Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

December 18, 2006

This one took me awhile to write because of its sensitive nature. You will discover that for yourself when you read it. I also want to say in advance that nothing has been proved and at this point the investigation continues.

A woman came into the office for her first appointment. I guessed she was in her 40's but it is always hard to tell in LA. I did not recognize her last name because she was using her maiden name. When she said her ex-husband’s name, I did a double take. I honestly did not know he had been married prior to his current marriage, let alone had other children. He (singer/actor B lister on a very good day and is currently on a hit tv show, lets call him "M.")

They had been divorced for quite some time when she came into the office. You could tell by looking at her that she had once been attractive, but she was not going to age well. She looked like the years since the divorce were taking their toll on her. She came into the office because she wanted to change the custody and visitation agreement she currently had with M.

The reason for the change was their daughter. For many years M and his daughter ("D") had a very close relationship. That relationship changed somewhat as his children that he lived with grew older. For some reason, the relationship with D was turning into something less father/daughter and more into something less innocent.
D is a lovely girl in her mid-teens. She was always outgoing and bright and got along well with everyone. Over the past year though she had grown withdrawn and seemed quiet and lonely. She was acting differently towards her mother and also dressing in a manner which did not scream innocence, but rather something more slutty and trashy. D’s mom thought at first this was just a teenager thing and that D would soon move on into something else.

When things did not get any better and D was becoming more and more popular with boys, mom tried to get D to see a psychiatrist. This did not work out. D did not want to open up to strangers. Nothing was working, and D was becoming more and more withdrawn. Mom was worried that D might attempt suicide as D seemed so depressed.

Then, one night out of the blue before D was scheduled to see her dad for the weekend, she confided to her mom that she did not want to see her dad then or ever again. D broke down and told her mom that about a year ago she woke up during the night and found M looking at her and touching himself while she was sleeping. He had pulled off her covers and was staring at her. M apologized and left the room quickly. Nothing more was said about it until the next time D visited. That weekend, M spent time with D alone and explained to her how he felt about her and that he just could not help himself. He thought of her as a woman and not his daughter. At first D was flattered because her dad had been spending more time with his other kids. She was special to dad. M wanted to show D how special she was and so over the next few months he proceeded to not only do what he had done the first night she awakened, but also made her perform sexual acts on him and he had sex with her.

D had not told anyone because she enjoyed the extra attention she was getting. She wanted to be the best for her dad so she started having sex with other boys so she could practice with them. The problem was, she did not like the person she was becoming, and so one day, she just stopped. At that point her dad became violent and tried to force himself on her. She ran away from him and feigned illness so that her step-mom would take her home. She had not been back, and this upcoming weekend would have been her first time back since the episode. She just decided she was not going to take it anymore.

Mom did not let her go over to M’s house that weekend and then came into the office to make sure D never had to go back. D is old enough to where she never has to go back if she does not want to and she has no intention to do so. M has actually gone to court to try and convince the court that he should be able to spend time with his daughter even if it is supervised. The full allegations made by D were never in the court filings. Only the first episode is mentioned, and it was made more PG in the filing. D and her mom want to handle this themselves and do not want the attention thrust on them that a full investigation would produce. However, they also wanted to make sure the other children were safe that were still living in the house. Therefore mom made an anonymous call to CPS and that investigation is continuing but as far as I know has not produced anything or it would have DEFINITELY come out.

M has always denied everything that happened and promises to sue if anything is ever released publicly. He said anything that did happen was just a misunderstanding. It must be said that Mom and D did not get anything out of this. There is no extra child support coming or spousal support. D just wanted to get away from her dad.

M is not currently acting and has not for a few years. D still doesn't talk to her dad but does talk to her half siblings who her dad fathered after leaving D's mom. M probably has really close to A list name recognition.



    1. Pretty easy to not read them as they are labeled.

  2. This is NOT almost revealed at all, just as vague as ever.

  3. This sucks. I'm about to just stop bothering with this site.

  4. I almost puked when i read this. Disgusting!

  5. Is there a sparknotes link? I bet yall $1000000 that that entire text storm is less than 5 sentences total

  6. who can remember what was a hit show in 2006, I can't remember what was a hit last year LOL

    was that Duke of Hazzards guy in a show in 2006, the country singer/actor

  7. How does Enty get away with revealing private client information?

  8. @jodi - Enty really hasn't revealed anything - he's just repeating an old blind.

  9. who was the actor who's daughter was grinding against him?

  10. WOW. {{{{{hugs for D}}}}}

  11. An old blind about B list actor no longer working and hasn't in a while. Nothing about wives or kids being in the business or celebs. This would just be guessing/hating on actors that have kids/kid from first marriage and a new family. I suppose best clue would be he has daughter from first marriage that would be early twenties now (if this happened in 2006). I assume new family half siblings would be a little younger.

  12. Jack Wagner? I think he was back on GH then.

    1. @Montana - although he does have an illegitimate daughter that was put up for adoption he never married her mother so not him.

  13. That was just awful.

  14. I don't have time to do the research, but here's a list of the Top 100 TV Shows from 2006

  15. billy ray cyrus? Hannah Montana was big back in 2006. and may I say....ewwww

    1. Cyrus did have a first marriage at about the right time for this blind, but as far as I can tell didn't have any children with his first wife. Everything else fits him very well.

    2. @EnchantedVillas Billy Ray Cyrus was married from 86-91, no kids. He had another son, Christopher Cody, (looks amazingly like him, btw), 7 MONTHS before Miley was born, but he has never had custody of Cody, in accordance w what the mother wanted. He married Miley's mom, Tish, and adopted her two older children, as she had been widowed. I've met/been around both BR and Miley and Tish and Brandy. There's nothing in their behavior together that warrants those stupid rumors, started as an offensive stereotype of Southerners. It gets old, it really does. We don't find it funny.

  16. If the show was a HIT in 2006, you probably don't need to look past the top 20 on that list.

  17. A lot of people thought this was Hoff.

  18. I would also guess that the guy is around age 50+, if his wife was in her 40s at the time.

  19. Here we go with the wild guesses.

  20. I thought of Don Johnson for some reason

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I thought of him too!

  21. @Lotta - could be, but according to Wiki he has two kids, so that wouldn't create multiple half-siblings. (He was who first popped into my head, esp with how much of a mess he was eating his burger off the floor.)

  22. Don't think Hoff as Hoff had ex wife, Cathy hickland and that was well known. This blind says he didn't know the guy had been married before with kids.

  23. What about the older creepy guy from one tree hill.

  24. Charlie Sheen has an adult daughter a lot of people seem to forget about...?

    1. @AD - Charlie is actually pretty close to her so doean't fit.

    2. Ah after re-reading *shudder* he's not a singer. Blah so disgusting.

  25. I THINK I GOT IT!!!!! William Shatner--was on Boston Legal 2006 and has a couple of exwives (one is dead?!) and a few daughters a couple of them without his last name. He also sings those stupid songs---eg. Pulp Common People cover

    1. Derek - did see that Boston Legal was on in 2006 and thought of him but he only had kids with his first wife- no new family.

  26. Kelsey Grammer was on Frasier in 2006 when this was written, he has 2 daughters from 2 prior marriages.
    I think he was probably B list back then, also sings.

  27. Horrifying to imagine the half-siblings still had to sleep under the same roof as this asshole...

  28. What about Harry COnnick Jr? Was in Will and grace in 2006 and is a singer/actor with a A list recognition.

    He also hasn't done much acting lately.

    Is he going on American Idol? Could this be why Enty is bringing this back up?

  29. Please be wrong, Madeinbrzl!! ugghh!! I hate that everything fits!

  30. According to Wiki Harry Connick, Jr, was only married one time and they have three daughters. Also that he was on Will & Grace from 2000-02; not '06.


  31. Crap. Scratch that. Harry Connick, Jr, was on W&G from 2002-2006..

    The plot thickens..

  32. M. in 2006 was married and was on a hit show, in addition to being a singer.
    He was also at least in his 40s and was married once around the late 80s-early 90s, before becoming famous, hence the second family that nobody had heard about publicly. So he would be 50-60 today and has more or less retired now (or doesn't get any part).

    Don Johnson was famous quite early on. He dated super groupie Pamela Des Barres and Melanie Griffith in the 70s. And he's not a singer.

    The Hoff was a star with Knight Rider in the 80s, so not him.

    Shatner has been in the spotlight for decades, and is way too old to fit the picture.

    1. Don Johnson did, in fact put out an album in the mud 80's during his MIami vice Days. Hit single Heartbeat.

  33. Oh, good.. I can't find anything about any first wife of Harry Connick, Jr.

  34. Anonymous10:48 AM

    This makes me sick. Although neither of my parents were famous, this happened to me. My mom knew it was going on but did nothing about it except allegedly confront him one time, to which he told her it was none of her business. She blames me because I didn't tell her. I couldn't even articulate what was happening, because I was 14. I am estranged from my "mom" and that's OK. I can't believe D's mom didn't go to the police. Maybe she was afraid alimony or child support would stop. It's disgusting when adults put their own pecuniary interests in front of their childrens' well-being, or else, like my "mom", just want to blame the child. D will deal with this the rest of her life. Makes me so sad.

    1. Wow. This is my story, but mine was from 2-12. Thankfully, by 14 it was over for me, but it still affects me today and I'm 45. ((Hugs))

  35. Jaime foxx? LL cool j?

    1. @Stephanie Jamie -never married. LL- Only married once and he has a very common last name (Smith).

  36. Thanks for the story Fugazi Enty! Rape, Molestation, and Incest all in the same blind. TRIPLE CROWN!

  37. @Angela: While I don't think of either as 'singers', Don Johnson had that crappy single "Heartbeat" in 1986 / has released 3 albums, and The Hoff has released a bunch of albums. (Google tells me so.)

    UGH, whomever this is, PIG.

  38. Don Johnson took a stab at "singing" so it most certainly could be him...

  39. @Dulcinea, hugs, strength and peace to you. It's tough, I know. xo

  40. Don Johnson did sing a duet with Streisand in the 80's.....

  41. Just looked at Don Johnson marital/family history, the only kid of his who would fit this timeline is Dakota Johnson, she'd have been 17 in 2006. But her mother is Melanie Griffith, surely that would have been hinted at in the blind? And of course Dakota Johnson is an actress now too.

  42. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Thanks, MeanieRhysie. I'll take all the hugs I can get! I'm forty-something and still deal with the aftermath...but in all I have to say that the betrayal by my mom is the worst. And I'm adopted. Ugh. Moms are supposed to protect their daughters...I'm failing to see where D's mom did much to protect her.

    And does anyone remember the duet Don Johnson did with Barbra Streisand when they dated? I can't even believe they ever dated. But I read somewhere that Barbra's duet with him was her best-selling single ever.

  43. Don't think it is Don Johnson - only daughter the right age range would be Dakota and they are not estranged. He was also not on a hit network show in or around 2006. Sorry I don't have any better guesses but most of these can be easily debunked by checking wiki or imbd.

  44. David Hasselhoff only has two daughters and they were on his reality show with him. No network hits in mid 2000's.

  45. @texas rose... ya, and his first wife is stunning and certainly aging well

  46. Hugh Laurie....if he had a first wife...

  47. Dulcinea..Hugs as well. I hope you've gotten some counseling and I'm glad you don't speak to your mother. I will never understand why women won't do something to protect their vulnerable children all in the hopes of "keeping the peace". Shameful!

  48. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Sherry - lots of counseling, good friends and lots of years between then and now. Thank you. But yes - whether it's keeping the peace, or being too busy with your own life to care about what's going on with your kids...it just sends a message that the kid(s) are basically on their own. I hope D will be OK. As OK as she can be. I know I am doing pretty darn OK.

  49. I can't get Billy Ray Cyrus out of my head for this one :( Gross

  50. Anonymous3:13 PM

    enty has updated this one before. i'll see if i can find it

  51. Almost reveals? eff this s**t. I swear, I am almost done with this site. It isn't even the same Enty anymore, is it?

  52. Anonymous3:42 PM


    its almost at the bottom. sorry didn't make it clicky.

  53. How can anyone honestly believe that this guy knows about all of these incestuous relationships? Why would EVERYONE tell him, seriously?

    Some truly disgusting incest, child abuse and all around crap goes on in the world and for this guy to so obviously turn it into a platform for his fiction writing is beyond effed up.

  54. Checked out the casts of all the 2006 hit shows to see if any actor on any of the shows is a singer... not hardly any. Rex Reed and Billy Ray Cyrus were the only two I found who were of age to have a teen daughter, unless you count Xhibit from Pimp My Ride. Rex Reed doesn't' fit. Billy Ray Cyrus on the other hand was married before to Cathy Smith but no mention of a daughter..that doesn't rule him out for me just because the publicity machine when he was starting out with Achy Breaky heart would probably have kept it low key that he had a young child... he was being promoted to the female fans, right. There's an interview where he states he had to at first keep it secret when he married Tish. If he had a daughter with Cathy Smith that was kept out of his publicity, he would fit this perfect. Just because it's never known publicly that a celebrity had a child before they became famous doesn't mean they didn't have one, just that it never made it to mainstream media. I've often wondered why Tish Cyrus is on the same list with RFO.... the things that go on in her house, maybe.

  55. Don Johnson. D & M could be clues. Also, he first started after Melanie when she was 14 (okay, they say, 15, but seriously...)

  56. don johnson was in Django Unchained just last year

  57. Billy Bob Thornton?? even if this is incorrect, google Billy Bob Thornton's daughter Amanda. Kinda crazy

  58. 'LL Cool J popped into my head for some reason. I know he's not a singer. If it's Billy Ray Cyrus it would explain slot.

  59. Billy Bob is a very good guess. He used to act, now sings and doesn't want to mention his acting career. He is close to A list because of Angelina Jolie (and for being a douche in interviews).

    And it's a strange dude. He is afraid of antiques, did weird shit with Angie and gives off a sleazy vibe.

    Only the tv-show thing doesn't fit :(

  60. Brandi Cyrus is Miley's half sister. It's right there in IMDB in black and white. Miley has 2 half brothers and 1 half sister. It says that Billy Ray adopted her after divorcing her mom. She was born in 1987 which would have made her 19 in 2006, just old enough to not have to abide by custody rulings any longer. I'm not saying this is them but it seems to fit. I'm just surprised no one found this out sooner. I'm a pretty slow commentor!

  61. I also want to throw in the time that Miley made those vague tweets around the time that her parents were talking about divorcing-- something along the lines of what she knows and could say... ?

  62. Geez, I almost went for James Caan but no singing and the daughter's too old.

  63. ithough Billy Bob was in Friday Night Lights---my bad

  64. He says "b list on a very good day" people like william shatner are a list. So Im thinking more along the lines of David Caruso (CSI Miami). Hes been married a few times and has a few kids. Havent done enough research to even know how old they are much less if they are estranged.

  65. I still think this is David Hasselhoff.
    The surname is unique and recognisable enough to make Enty do a double-take. There can't be that many Hasselhoffs in LA. (Don Johnson's surname is common) The age fits, as does the singer/actor B+ range... Also he was doing American Idol in 2006.
    It's possible that this marriage was not, and still is not public, given Enty's surprise about it.

  66. what did all of his words say?

    i don't read long things.
