Monday, November 11, 2013

Blind Item #9

This B- list actress who was B+ when her very hit network show was on the air has not done much since it ended. Apparently all that free time was too much for the married actress with child(ren) who split from her long long time girlfriend within the past couple of months. Rarely spotted together, they would always call themselves related if anyone ever asked how they knew each other.


  1. Pam from the Office, just cause I want to fantasize about her with another chick, preferably not Phyllis or Angela. Well, maybe Phyllis.

  2. Someone from The Office?
    Mother Fu@@er there was a bee in my car! Almost got in a wreck driving, texting, and dodging said bee. ;) well, I was at a stop.

    1. What state do you live in? I mean are the bees out still in the cool weather or maybe he was hibernating in your warm car...either way it sucks huh

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I got nothing except kids are missing out on something? Idk.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh good Gawd, 7. Yer right, I would take a preggo tag team. That would be an insanely awesome experience. 2 swollen, juicey moms to be, frollicking and having some nude and naughty fun. Playing games like Breast Milk Sniper and Breast Milk Pepsi challenge.

    9 months may seem long, but over the course of a lifetime it is merely a blip. The beauty of pregnancy is something to be cherished and celebrated. Even the ancients would carve rocks in the shape of pregnant women to serve as fertility gods and to remind them of the beauty of swollen bellies and milk laden busoms. Truly a nautral wonder.

  8. Sara Paulson and Julianne Moore.

  9. Um, Renoblondee - you shouldn't be texting and driving. Pull the damn car over.

  10. Good thing you didn't kill anyone, Reno. Too bad no cop was around to pull you over.

  11. Nice try at the end putting that you were at a stop, after saying you almost wrecked your car.

    Pull the hell over!

  12. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Does Kate Walsh have children?

  13. I thought I posted a reply. Not showing up, huh. Anyway.
    Nice being judgy CDAN police. I was kidding, but whatever, grumpy pants peeps.
    @GatorGirl I live in NC, getting ready to get real cold tomorrow night. I suppose they'll be gone then.

  14. Christina Applegate. "Married with Child(ren)." And I checked on line and she was apparently married to a woman previously.

  15. Christina Applegate. "Married with Child(ren)." And I checked on line and she was apparently married to a woman previously.

  16. How about Marcia Cross, formerly of Desperate Housewives and doesn't seem to have done anything since. She got married not long after gay rumors surfaced back in 05/06.

  17. right there with you count; oh the memories.
