Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Blind Item #8

This B list mostly television actress on a show that seems to have some staying power had some serious makeup on the other day after she got into a fight not with her public boyfriend but with her secret girlfriend. The long suffering girlfriend through a votive at our actress and hit her right in the eye. I have always wanted to use the word votive and that is how it was described to me. Actually they said decorative but then I envisioned someone selling them in those work from home parties so kept it as votive.


  1. Replies
    1. As in, "I'm threw with the typos."

    2. Yeah, dude doesn't know the difference between through and threw. Tragic, really.

    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I'm with you guys I just through up, threw all the poor fucking grammar.

  2. their, there, they're, to, two, too, threw, through..You know, easy to mix up.

  3. I was thinking Amber Tamblyn on 2+1/2 men, but she's actually married to David Cross.

  4. Who invoked Amber Tamblyn????

  5. No, but honestly, did this Enty even finish elementary school?

  6. Ginnifer Goodwin

  7. Glad you got to use the word, "votive." Too bad you ruined whatever you going for by using "through", instead of "threw."
    Seriously, a dictionary and a thesaurus - very handy!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry, there was a bad sentence in there and I had to delete it.

    The lack of simple proofreading isn't funny anymore. These blinds are not written on a mobile phone in a car. Most of the items on this site are written the night before and set up as timed posts. There is plenty of time to proof them and write them properly. You aren't fooling your regulars, you don't need to keep trying to write in "enty style". Please do a little better, thanks.

  10. I don't regularly complain about this but it's kind of insulting to see all the typos, poor grammar, no punctuation for clarification, and hastily written posts. Where is the pride in your work??? If blog owner doesn't care enough to reread and edit the posts and maybe make them more thoughtful, should we still be expected to care enough to be loyal readers?
    Don't get me wrong, I'll still come here until it isn't fun anymore but it does seem that the person writing these posts just doesn't give a diddle.

    Theory: Perhaps we're being punked and it's all an elaborate study on how to slowly drive people batty.

  11. I would happily trade off less blind items for well written blinds and articles.

  12. I wish there were pics of the shiner. Chicks with black eyes are HOT! as is broad on broad violence.

  13. Notgonnanotgonnnanotgonna

  14. looool TTM: don't ya dare!!! :D

  15. C'mon, Enty, the neighbors are starting to gossip! They might thro something threw your window!

  16. omg, i hope the votive was Glade Fresh Linen.

    1. Why this made me burst out w laughter, I dunno, Orvilla, but it did. Hahaha! Maybe this is bruiser Emma Roberts? Maybe she likes it down and dirty bicuriously.

  17. Damn! I worked for a criminal attorney (he was an excellent attorney, but lost his mind and license.) many years ago. No typos, misspellings, incorrect punctuation, etc. were permitted to leave the office. Courts and those creating or signing contracts, wills, whatever are fastidious about errors for some reason.

  18. Maybe the girlfriend heard yesterday was Voting Day, and got confused.

  19. Enty, you're awful. I will gladly accept a position as your proofreader - cheap.

  20. I'm sure you mean the girlfriend herd it was voting day.

  21. Never mind the typos - how many times has he written a post, and used the wrong picture?

  22. "I herd it threw the grapevynnn..."

  23. a lawyer who doesnt know the difference between threw and through? i call bullshit

  24. a lawyer who doesnt know the difference between threw and through? i call bullshit

  25. Jessica, I have to say that crossed my mind too.

  26. Anonymous10:58 AM

    What do you call a woman with two black eyes? Someone who's been told twice.

  27. @Rach: It is better as:

    What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?

    Nothing. She's already been told twice.
