  31. Was Chantix even on the market five years ago?

    The first drug that came to mind was PAXIL! There have many suicides blamed on this drug. Years ago, while working for an agency, I worked on the insert (for Paxil) for doctors. The contraindication list literally went from A-Z.

    @Forever Young - AJ Cook is back on Criminal Minds (she was gone for one season only).

  32. I took Accutane at age 24 and had no issues. Maybe one day it'll come back on me but it was a god send for me, it worked. Made me very very happy.

    The reality is that Accutane is the only drug that works for a lot of skin conditions, skin diseases that are really awful and debilitating, more than just cystic acne.

  33. Surfer, I was so messed up on Paxil: horrific thoughts of suicide and hallucinations. It was awful...I ended up in the hospital from that one. I had problems with Effexor, too.

    They just give 'em out like frickin' candy. Doc, I have these thoughts and this and that..."Well, let's give it a little more time." :/

    1. U just told my life story. They don't know what to do with you so they just throw pills at you.

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      That's why I implore people: don't go to a G. P for any kind of meds for mental health. They have favourites they prescribe regardless. Effexor, Paxil, whatever. See a psychiatrist.

  34. This is a terrible blind, but it is extremely informative reading all of your posts about various experiences. Someone said up thread that it's the shame & secrecy that comes with mental illness that are a huge problem. I believe that as well. That is why I told u all what I did about my cOndition. Thanks for the kind words. It is most appreciated.

  35. I saw a program in Canada about US Big Phama. It was an expose'. They knew the drugs did more harm than good but put them on the market anyways. Settlements too, and deaths. I remember Prozac was mentioned but there were others too. Sad manufacturers are not held responsible, and Drs.

  36. As someone who is able to live a normal life because of Paxil, I just want to put it out there that it can work wonderfully (just don't miss a dose!). However, I do agree that they are handed out like candy, that and ADD drugs. There needs to be supervision and there often needs to be therapy. I don't think that family doctors should be prescribing these things. However our medical system is so f'ed up that there are no good answers now.
    Thanks for the space to vent. Now back to our regularly scheduled gossip!

  37. Sorry MeanieRhysie for your experience. Paxil, and many drugs like it, often do more harm than good.

  38. @Surfer, I believe Chantix came out 2006. The first FDA report of suicidal thoughts was in 2007 but they didn't black box it until 2009. Gotta love the lobbyists. I remember a story about the keyboardist for Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians freaking out and being shot to death in 2007 - his girlfriend said he'd never been like that before he went on Chantix.

  39. Thanks for sharing that Seven - I never heard that story.

    You couldn't pay me to take Chantix now - knowing what we know.

  40. It doesn't really matter what the drug is even if Enty revealed it. Every drug works differently for every person. I've been on prozac since it first came out. I still get the really DOWN days, but they are situational and not random. So it is alot better where every day was a down day. But it might not work for everyone. I tried Celexa and all I can say is NEVER AGAIN.

  41. I was thinking Laurie Metcalfe (sp?).
    Roseanne as the hit, Big Bang as the not-so-much; connexion to Clooney via Roseanne.
    She's really pretty and I always liked her alot. I was surprised she ne'er hit-it-big after Roseanne.

    1. Laurie Metcalf has been doing Broadway and may be up for a Tony even. She's also done some film.

  42. I'm on Paxil (they put you on anti-depressants anytime you have a near death experience-not the out of body kind, but really close to dying with a stroke apparently.) I haven't had any problems with it or any other anti-depressant they put me on.

    I tried Chantix and it didn't do anything except, ironically, make me smoke even more.

    The only medication I've ever had any side effects with is Morphine and it just makes me want to beat the shit out of people. It brings out the worst in me. My family said when I was put on it it was like making Bruce Banner mad, I went from a really nice guy into a raging Hulk lol

    1. @RROD opiates make me a very lovable person. EVERYBODY becomes my friend.

      Another example of how mess can effect people so differently.

  43. I'll chime in too that I'm now on a medication that gets me to work everyday and sometimes even makes me smile. So keep hope alive and find a doc/counselor that listens to you! :)

    As for the blind, I'm thinking she must have gotten fired in 2007. But my googling skillz are crap today.

  44. @Rambos, certain meds can be wonderful for some, and a nightmare for others. It just depends on the person. I've tried paxil. I'm not bipolar, but paxil just about put me on the path to what I can only describe as a manic episode.

    My first thought was that the Rx was something like accutane.

  45. Crap, I originally came here to say it could be someone from The Facts of Life.

  46. Doubt its lisa her problems were long before the meds

  47. What about Krista Allen? She dated Clooney and was on Project Green Light. An absolute mess as I recall. She also had a small child at that time.

  48. Scary indeed! And hey, brakewater, be gentle, please. When you are willing/must/are forced to try and get better, you are brave. Taking something that *might* help or might not is scary, no matter how much you read up on the possible effects. I hope you never have to know that trapped feeling. It also feels like failure when you are on drugs you can barely pay for, they don't work, and then you get to pay for another expensive pill in hopes that it will be better. If helping people was their number one goal, I don't think big pharm would charge so much and be better about marketing, truth of efficacy/risk, and outreach.

  49. @Tina Mallette, that was my experience too. I feel kind of sad that it's so much harder for teenagers with bad acne to get Accutane now, because it was like a miracle drug for me when I was a teenager. Of course this was all back in the day when people thought the only side effects of Accutane were birth defects. (My awesome doctor told me he'd give it to me as long as I promised not to get pregnant while taking it.) Now that it's thought to cause suicide I guess they have to stop prescribing it.

    I never had any major reactions to psych drugs except weight gain from Lithium (28 lbs in five weeks!! Holy shit!).

    1. @Krissie @Tina - other than my papery skin during. It did work for me (well for 7 years), but I knew a number of people who took it and had bizarre side effects (suicidal thoughts, psychosis, severe jaundice, mono). I have such crap skin, that my acne came back, but by that point, even my derma didn't want me back on it. Apparently side effects worsen as you get older.

  50. Big ups to all of you dealing with this! My doctors thought I was depressed for years, and I went through the gamut of antidepressants, to no avail and with plenty of unpleasant side effects. One doctor diagnosed me with bipolar, and guess what it was the entire time? Hashimoto's disease, my thyroid was under attack by my own immune system, so sometimes it was high, but levels were getting lower with each drop.

    My doctors tested for this, but since I was just barely within range, I was not medicated, despite my ENTIRE family (mom's side, even the men have it) having this condition. When you have this condition, it usually comes with anemia and low vitamin D (my levels were abysmal) plus gluten problems and even celiac disease. Basically, it's physically impossible to feel good or have any energy. So my doctors called that 'depression,' even though I racked my brain to understand what I felt bad about, exactly, and nothing applied except feeling like absolute hell, physically speaking!

    I hope this helps someone, thyroid issues are way undertreated. Google 'Stop the Thyroid Madness' for more info.

  51. Yes, SSRI triggered my ex's severe mania, where he had a nervous breakdown.

  52. I'm on Bupropion as well (generic Wellbutrin) and discovered not all generics are the same. One manufacturer works great for me, but when my prescrip was refilled with a different generic, it did nothing and I was back in my depression in about 3 weeks.

    Thankfully I was able to find a local pharmacy that can order what I need and not rely on whatever their giant corporate office buys in bulk. I am back on the version that works and am happy again...

    Ironically, the one that works for me doesn't work for most people, and the one that doesn't work for me is the one most Drs. Prescribe. At least thats what the pharmacist told me...

  53. I meant to say he was Bipolar and the anti depressant triggered the mania.

  54. Chantix, Lexapro, Welbutrin - I've been on all these with positive (Chantix, quit smoking woooo!!!) or negligible results.

    I do however, have the constitution of a goat. Sorry to hear so many rough experiences!!! Wowza.

    My roomie is a delicate flower, she can barely take a half pill of anything where I need three to notice I took one.

  55. thanks, Sherry... all I e'er knew was the Toy Story stuff and Big Bang...

  56. FUCK Big Pharma and the FDA!
    If "they" are willing to let "little side effects" like suicide and thoughts of suicide be acceptable, they DO NOT have their patients' best interests at heart...
    I can go on for pages about this...
    (and people give me shit for smoking MEDICINAL pot?!?!?!)

    1. Word. Pot grows out of the ground, it's natural. Why do ppl have such a problem with it?! It's saved my life!

  57. The only one I ever had trouble with was Paxil. When I got off of it, I would be dizzy any time I moved my eyes. That went on for like a week or so....fuuuuuuuuck that.

  58. Wow!! Didn't know there were so many fucked up people on this site- mention antidepressants and a hundred comments. How do you get through the day??

    1. Sorry- I know they can be very effective in some instances but seems like a lot of problems and misuse.

    2. I get through my major depression, anxiety disorder, and borderline personality disorder by ignoring asshats like you who refer to me as one of 'those fucked up people '.

    3. @brittany- thank u for saying that so I don't have too. What a shitty thing to say.

      I go to work everyday, I'm very good at my job & take care if myself indepently. I may have mental problems but luckily, most ppl have the decency not to say some raw insensitive shit like that

  59. It's a cold cruel world out there.

  60. Talking about Wellbutrin... apologies if this is nothing new to you guys.

    There's a problem with generic Wellbutrin, where it doesn't work right or can make people much worse. If I remember right, some generics can be OK and others terrible, as JSierra and Purse touched on.

    More or less all generics have the chance to be different from the name brand, but nearly always within a narrow range. Wellbutrin vs. generic range is so wide, the Grand Canyon could fit with space left over!

    So if you're prescribed Wellbutrin, check out exactly which generic you have if there's problems. There are craploads of forums out there, documenting all of it.

  61. It's my understanding that many/all of the schoolyard shootings involve anti-depressants gone wrong. Whenever it gets to court the drug companies settle and go back to business as usual.

  62. I tried Paxil once for about 6 weeks and started feeling strange, so just stopped suddenly, which is a definite no-no, and then experienced constant slicing raspy sounds in my head for several days. I thought I would go totally insane before it was over.

  63. can help you find good prices on drugs. Saw that on PBS past night. Good luck all.

  64. Replies
    1. Sisters - George Clooney married Teddy, played by Sela Ward.

  65. @Sherry Every other opiate I've been on has made me the same way they do you, I love everyone and want to show it. It's just morphine that makes me rage. I have no idea why, either.

    It's partially why too much regulation from the government sucks. I have lots of pain, particularly in my knees. I have a form of muscular dystrophy that keeps me from having the fluid sacks in my joints that keep the bones from scraping together. It's actually caused me to need a hip replacement which I can't afford so I have to use pain meds to deal with it.

    However, since the government has basically almost made it illegal to be prescribed Oxycontin or Hydrocodone (not illegal, but hard as hell to get scripts for), pretty much all I can get is morphine scripts. Since it affects me the way I described, I just try to get by with Alieve.

    It's weird that I can get what I need and works if I want to break the law, but can't get it legally because of the people using it illegally.

  66. Hugs and support to everyone struggling with depression, bi polar disorder, m.i of any kind. I get annoyed with the trolls when they freak out, and tell them to go take their meds, but that doesn't mean that I think M.I is a joke, or that I judge anyone who is or has struggled with it. I've struggled with severe depression for many years, including thinking about suicide or " God just take me if you want to" on a daily basis, and have tried several different anti depressants, adhd meds, pot,etc. I get relief from ganja from the depression, but the other side effects like being forgetful and spacey are too much of a drawback for me right now. Lexapro worked well for me, but wellbutrin, phew! that was a doozy, made me feel suicidal, and anxious/panic attacks to an extreme, so that I had to balance out with a lot of anti anxiety meds. I do believe big pharma is out for themselves, and whatever YOU need, be it meds, pot, alone time, a day off, is the key and no one needs to feel less than, self conscious or guilty, ( I did). Finding what makes me feel good, minimizing stressors, taking care of myself, going to bed early, not being too hard on myself etc, is what's helped me. I realized that I was depressed because of actual things that were going on in my life. Each compartment of my life was crap, I hated my job, my home, my relationships, and felt utterly trapped, how could I have not been depressed? So for me, now that things are going really well, I don't need so much help, and I've made significant life changes. My heart goes out to anyone in pain and struggling, life is truly shit sometimes, and whatever you need to feel better, get through, stay up, stay alive, you go for it. Just don't hurt yourself or anyone else. God Bless.

    1. I'm glad you've gotten better. It gives me hope. It's funny how this discussion has made me feel so much better about my situation, like I'm not alone. Thank u for that.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. This is really sad. :( I hope whoever it is at a better place in life now.

  70. Off topic to V. Have you tried Tea Tree Oil for your acne? It worked wonders for my skin.

    1. I have tried Tea Tree oil, and many other treatments. Since I am prone to severe cystic acne (luck of genetics), my best defense is Retinoids, specifically Retin-a. I wish other treatments would help, but for me they really don't unless I add vitamin a derivatives into the mix.

      Following my regimen, my skin is enviously clear. I'm always quick to tell people it comes with a lot of work.

  71. I also have a prescription-happy doctor; she became very annoyed with me when I refused to take Prozac because I was nursing. Of course, she also got mad when I made her give me an antibiotic that would be safe for the baby; so it may be she hates babies and / or breastfeeding. It got to the point where I would just take the prescription and not get it filled until I could check it out.

  72. I heard this story thirdhand about Clooney/Lopez:

    Female friend talking on phone to Clooney: So what's been your favorite show [movie] so far?

    [They talk for a bit about his movies, and then...]

    Clooney: But in Out of Sight you can really tell what a great actor I am.

    FF: Oh, yeah? Why's that?

    Clooney: Well, you COULDN'T TELL HOW MUCH I HATED HER, could ya?

    [They both laugh. And yeah, he was talking about Lopez, who I know is a stupid bitch on wheels.]

  73. evan Rachel wood
    true blood - no one liked her
    George Clooney the politico movie
    ides of march

  74. Scratch that Eva longoria guess. I got nothin.

  75. Re the generic vs. the brand name drug[s]: My dermatologist refused to prescribe generic versions.

    She told me that a brand name drug went through the FDA tests [for all that's worth]. When the patent runs out and generics can be made and sold, all the active ingredients must be used in generic versions. Inactive ingredients can be substituted at will by the manufacturer.

    Especially as a dermatologist, when she prescribed a topical drug, she wanted the original [tested] version of the drug used. Generics could have cheaper, less effective ingredients added. She wanted to know what the expected absorption rates were, and the only way she could know was to prescribe a name brand.

    Although substances may be considered 'inactive' for the purpose a drug is being used, they can still cause side effects and even exacerbate or decrease/increase the effects of the active ingredients. Or, completely by themselves, inactive ingredients can harm you if you're allergic or sensitive to them.

    1. Amen to that elspeth! This is the exact reason that I insist on continuing to be prescribed the brand name for Effexor. That drug is hard enough on me without trying to switch to something that has different inactive ingredients.

      And @Brakewater - your ignorance is showing. No one is ever told or knows every single side effect of every drug. After I got spinal meningitis from NAPROXEN SODIUM of all things, I wanted to know why I wasn't informed that this was a potential side effect of the drug. I was told that the standard (and still pretty thick) leaflet that comes with one's prescription only listed the most common side effects. When I requested the full print out from the pharmacy, it was 61 pages long, and the spinal meningitis reaction was very far back as that side effect only happens to about .02% of the population.

    2. Amen to that elspeth! This is the exact reason that I insist on continuing to be prescribed the brand name for Effexor. That drug is hard enough on me without trying to switch to something that has different inactive ingredients.

      And @Brakewater - your ignorance is showing. No one is ever told or knows every single side effect of every drug. After I got spinal meningitis from NAPROXEN SODIUM of all things, I wanted to know why I wasn't informed that this was a potential side effect of the drug. I was told that the standard (and still pretty thick) leaflet that comes with one's prescription only listed the most common side effects. When I requested the full print out from the pharmacy, it was 61 pages long, and the spinal meningitis reaction was very far back as that side effect only happens to about .02% of the population.

  76. And my parents think I'm crazy for going to an acupuncturist and homeopath. Ha.

  77. 1) I fucking hate almost reveals. They are not almost reveals, they are repeats of blinds that will never be resolved.

    2) Fuck enties for exploiting this situation twice. The drug needs to be exposed, the actor protected.

  78. Elisabetta Canalis?

  79. Why are two of you so certain this blind is picking on the same person twice?

    Clooney's list of career co-stars from TV and movies would wallpaper my hometown. The only TV star he hasn't worked with is "Lassie." He was on Roseanne for 11 episodes - everybody got depressed from the drama on that set - even "Friends." Just the casts of "ER" and "Sisters" had enough recurring characters and guests roles to wallpaper my living room.

  80. @AnnaNonymous, aren't you the one who "diagnosed" Rach as mentally ill, and continued to make fun of her?

  81. I feel encouraged since I'm reading this on a mental health day. Had no idea generics could vary greatly from the original medication. Thanks for the breakdown, elspeth! I'm on a generic for Alertec (neither the brand name nor the generic do that much to keep me awake - I can sleep easily during the day). I was prescribed Wellbutrin to go along with the Cymbalta I'm taking. After a couple of weeks I felt it didn't change anything and I suddenly had facial twitches, so I dropped the Wellbutrin. (I still have facial twitches, so it's the Cymbalta.)

    I still have down days (like today), and days (or weeks) where I feel overwhelmed (I can't handle paradox of choice very well). I do find smoking a little doobie now and then does help, at least at night (because I'm sure as hell not going to do it during the day). I have one friend who can't handle any kind of anti-anxiety/anti-depressant, so she uses pot. Works for her. It is a shame we can't use something natural to help us with pain.

  82. Agreed. This could be Wellbutrin, Chantix, Celexa, Cymbalta, Accutane, hell, there could be 15 more to add, actually. I've had to watch FOUR young men my kids' ages, early 20s, commit suicide while on one or the other of these SSRIs or SSRNIs. I find them terrifying at this point, and will never take any of them, ever again. I felt like I was losing every bit of my mind. Good luck, shakey.

  83. I'm on Lexapro and Strattera, and I haven't had any negative effects. I call Lexapro my happy pill.

    Body chemistry is so different - it's amazing that what works for me makes another person crazy. Watch your meds, peeps!



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