Blind Items Almost Revealed
October 3, 2011
This one is painful to write. It happens all the time though so I guess should not be surprised. This couple seems like they have the perfect marriage. Everything is always so great to the outside world, but inside, the couple is having some serious issues. Our actor is very good looking. B- list. Does television and movies and modeling. Always a smile on the face. Our actress does a little bit of everything. She actually has a chance at some point of pulling off an EGOT. They are married and have child/ren, however, our actor has been sleeping with a production assistant on his show and his wife has no clue. This would absolutely crush her and will make huge headlines if this comes out, no so much because of the level of their fame, but just because of the perfect couple image that is always presented to the world.
It is becoming more of a regular thing for our actor. He mostly does movies now that his most recent show ended not that long ago at all.