Sunday, November 03, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

August 8, 2008

#2 - Hotel in Las Vegas. Our B list actress from a hit network comedy who is usually friendly must have been extremely upset to pull this kind of diva behavior. Checks in to the hotel with her baby, a nanny and about 10 items of luggage. The hotel is packed, but she wants service right then. Gets up to her room. Says it faces the wrong direction, wants a new suite. Finds out there is nothing available for an hour or so. "Well you better find someone who can clean faster because if I don't have a room in the next five minutes, I am going to tell everyone I know, your hotel sucks. I don't care how many Mexicans you have to call, I want a new room. Now."

Her show isn't on the air any longer. The next one either. I feel like she has gone through a ton of boyfriends/husbands since this was written and a million bottles of booze. Connected to David Spade.


  1. Heather locklear

  2. Why cant this be reveal? Acting like diva is nothing serious.

    eh I guess..

  3. Heather's a great guess. Would she need a nanny then though? Ava would've been, what? 11 or 12 then?

    1. She is currently on franklin and bash. I haven't heard it get cancelled yet.

  4. @Renoblondee Who's going to babysitting the kids when she's not drinking?

  5. Meant when she's drinking lol

  6. I don't give a fuck now if I ever gave a fuck to begin with. Just do a reveal! Is that diva enough?

  7. Right you are @Dragon! LOL

  8. This is someone who had a baby or toddler back in 2008. She should be revealed so everyone knows who this racist POS is.

  9. a real connection? not tenuous?

    1. @Theresa, shhhh! Don't remind them

  10. Yeah, it's the racist comment that is disturbing. Diva, I can handle (read, ignore), but the racist shit is the big deal.

  11. Kind of a boring guess, but Jaime Pressley. My Name is Earl was still on the air, and I think she had a baby around then too.

  12. Popular guess in the original was Jaime Pressley, definitely fits - David Spade connection being Joe Dirt movie.

    1. Yeah, gonna go for Jamie P as well.

  13. @MeanieRhysie, this blog is racist-friendly. Haven't you seen normal comments disappear but the racist ones have magical sticky power?

    (BTW, LOL @ Rhysie and Nellie both!)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Just to throw out something different...Courtney Cox? Fits the usually "friend"ly reference. Would have had a child young enough to need nanny, she had that show Dirt that was cancelled in 2008 and wouldn't you have to drink to be married to David Arquette?

  16. Or Christina Applegate

  17. Jamie is also a good guess. Side note on her. I read her autobiography and she said she is obsessed with Mexican's. When she moved to Cali she only hung out with them, and took on their culture. Her baby's father is also Mexican. So, does this make her more likely or less to shout that out?

  18. @Reno, her husband is Cuban.

  19. @Seven: oh silly me, forgetting that!

  20. @reno id think less. I grew up in a predominately African american community, & I take serious offense to the N word & any other type of racial profiling. I can however see Heather Locklear doing it. But let's see, '08....her kid was at least 11 or 12....might not need a nanny at that point....although in Hollywood they probably do. I think heather has serious alcohol/pill issues. Ppl on opiates are typically a bit on edge. That's just my experience w/ ppl who abuse them.

  21. Simon - like your logic!

  22. Thanks @Seven. I didn't realize her ex was Cuban.

  23. @Reno, I didn't either until I read the original blind. One person in there mentioned that it's not uncommon for people of different Hispanic heritage to look down on others they consider of inferior Hispanic heritage (Mexicans were mentioned) and would say something like that.

    1. Not that she's of Hispanic heritage! I just meant that marrying into a family with that mindset might give her the same one. Sorry, I still haven't had enough coffee. :)

  24. I almost went to the store yesterday, while almost stopping to fill my car with gas.

    The store I almost went to has a tenous connection to the almost gas station.

  25. I gotcha @Seven!

  26. I guess what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas.

  27. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I have no idea, but ...

    It's definitely not Heather Locklear - she is in no way nasty or racist.

  28. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Oh wait - I do know - it's Jenny McCarthy - was in 'Just Shoot Me' with Spade and her son would have been of the age where he needed a nanny in 2008.

    1. Forever - checked imbd- not on hit comedy in around 2008.

    2. @Forever. She's not known for being nice from what I read or heard.

  29. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Ignore my earlier guess - it's definitely Tina Fey!

  30. Can't be Tina Fey - she's been married for over 10 years

  31. Tina Fey also doesn't work because of the addendum. Yes, 30 Rock is off the air, but her previous one, SNL, still is on.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Good lord, how could anyone say it's Tina Fey? Have you ever watched 30 Rock? Liz Lemon's second favorite language was Spanish, she loved mariachis and was always eating Sabor de Soledad! Yeah, as IF it would be her.

    Nah, this is some crackery woman like Pressly or Locklear.

  34. Oh, I'd very much love this revealed if it was that useless twatbag Jenny McCarthy.
