Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

May 21, 2013

This former B list celebrity and sometime reality star who is now probably a C- list celebrity has been known to turn tricks with her kids in the house, and use drugs too.

She has not had the best month of November. The good news is any publicity is good publicity in her situation.


  1. Damn almost reveals!

  2. Radaronline revealed this today as Jenna

  3. Why doesn't she just get a job at the Bunny Ranch?

  4. Did any of u see the surveillance video of her?!?! WoooooooooW. Her house is so pretty, & yet obviously she's absolutely miserable. Poor kids.

  5. At least she doesn't have full custody if the kids. Oxytcontin is a helluva drug. Hopefully she gets her shit together, for her kids sake.

  6. Brooke Muller.

  7. i laughed @ the end of the video, cuz camera 1 wasn't taking ne of her shit w/ that hammer.

    1. I noticed that 2. She had to really go in on it! But why did she have to wear the Hello Kitty towel wrap while doing it?? Hello Kitty should not be exposed to that type of maniacal porn lunatic!!!

  8. All the whores in the world and schmucks are paying for Jenna? Insane. She is twice the mess Pam Anderson is.

  9. Wouldn't Jenna Jameson be a former A list celebrity? She was the most famous woman in porn!

    I'm going with Camille Grammer.

  10. While promoting her book, Jenna Jameson recently mentioned just wanting to have a guy who isn't famous because she likes sex so much.

    It might've been whatever she was on at the time, but that seems like whore speak for "Book me soon." with the blind at hand.

  11. @Exposure: "Whore speak" LOL!

    Upon further thinking, if this is Jenna, it must be a while ago. In the Jim Norton interview, she said she can't see her kids because she can't afford to. She has to pay someone to supervise the visits. That could be a result of the whoring and drugging with them in the house though.

    She didn't even show up in court for the hearing. Better to say nothing than admit to it or perjure herself.

    1. It was sooo bad listening to that interview. Jenna had them so depressed.

  12. Her kids were all around when she was taking pills & gulping on a wine bottle hidden behind her night stand. She doesn't seem to ever leave the bdrm...:( that can't be good for a custody case.

  13. Pills and wine with a background like hers do not a good mommy make.

  14. How is this an almost reveal?? This is all over the internet.

  15. Methinks she's on the 2014 deadpool short list. Pills, alcohol, plus depression? OD or suicide both equal bonus points.

    And yeah, who would pay money to bang that girl? Hell, I'd pay protection money just to keep my johnson away from her skanky ass.
